RIP Martin Streak

For those outside Toronto, he was a popular DJ for The Edge 102.1
Apparently he was found in his apartment today. Speculation is that he took his own life. :( ... _dead.html
Too many deaths man! This has GOT to stop!!
Apparently he was found in his apartment today. Speculation is that he took his own life. :( ... _dead.html
Too many deaths man! This has GOT to stop!!
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
Post edited by Unknown User on
Seeing as how death is an inevitability, no, it wont stop.
I meant like in the short term. So many in the last 2 weeks...its crazy.
I mentioned this to a friend the other day, 'Before my mom died last year, I only cared like 5% when someone 'famous' died. Now??? I care like negative 20%'
I say that because I'll be honest, it annoys me when someone famous dies, and the hoopla/circus/attention that is given to it. People die EVERYDAY, just look through the local paper and you'll see. Why does it make it a bigger/more important deal because more people know who you are??
So like I said, death is the only 1 true constant in life, and I feel like it's a waste of time to dwell/lament on the passing of anyone, and certainly 'famous' people.
EDIT: I don't mean for this to come across as cold hearted, because for his family and friends it is a loss that can't not be replaced. It's just that people die everyday, and it bugs me when people say things like 'Oh so many people (a.k.a. people they have heard of, but don't know personally) have died recently, this needs to stop.'
or delilah?!? then again... christmas wouldnt be the same without her soothing voice
never heard of this guy but its definitely a shame...