Listening to No Code has helped in the last 24 hrs



  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    I hope all goes well with the tests...take care-things will be alright :-)
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • Given to...Given to... Wyoming Posts: 4,997
    I too know where you are and where you have to go. My Dad had a quintuple by-pass just after the 2002 winter Olympics, which were a high point for me and my family, getting to go to some events together and really enjoying every part of a family that we all too often forget about. It was an amazing roller coaster ride. Since then my pa has had a few mini strokes and lost the sight in his right eye and hearing in his right ear. Now we find out that he has 60% blockage of his carotid artery and it will be needing rooted out this spring.

    This, along with a malady of medical problems through-out my family, have left me with the certainty that I have been very lucky to have the family that worries me so much! Take the time to reflect as your dad gets on the mend and remember the good and great times in life that were possible because of him. And dont forget to tell him thanks too. All the bad shit that might come to the surface is just that: shit, and just flush it away.


    "...would you like some forks?" EV 12-02-06
  • dannydanny Posts: 2,279
    Last 24 hrs or so have been rough. My father had what we believe was a heart attack yesterday afternoon at my sister's house. Rushed him to the ER and they admitted him right away. Seeing him hooked up with all the tubes and shit really got to me. I may at times dislike my father but I do love him so very much. My sister's and I were with him until almost midnight last nite. Our mother has been in LA with her sister on vacation this past week. She called by chance last nite just to ask my older sister what size shirt her son wears. We then told her the news and she felt so helpless. Her flight has already left and she will be landing at 530pm tonight.

    After coming home last nite I put No Code on the record player. Downed a couple beers and just sat in the dark and listened to my vinyl. It relaxed me and I'm sure the beer did as well. lol Found out this morning that they are keeping him over nite again. Heart and stress test are not complete yet. We just don't know yet and thats the part I hate. I got maybe 2-3 hrs of sleep last nite. So I may be rambling on here. But just had to get this out. Cause I know some of you understand what it's like to go threw this stuff.

    Feel like I'm about to crash here. So I'll wake up later and go pick up my mom from the airport and back to the hospital. Keep sending the good vibes this way. It helps alot. Thank you :)

    awesome album
    danny d
  • I know that helpless feeling of having a parent in the hospital :( . Hopefully, things are on the mend. All the best to you and your family, Paddy.


  • Aw man, I'm really sorry. Best of thoughts and wishes go out to you and your family. Thank the Creator Of The Universe that we have music... good music at that.
    05/30/03 Van, 09/01/05 Gorge, 09/02/05 Van, 09/04/05 Cal, 09/05/05 Ed, 09/07/05 S'toon, 09/08/05 'Peg, 07/22&23/06 Gorge, 06/14/08 'Roo, 08/08/09 Cal, 09/21/11 Cal, 09/23/11 Ed, 12/02/13 Cal
  • What a week it sure has been. Things are not 100% yet but better then it was b4. Thank you everyone for all positive vibes and well wishes. :)
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