Cyber bullying

TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
edited July 2009 in A Moving Train
Just finished reading a story about a young girl (14), who took her own life a couple of days ago, allegedly as a result of being subjected to cyber bullying.

Even more disturbing, is the fact that she was the fourth person at her high school, to take her own life in the past six months.

I mean people like to shoot the shit here, and just suck it up when someone is an asshole, because most of us are probably old enough and mature enough to handle it, but i can't imagine what it must be like to be 14 and be subjected to what she must have gone through. It's heartbreaking.

I will never encourage any children i may have, to join facebook, twitter, myspace and shit like that. Pick up the phone, ring your friends, have them over, go to the movies, play sport, live life, be a kid for gods sake. ... 22,00.html
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    edited July 2009
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?
    Post edited by soulsinging on
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    “The first thing the policeman said to me was ‘They’re getting bullied and have problems at school and then they come home and they get on the internet and it’s continuous and there’s no break for them’.”

    i never thought of it that way...pretty fucked up

    i was bullied when i was a kid...most kids are....but i never let it get to's weird...i was never told by my parents to ignore it i just did...a bully only wants attention and if you react to their taunts it gives them satisfaction and allows them to do further damage...for whatever reason i knew this as a kid and never forgot it...lucky i guess

    in some ways technology has made things worse in society....being at home with your family used to be a safe haven from the they follow you wherever you go :(
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    And to make matters worse the case was thrown out of court. So IMO this woman was responsible for this girls death. And now she's sitting on her ass watching The VIEW every morning like nothing ever happened. :x
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?
    I remember that SS, that is just unbelievable that someone could do that :(
  • we need to either shut down the internet,

    I can see no other options here.
    Besides, the internet is REALLY BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!


    Massive Computer Centers Bad for the Environment
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    norm wrote:
    “The first thing the policeman said to me was ‘They’re getting bullied and have problems at school and then they come home and they get on the internet and it’s continuous and there’s no break for them’.”

    i never thought of it that way...pretty fucked up

    i was bullied when i was a kid...most kids are....but i never let it get to's weird...i was never told by my parents to ignore it i just did...a bully only wants attention and if you react to their taunts it gives them satisfaction and allows them to do further damage...for whatever reason i knew this as a kid and never forgot it...lucky i guess

    in some ways technology has made things worse in society....being at home with your family used to be a safe haven from the they follow you wherever you go :(
    that's so true. sorry that happened to you norm. it's good that you were able to cope with it and came through ok.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    norm wrote:
    “The first thing the policeman said to me was ‘They’re getting bullied and have problems at school and then they come home and they get on the internet and it’s continuous and there’s no break for them’.”

    i never thought of it that way...pretty fucked up

    i was bullied when i was a kid...most kids are....but i never let it get to's weird...i was never told by my parents to ignore it i just did...a bully only wants attention and if you react to their taunts it gives them satisfaction and allows them to do further damage...for whatever reason i knew this as a kid and never forgot it...lucky i guess

    in some ways technology has made things worse in society....being at home with your family used to be a safe haven from the they follow you wherever you go :(
    that's so true. sorry that happened to you norm. it's good that you were able to cope with it and came through ok.

    oh it wasn't bad...nothing more than any kid experiences....but i just didn't let it get to me....and we're talking about the 70's....the bullies were mean but nothing of the extreme there are today
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?

    SS, i know you're a lawyer, so how do you see that she was not able to be charged with her actions that ultimately led to the girls death?

    Thank you.. ... -d6s0.html
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?

    SS, i know you're a lawyer, so how do you see that she was not able to be charged with her actions that ultimately led to the girls death?

    Thank you.. ... -d6s0.html

    There's just not really a crime to charge her with. You can't go to jail for teasing or emotional abuse. Especially not in a situation like this. That's why they went with this weak computer crime, which is directed more towards hackers than anything else. It was the best they could do. Fraud demands some sort of financial stake. There might be a few misdemeanors, depending on the laws of Missouri... some sort of impersonation perhaps, but it probably wouldn't land her in jail. It's tough to hold somebody guilty of murder unless they really directly caused the death somehow. She didn't.

    She's going to get sued in civil court for money I'm sure, and she will undoubtedly lose there and be bankrupted. But there's not a crime with jailtime here really.

    Though I just read this at the bottom:

    "Jurors decided Drew was not guilty of the more serious felonies of intentionally causing emotional harm while accessing computers without authorisation. The jury could not reach a unanimous verdict on a felony conspiracy charge."

    I've never heard of that, but I have no idea why a jury wouldn't convict her of that.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?

    SS, i know you're a lawyer, so how do you see that she was not able to be charged with her actions that ultimately led to the girls death?

    Thank you.. ... -d6s0.html

    There's just not really a crime to charge her with. You can't go to jail for teasing or emotional abuse. Especially not in a situation like this. That's why they went with this weak computer crime, which is directed more towards hackers than anything else. It was the best they could do. Fraud demands some sort of financial stake. There might be a few misdemeanors, depending on the laws of Missouri... some sort of impersonation perhaps, but it probably wouldn't land her in jail. It's tough to hold somebody guilty of murder unless they really directly caused the death somehow. She didn't.

    She's going to get sued in civil court for money I'm sure, and she will undoubtedly lose there and be bankrupted. But there's not a crime with jailtime here really.

    yeah that's my understanding...and i've watched a lot of law tv shows ;)

    seriously though, what kind of person, let alone parent, does this kind of thing?
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Seriously, the internet is for PORN. :twisted:
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    The worst story I heard was a PARENT that made a fake myspace page to mess with some girl her daughter had a grudge against... she pretended to be a cute guy and then tormented this girl and ridiculed her until she killed herself. All via internet. A PARENT. How pathetic do you have to be?

    SS, i know you're a lawyer, so how do you see that she was not able to be charged with her actions that ultimately led to the girls death?

    Thank you.. ... -d6s0.html

    There's just not really a crime to charge her with. You can't go to jail for teasing or emotional abuse. Especially not in a situation like this. That's why they went with this weak computer crime, which is directed more towards hackers than anything else. It was the best they could do. Fraud demands some sort of financial stake. There might be a few misdemeanors, depending on the laws of Missouri... some sort of impersonation perhaps, but it probably wouldn't land her in jail. It's tough to hold somebody guilty of murder unless they really directly caused the death somehow. She didn't.

    She's going to get sued in civil court for money I'm sure, and she will undoubtedly lose there and be bankrupted. But there's not a crime with jailtime here really.

    Though I just read this at the bottom:

    "Jurors decided Drew was not guilty of the more serious felonies of intentionally causing emotional harm while accessing computers without authorisation. The jury could not reach a unanimous verdict on a felony conspiracy charge."

    I've never heard of that, but I have no idea why a jury wouldn't convict her of that.
    Thanks SS. That makes sense when you explain it like that. What an evil woman. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life. It's so sad that anyone, let alone a mother, could do something like that.
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    I won't say what popular website it is, but my nephew was mocked online. there was a hateful site made up (with his real name and pic used w/o his permission) with disgusting obscenities making fun of him and the sport he excels at. the problem is, he puts too much of his business out there, has been for about 3 years....
    so this jealous person made up a hate group with 30 members but called used the category of "spiritual group."
    I reported the site, said I was his Aunt , that the language was foul and told his age. It was removed within a week.
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
    I was bullied by a few people when I was weird coincidence, 3 of them died young (cancer, heroin OD and car accident). Two of the 3 ended up in jail for drug offenses.
    tybird wrote:
    Seriously, the internet is for PORN. :twisted:

    Any sort of technical advancement is always initially utilized by the porn industry!
  • norm wrote:
    “The first thing the policeman said to me was ‘They’re getting bullied and have problems at school and then they come home and they get on the internet and it’s continuous and there’s no break for them’.”

    i never thought of it that way...pretty fucked up

    i was bullied when i was a kid...most kids are....but i never let it get to's weird...i was never told by my parents to ignore it i just did...a bully only wants attention and if you react to their taunts it gives them satisfaction and allows them to do further damage...for whatever reason i knew this as a kid and never forgot it...lucky i guess

    in some ways technology has made things worse in society....being at home with your family used to be a safe haven from the they follow you wherever you go :(

    You're right about making things worse in society in ways.

    It's as if the internet has helped desensitize this generation of teens at a younger age...yet at the same time made them social retards. It's a bully's heaven. Say what you want, run home, hide behind the monitor. There's absolutely no breaks from it anymore. There's no more 'enough is enough' and having a school yard fight to settle it out when something went too far, or letting a teacher, adult, or parent set everyone down and let them know their consequences. That means nothing anymore. You're never truly gone.

    If you're a bully, you've become desensitized to the way life is these days and the harsh aspects of it and use it against the others.

    If you're bullied, you never really do get a chance to think about your reactions, or really truly react in a social setting as you're being bullied 24/7.

    It's a pretty odd state for them all.

    Most kids I knew and grew up with all were bullied and did some bullying and then there was the few assholes, and the few spineless. It was apart of growing up. Nothing major. That whole social experiment of growing up with a community and learning to mend it has seemingly gone out the window in many cases.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    i will kick your ass..........................................i mean i will kick your computer.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I was bullied by a few people when I was weird coincidence, 3 of them died young (cancer, heroin OD and car accident). Two of the 3 ended up in jail for drug offenses.

    Cyber bulling I think can be dealt with proper supervision by parents however bullying at school a is another matter entirely. I was bullied in junior high and I dealt with it in my own way after a year of this misery. The following year being a year younger I picked out the weakest bully amongst this clan beat the living daylights out of him. They never messed with me after that again and in fact wanted me to join up with the group.

    I gladly chose to hang with another group of friends. The teens today face another whole new realm of the bullies that rome our schools, I don't know if what I back then did would've worked today.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    we need to either shut down the internet,

    I can see no other options here.
    Besides, the internet is REALLY BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!


    Massive Computer Centers Bad for the Environment

    where would you then find pictures of company logos that are circular? ;)
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • heidihiheidihi Posts: 114
    This was all over the news in Australia... which lead me to discussing this cyber bullying stuff with my 12 year old. She kindly told me that it is only forum for cowards that do not have courage to face you head on. I was suprised and happy with her response. Her friends had already discussed it and this was their opinion.....shows that kids do take stuff in and can talk about more than bloody Twilight. :o

    As a parent (and a high school teacher) it scares the shit out of me but we need to keep the internet in places where we can see it and be aware of what is going on. Technology is a part of their world and it will not go away so it is up to us as the adults to keep them safe. :? Also we need to kick them off it and send them outside to hang out with real humans.
    “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” Mark Twain
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Cyber bullying is a very serious issue these days and there are a lot of parents who are not computer savvy or even aware of what their children are doing online.

    I have always said it was a dangerous playground and I was one of those "Not my kid!" parents when I got a personal visit from a policeman two years ago that involved my son, his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend using my daughter's MySpace page attacking each other privately.

    I made a rule that I had to be a friend of theirs but it looked fine outside...but not privately where things were very ugly.

    I was shocked and angry - and I agreed with the policeman that my son is responsible for his own actions and should be punished. He looked very surprised and told me that it was uncommon that a parent of a guilty child would welcome him inside the house and have a rational conversation.

    Upon further investigation on my own, his ex girlfriend was using her new boyfriend as a way of getting back at my son because he broke up with her (but he was still jealous of her new bf)... so things got out of control and some things shouldn't have been said.

    Even the police and school thought it was odd that the boy's mother waited ONE week before reporting my son and did NOT even contact me, his mother. They also interviewed the boy and turns out he was exaggerating his "fears" of my son, whom he admitted he had never met in person.

    So things really blew out of porportion and they decided to let this go, but warned them not to do this again.

    After that indicient, I ordered all of my children to delete all of their accounts and no new accounts will be allowed until they learn how to handle themselves online - whether offline or online.

    My 12 years old son's YT was hacked and a kid at his school used his account to attack other people while imposing him. It was hard proving that... but luckily for him, everyone at school knew he was a sweetheart and never talked to people that way using foul language - even when he was angry. Important lesson for my son - never share password with anyone.

    I had that account deleted as well... . not more YT, MySpace, and they do not have FB either.

    But they learned a big lesson - that everything can be recorded and saved as an evidences to be used against them.

    It is NOT easy being a parent these days - both offline and online. It's quite challenging - the kids are really savvy these days.

    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    can i just say to whoever started this thread.... i want your lunch money by 2pm today or your 3gb RAM gets it!
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    dunkman wrote:
    can i just say to whoever started this thread.... i want your lunch money by 2pm today or your 3gb RAM gets it!
    than i would just have to punch you in the virtual fudd and tell you i could care less!
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    dunkman wrote:
    can i just say to whoever started this thread.... i want your lunch money by 2pm today or your 3gb RAM gets it!
    than i would just have to punch you in the virtual fudd and tell you i could care less!

    my big brother is The Jeagler... you will regret that punch.. not approved!!!! ;)
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    dunkman wrote:
    can i just say to whoever started this thread.... i want your lunch money by 2pm today or your 3gb RAM gets it!
    than i would just have to punch you in the virtual fudd and tell you i could care less!
    if you could care less, then why don't you? ;)
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    _outlaw wrote:
    dunkman wrote:
    can i just say to whoever started this thread.... i want your lunch money by 2pm today or your 3gb RAM gets it!
    than i would just have to punch you in the virtual fudd and tell you i could care less!
    if you could care less, then why don't you? ;)

    why dont you than?
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    tybird wrote:
    Seriously, the internet is for PORN. :twisted:

    Any sort of technical advancement is always initially utilized by the porn industry!
    Yes, Life is good. :twisted:
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    I don't know if the fact that it's "cyber" bullying makes it any worse. Think back to when you were kid. Bullies followed you home, they prank called you, they threatened you. Bullies are going to use whatever means they have to bully, and if we didn't have any internet communication they would still harass other kids. I do think that perhaps the internet resources are well suited to female bullies though, as they are more prone to mess with others' heads or use social "torture" rather than just physical violence. But I got bullied in jr. high long before anyone even had email. I don't think it's any worse- I'm sure the suicide numbers are close to what they were before online social networking.
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