Sotomayor hearings

dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,356
edited July 2009 in A Moving Train
I was just listening to the senate judiciary hearings for Judge Sotomayor and the discussion centered on whether one's personal experiences facilitate or interfere with an impartial justice system. Just wondering if there is a consensus within the ten club community on this.
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    interesting question to ponder!
    and i don't think there is one right answer, except the easy, cop-out answer of "both." :mrgreen:
    truly, i believe it can be argued in both directions, and be right. i believe your personal experiences may help facilitate.....but they may well also interfere.....with an impartial justice system. i think being cognizant of ones personal beliefs/experiences....and to remove one's self from that mindset to be impartial, does show your own experiences can aide you in doing so but most definitely could also go the other way round, easily, and interfere. so yea....that's my cop-out answer. both. it depends entirely on the individual, their experiences, and if they can seperate their own pov from an impartial view for justice.
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  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    I think that we all see this in our jobs... some managers blatantly show favoritism, some are as black/white and rigid as they can be, and the really good ones fall somewhere in the middle... I think that the key is to recognize your bias and how your past experiences come into play, and take that into consideration when making decisions.

    The law may be more impartial than most of our jobs, but there is still some significant gray area there as far as what laws apply, and what your standards are for certain things. A judge can still take into consideration his/her past experiences, as long as they are aware that they are doing it and weigh it along with many other factors in a case.
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    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited July 2009
    She allowed a gross injustice to take place in New Haven Conn. 19 white firefighters and 1 Hispanic were denied promotions because no blacks performed well enough on the civil service test to be promoted. the test was standard issue,designed to show communication skills that any firefighting officer should have.

    The firefighters take a legitimate test offered by the city and cos the thest doesent come out the way Ginsburg and othe liberal judges,including Sotomayor want it to they throw it out ? :? How is that fair ? That's not discrimnitory to those who passed the test ? We cant be making rules and legal rulings by color code.

    The Supreme court ruled 5-4 that the New Haven firefighters were unjustly treated by the city. Out of 6 cases 4 of her rulings have been overturned. If she turns out to be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg this country will take a huge turn to the left.

    Judge Ginsburg said New Haven was correct in denying them what they rightfully earned because they have no"vested right to a promotion" she also said the written portion of the test was unfair to blacks because it contained a writing section :roll: According to Ginsburg writing and firefighting should not be tied together. IMO that's an insult to both firefighters and black americans.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    prfctlefts wrote:
    she allowed a gross injustice to take place in New Haven Conn. 19 white firefighters and 1 Hispanic were denied promotions because no blacks performed well enough on the civil service test to be promoted. the test was standard issue,designed to show communication skills that any firefighting officer should have.

    The Supreme court ruled 5-4 that the New Haven firefighters were unjustly treated by the city. Out of 6 cases 4 of her rulings have been overturned. If she turns out to be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg this country will take a hudge turn to the left.

    How was ruling with current precedent a "gross injustice"? The 5-4 supreme court decision changed the standard and set new precedent.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
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