victory song

(here's an "oldie" from my band days. it was written about 4 years ago. i have a show coming up & decided that it would be fun to play some old songs. so, i've started revisiting them & re-working them a bit. sorry for the's the song.)
victory song.
way beneath the soul, lies the universe
beneath the eyes & ashes, in the afterbirth
in my time of reasoning, in my time divine
i have found everything that i wanted to find
in my waking life, in my fallen days
i can hold my breath, until my skin fades.
doesn't really matter, matter much to me
everything but nothing could ever set me free again.
i don't.
and i wait.
questioned to fail me.
i know you will fade on me.
in my darkest hour, i will sell my soul
to the highest bidder, it doesn't matter who
doesn't really matter, gave up long before
anything but nothing could hurt me anymore.
go off.
find the world.
don't find fault in me.
i will walk you down the aisle, to your victory song.
i'll dance you down a corridor as long as i come along.
i will walk you down the aisle, to your victory song.
dance you down a corridor as long as i come along.
victory song.
way beneath the soul, lies the universe
beneath the eyes & ashes, in the afterbirth
in my time of reasoning, in my time divine
i have found everything that i wanted to find
in my waking life, in my fallen days
i can hold my breath, until my skin fades.
doesn't really matter, matter much to me
everything but nothing could ever set me free again.
i don't.
and i wait.
questioned to fail me.
i know you will fade on me.
in my darkest hour, i will sell my soul
to the highest bidder, it doesn't matter who
doesn't really matter, gave up long before
anything but nothing could hurt me anymore.
go off.
find the world.
don't find fault in me.
i will walk you down the aisle, to your victory song.
i'll dance you down a corridor as long as i come along.
i will walk you down the aisle, to your victory song.
dance you down a corridor as long as i come along.
Post edited by Unknown User on
When you go back to things that you've written in the past, do you still find those words to be true? I look at things that I wrote down 18 years ago and have to admit to myself that I still feel the same way. Maybe my methods of expressing those feelings have changed, but their still my feelings and are still true to my core essence. I probably haven't changed very much - my life feels like one long day.
Do you get to play out a lot? Are you doing solo shows without a band? Is this something that you do on the side in your spare time after all the day to day survival stuff is done and out of the way? How long have you been doing the bands and solo stuff? When is your next show? Sometimes doing stuff like this - expressing myself creatively -helped me get through the day to day bs that I couldn't stand but had to do because my existence and another person's was riding on it. I hope that you're able to find a lot of time to work on your music. Keep up the good work.
first off, thanks for the feedback!!
this was written not from experience, but from trying to understand what one of my closest friends was going through. it's a long story, actually. the short version is that he was very, very depressed & had lost the ability to believe in himself. i'm more than pleased to say that he made it through his dark depression and he has walked down the aisle. that last verse is a take on what he'd say to me. he thought that in order to be happy, he needed to find love again. eventually, he realized that in order to be open to finding love/love finding you, you have to love yourself & believe in yourself. once he started to take care of himself, we all witnessed quite a re-emergence of our old friend. and eventually, he found love/love found him. it was truly a beautiful thing.
so to answer your question...(sorry for the long winded's just pretty cool to think about it all)...Yes, i still believe that my meaning behind the song still holds true. if you can't love/believe in yourself, how can you expect to place that love or belief in someone else?
as far as the music goes...this was written when i was in a band. it was something that i started playing in rehearsal when the other guys were having a smoke & setting up their gear. when i finished, they were all looking at me, listening intently. next thing you know, we worked it up as a band song---and i never thought that would happen b/c it sounded so different from our other stuff.
before the band, i lived in a different city & was doing solo shows. once i moved to Houston, i decided to try to put a band together. we had a nice run of 2.5 yrs. eventually, life took us all in different directions and now i'm back to doing solo stuff. we still jam whenever i'm in town, but we're about 4 hours away from one another & logistically we know that it wouldn't work. i started as a drummer/lead singer in a crappy high school band. i learned the basic chords once i moved away for school & the world seemed to open up for me. it's an escape, release & genuine passion of mine.
again, thanks for responding & i apologize for the long-winded response!! i have several versions of this song--so if you or anyone else on the board wants a copy, just let me know.
I would like to hear the different versions of this set to music if that's something easy for you to do. Is this available online somewhere? If it requires physical media and burning, send me an address and I'll shoot you an envelope with a self-addressed stamped envelope inside along with a blank CDR.
I'm glad to hear that the story concluded on a high note and that love and faith in oneself prevailed over despair in the end.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
hmmm...well, it's a medium tempo that slowly builds and eases into a transition and chorus, i think.
no need to send can send me a PM w/ your email address & i'll email it to you. i have several "versions" of this song, yet at the core they are all the same. in your PM tell me what you'd like to hear....there's a good chance that i have the version that you'd like. thanks again for your interest in this old song of mine. it does wonders to think back to how it became a song.