"There is not a ceiling on troop levels in Afghanistan"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-16RjD_ ... r_embedded
"it's gonna be tough, it's gonna be tougher before uhhhhh...it gets easier..."
"i think we are in for a tough fight"
"it's gonna be tough, it's gonna be tougher before uhhhhh...it gets easier..."
"i think we are in for a tough fight"
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
It was an attempt at being sarcastic. I guess I find it offensive that people whom never served their country in the military (I did), and that goes for a sitting President, too...to find an excuse to send people to war. While I agree with Afghanastan - I find it very hard to deal with those giving their lives for it. I find it especially sad for their family members. Our military are not just faceless, nameless indidviduals. I just can't put my thoughts into words when it comes to this.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
you don't want to fight these stupid wars. don't join the military. if it ever gets to draft stage again.....resist. what are they going to do if everyone resists?
you can't fight wars without willing participants.
I thought it was the duty of every freedom loving patriot to sacrifice themselves and murder brown people in the name of those puurty little God-blessed greenbacks?
Cmon dude. Respect to the service but the only shot W ever fired in anger was a shot of whisky. Didn't stop him from killin alot of innocent people.
what do you want? a pat on the back? military service is not for everyone. some of us may have had different opportunites or chosen different career paths. obama served in the same branch as cheney, none. bush served in the texas air national guard but never fought or went to war. to me serving and fighting in a war and serving and not fighting are two different things.
sitting behind a desk and calling the shots is what presidents do. i can not help but feel the irony in this post. it is ok for bush, a man that never served in a war to send troops and kill hundreds of thousands of civlilians but when obama wants to send troops to afghanistan, which is where we should have been focused the whole time and not been in iraq, you call foul? what a joke.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
your president bush never served in a war and sent countless americans to war. i do not see the distinction. military service is not a prerequisite for the job of the presidency. he is pulling troops from iraq and redeploying them to afghanistan, which is where we sould have been all along until we got sidetracked in iraq.
i have an issue with soldiers or vets complaining about being deployed. yeah it sucks, but you knew that was a possibility when you enlisted. that would be like me taking a job as a garbage collector and complaining or being upset that i have to spend the rest of my career digging though other people's trash. you don't want to go to war, don't enlist. period. you don't want your son or daughter to go to war? don't let them enlist. now those that were drafted, like my father who unwillingly fought 2 tours in vietnam, i have sympathy for them. the choice was basically report or go to jail. and my dad thought 'nam would be better and a shorter time away from home than jail. as far as you not being able to deal with soldiers dying for their mission, we have discussed this ad nauseum on this board for years. nobody likes it when soldiers give their lives. most of the time it is not their choice though. they run over an ied on a routine patrol and its all over.war is a terrible thing and nobody wins a war. that might be why i oppose all war.
and while we are talking about the military, on a side note the funny thing to me is alot of those on the right are opposed to a government option for health care, including many in the services. but what to these service members think tricare is?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
First off, Thank you for your military service. Less than one percent of the population is shouldering the full brunt of these 2 wars and i, for one, am deeply grateful.
Now... I hope that the whole sitting President should be a veteran in order to Command our Armed Forces is not a rigid criteria for your ballot casts. I mean, yeah... you can use that criteria... but, I hope it is not your only criteria.
As for our current situation... Afghanistan is a war that was dropped on our doorstep. This is a War of Just Cause. We needed to take the fight to Al Qaeda and their Taliban hosts and we should have stayed focused on that task and completed it. We now owe it to the Afghan people to get them up and running after we had abandoned them in favor or persuing a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein.
Iraq was purely a war of CHOOSING by Washington politicians, lead by a former Air National Guardsman who relied upon his father's influence to pull some strings in order to avoid combat service in Viet Nam (and a vice President whom avoided the military all together). Those are the guys you should be pissed at. Those are the ones who went in, with no other plans of getting out other than our being hailed as liberators.
And being in the Army and serving in Iraq... you, for one, must understand how easy it is to go in... and how difficult it is to get out. Who is running the Intelligence over there? How anbout the Command and control? Supplying air support? Combat surgical hospitals? Logistic support and supply lines? Iraqis?
And as we pull out... who do you get out... the combat troops or the support personel? Do you leave the combat troops with less support... or support personel with less security? How do you get them out?
Finally, I agree that our veterans are treated like shit. But, as I recall, the Walter Reed fiasco did not occur after January 20, 2009. I think it is shameful how we treat our combat veterans. And it's not just the President... it is all of us whom remain untouched by these wars and are more concerned about our 'hard earned' pay, than the one percent that have been forced to eat the shit sandwich made by the Bush Administration and it's supporters.
Hail, Hail!!!
I agree with the last part. I was just wondering where you stood when the guy that played hookie for his entire National Guard term sent people to TWO wars, one of which was hugely unnecessary. Obama's trying to extricate us from this mess and has already scaled back Iraq dramatically. So far, he seems to be treating the armed forces with a lot more respect and consideration than the prior admin did. We've only had a small handful of presidents that were military men, why are you singling Obama out? At least he's not telling the other side to "bring it on" like our last president did, knowing neither he nor anyone he loved, knew, or cared about would ever be at risk. And let's not forget that classy smear campaign on a man who actually DID serve in the military and fought in a war and was wounded... and the right tore him apart and lied about him and called him a traitor and liar and coward for his service (Kerry).
Agree. The greatest disservice our leaders can show to our military is to wield the power like a third grader on Red Bull and Skittles who has found his father's AR-15. The military is not at their disposal like pawn on a chessboard... to carry out their personal whims. Great caution and deep thinking needs to go into the decision to send our fighting men and women in to Harm's Way... not John Wayne tough guy macho shithead stuff.
And regarding Senator Kerry... and this goes to ANYONE who argued points on this... Anyone who questioned the Purple Hearts and Navy Stars awarded John Kerry for his service in Viet Nam, must also question ALL Purple Heart and Navy Star recepients. Acting like the Navy hands our these medals like cheap Cracker Jack trinkets tarnishes ALL of the medals the Navy awarded. Anyone who argued with the Swift Boat dirty campaign really needs to think about it.
Hail, Hail!!!
the right did the same to McCain in 2000, he was ahead of Bush in the polls until Bush started having disabled vets claim McCain voted against all these bills to help vets and other misinformation (some of the bills they mentioned were actually sponsored by McCain)
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
i was in the army, thankfully not under Bush, though less than a month after my service ended my unit was sent to Bosnia
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Thank you for your service.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
ok here goes. a little about me since you asked. age 34, 2 master's degrees. how many degrees do you have? judging by reading your posts i would guess a high school diploma, or maybe a GED since that is all you need to get into the service these days. since you only see things in black and white i can surmise that your iq is a "tad below average". you can't even spell website, rather typing it "websight". your posts make no sense, and worst of all you can't figure out that many people on here are laughing at you. anyone that chooses to go into a career where they take orders suggests the inability to think enough to give them themselves. by continuing to bring up your service it tells me that you are bragging or asking for approval or something. i do not brag about my occupation, but then again i am in the business of helping people so i do not need to brag to feel good about myself or reassure myself that i am doing the right thing. the military is not as necessary as you might think. i view it as a good way to waste a few trillion dollars a year. if the pentagon/military budget was not so much, maybe we could afford to do the other things we need to do. you sound like a complete idiot by saying "lets give the world a huge hug" because nobody is saying that and that is not what i was implying. do not put words in my mouth. all i was saying is sometimes it takes a more gentle hand in foreign relations rather the cleched fist that bush used to use. you get better results by working together than bombing the hell out of someone. you were railing against obama for doing the exact same thing as bush, and if you fail to see that then you are living in a fantasy world. in spite of what you may be thinking you were not defending MY freedom. that was the bullshit simplistic third grade excuse that your government came up with shortly after 9/11 to get the war drums beating.my freedom was never threatened by any foreign foe, but it was threatened by the bush administration with their lawless programs. lastly, as far as moving to canada, i appreciate the suggestion, but i am not going to sell my house in this market. i do not agree with you on anything, but i would never suggest you leave the country.
america, fuck yeah!! :roll:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Wow! TWO Master Degrees! Quite Impressive. Glad you don't feel the need to "brag about yourself" ( like I apparently do - according to your post). Who is the attention seeking one now? Awww - do you need a pat on the back or something? I'm currently working on my one and only Masters Degree. I only feel a need to have ONE. (I would hate to be in your shoes - with student loan debt.) I was in the Air Force - since you were so curious. You should consider some Anger Management Courses. Hope I spelled everything correctly this time! I would hate to see you REALLY angry. BTW - I disagree with you, too.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
As for the anger management comment, that is completely ridiculous. gimmesometruths posts are some of the most reasoned and fair i have ever seen around here.
Hardly any of your posts make sense, you come in here expecting a fight with everyone and go out of your way to provoke one. I'm tired of it.
i'd love to reply, but common sense tells me to just spray instead..
Define irony.
i was not bragging about myself. you implied that i was young and ignorant, as you did to byrnzie in the other thread, so i corrected you. that is quite condescending of you and is unbecoming of you. if you knew me you would know that i am actually quite modest. i think you are the attention seeker by being on this board and taking shots at people and picking arguments with people and calling them names and appearing offended when they call you out on it. the band is a left leaning band, as are many many of their fans. you act surprised that there are so many "leftists" and "libs" around here. it seems you log in attempting to goad people into an argument. had you not taken a personal shot at me, or triumphantangel i would have had no need to call you out on your ignorance. by the way i do not need anger management, it seems to me you are the one talking about being so angry and frustrated with obama, the media, the "facist" voters, the wars, the way palin has been treated, etc etc.. you seem to be in denial that the country has changed course and has moved to the left. how else can one explain the 7 or 9 million vote difference (i forgot which one)in popular vote in favor of obama, and the butt stomping the gop took in the congressional races. btw, i appreciate your concern for my student loan debt, but undergrad was paid for with an athletic scholarship and the first MS was paid for when i took a graduate assistant position. i only paid for the second one.
not to speak for triumphant angel, but i think she was just pointing out the absurdity of the situation that a volunteer soldier would lament the fact that they have to go to war, when it is evident by watching recruiting commercials that if you enlist, you are probabyy going to have to go to war..its like if you don't want to fight, then don't sign up....i do not need to speak for her because she clearly can handle herself.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The only thing that brings me to this websight - Is Pearl Jam music. This Pearl Jam Websight currently provides this particular forum (A Moving Train). I, along with numerous others, interject my thoughts I laugh most of the time - when I read these posts - especially with feedback on some of the things I have personally posted. All I can say is that I'm really glad I don't depend on this sight for a self-esteem check.- as I would be greatly disappointed.
Think of me what you will. My life continues...just like yours. Don't take everything so personally. We still live in a Democracy.
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
and that's it. the bottom line., war will cease being fought when we stop participationg in it.