I think it's funny how people believe that one man alone is responsible for repairing 8 years of Bush within 6 months. Most of the stimulus money hasn't even been handed out yet, but it's supposed to have somehow failed. How can it have failed if we haven't even really begun yet?
The Fixer is not about Obama.
The Fixer is me. It is you. It is everybody. Or, rather, it could and should be everybody. That's kind of the point of the song.
I don't think it's about Obama. But I do think it's got something to do with the tide changing politically in the US. After 8 years of Bush the people of America wanted chage and the country fixed. No so much about the candidate and more about the mood of the people.
Are you serious, have you ever read the Constitution?
"When the economy is in recess, it's up to the government to stimulate spending and not to decrease spending. It's also therefore the responsibility of the government to safe as many jobs possible, but still let they market do its work."
It’s not up to the government to stimulate ANYTHING. It’s not the responsibility of the government to save ANY jobs.
The government did do an excellent job stimulating the housing market, they gave huge incentives in the form of lower interest rates to banks so they could lend to poor and dumb people. Look what that gave us, BOOM and BUST. Just genius.
Save jobs??? The retarded F-22 Raptor that doesn’t work, is never used, and cost a fortune was just cancelled by congress. BUT, only by a 58-40 vote!!!! The reason, the plane's parts are built in 40 different states. That’s just dumb. An expensive jet that is crap got 40 votes to "save jobs". It’s the role of private business to create and save jobs, not government. The government sucks at it. They need to drastically lower government spending and give the money back to the people. We can create jobs and spend money 1,000,000x more efficient then Bush/Obama can.
Orwell (nice nick btw; linked to 1984?). Before we start smacking the constitution around or even the Bill of Rights, I think you really mistook my meaning. All I was trying to point out is that the whole housing market debacle is IMO caused by neo conservative economic theory. Every government in the world influences the spending through interest rates, taxes, governmental investments etc. The US is no exception. The free market principle is a theoretical principle; there are taxes, trade laws, embargos, interest rates etc. A pure free market doesn't exist and is in the practice a myth. You could even argue that the housing market collapsed because there was *no* interference. There was no red flag even tho all the signs were on the wall. Only when Bush wanted to save his rich buddies, thriving on shark loans, did he interfere. Keep in mind when the economic crisis took place and who was in the Oval Office.
Either way, this could be a long theoretical debate and you and I are obiouvsly standing on two seperate sides on the spectrum. (And thats ok. I even edited this post a few times, for I wanted to take the sharp edges off. For I really do NOT want to start a political debate, but damn it so interesting to exchange opinions. ) One comment tho: for government to invest in long term investment does not immidiatly make it a communist state or any of that nonsense. (Keynes wasn't a communist.) It also doesn't go against the constitution. Sometimes doing nothing is the worse investment of all... Other times investments take a long time to show their fruits.
I agree with the posters here, to get back on the topic; The Fixer has IMO nothing to do with Obama. (I mentioned this before.) It has to do with internalized politics. Where you are as a person, where you stand in life and how you see your future. For some reason, after RA and ST, people tend to connect every song with the White House. I do think that PJ has other reflections and concerns. These songs so far seem more introspective.
wow, very nice post, arguing any more wouldnt help anything. Enjoy Backspacer
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
wow, very nice post, arguing any more wouldnt help anything. Enjoy Backspacer
Yeah, that all said, you didn't answer my question tho ; is your nick related to 1984, Animal Farm etc???
Yeah, 1984, its eerily similar to Bush/Obama policies. I am a big Ron Paul fan, im sure you could of guessed that.
free markets and free minds
End the 2 stupid wars, legalize drugs and prostitution, let gays get married, and take away Congress's credit card.
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
Yeah, the thought of Obama being "The Fixer" is hilarious.
So far, it seems as though Bush kicked American in the nuts. He then slapped Obama a high five and Obama is now kicking American when its on the ground trying to recover from Bush's nut shot
I think you wanted this song to be about the president but just know realize that it's about family & loved ones a feel good song ......you're dissapointed in the fact that you can't bash Obama because of this song ....
I agree, I think it would let the haters bitch just more about Obama.
Member Number: 437xxx
Pearl Jam:
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013
Eddie Vedder Solo:
Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
Yeah, the thought of Obama being "The Fixer" is hilarious.
So far, it seems as though Bush kicked American in the nuts. He then slapped Obama a high five and Obama is now kicking American when its on the ground trying to recover from Bush's nut shot
Bush/Obama Tag-Team Champions
first of all........nice fucking avatar!!!1
second....nice to see someone else "gets it"..fucking Obama is Bush 2.0!! he will prove to be worse i think..i rather a wolf than a fox ya know what i'm saying
3rd.....if we ever happen to be at the same pre-party i'm buying you a beer!
totally agree (on the first and second)......
"Because gold is honest money, it is disliked by dishonest men" - Ron Paul
I believe you have a very wise view.
wow, very nice post, arguing any more wouldnt help anything. Enjoy Backspacer
Yeah, that all said, you didn't answer my question tho
Yeah, 1984, its eerily similar to Bush/Obama policies. I am a big Ron Paul fan, im sure you could of guessed that.
free markets and free minds
End the 2 stupid wars, legalize drugs and prostitution, let gays get married, and take away Congress's credit card.
Mmmm, I live in Amsterdam. Got all that
Pearl Jam:
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013
Eddie Vedder Solo:
Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
totally agree (on the first and second)......