Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

this is a term I can't stand. it seems like all the damn doctors nowadays have to come up with some stupid disorder or disease for everything. can't people just do weird things anymore without there being a "condition" or a "disorder" category for them to fall into? I read so much insight and medical BS about it that it all seems like a big scam for shrinks to make some money. but since I bring it up, have any of you been diagnosed with OCD or a similar condition? I'm pretty sure I have it... and I'd be willing to bet that EVERYONE has it to a certain degree. but when I started college, I became obsessed with keeping everything clean, especially hands, etc. I've been living with it for 6 years now. what are some of your weird quirks and tics?
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i'm glad you are clean, then you won't get the flu, etc. It's ok to be clean as long as it is not consuming you.
OCD can also be fears, which I have. Are you so clean (or germ conscious) that you won't kiss another human or won't pet an animal? For the first time in my life, I was grossed out when a sweet cat jumped in my lap. Somehow, I mysteriously caught ring worm ON MY FACE...and when I was recovered, the cat jumped in my lap while we were at the vet buying my mom's cat some food and I thought, "Oh, no!"
a relative of my husband has ocd badly and cannot stand anything like rugs or pillows to have tassels hanging off, he cuts them. we won't go into his other rituals.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
And I don't need a professional to tell me something that I already know! haha!
I'm fine touching most things as long as I know there is soap and water or germ-X somewhere nearby so I can clean them off at some point. as far as handling animals, same thing applies. but if I pick them up and cuddle with them, I wash whatever it was that I was wearing when I did it. I love animals more than anything, but I hate that I'm worrying about when I can clean off so much that it takes away from me enjoying my time with them.
as soon as i went outside, i applied hand sanitizer. i try to use my own pen too and i had to use her pen.
i feel like an idiot; in the eighties, for example, we did not think about such things, but times have changed.
as soon as i get home from the store (after pushing the cart), I wash my hands.
they have medicine for OCD. go to Paxil's website.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Stuff like blowin out candles or locking doors, also makin sure I don't forget things like my cellphone, bottle of water, or whatever else I'm gonna need for where I'm headin.
mfc2006, that's pretty cool. so you are now a psychologist? if you have any info on alternative treatment or options for dealing with conditions like this, please share them here! not all of us are in positions to go see therapists, and I'm sure some of us don't even want to. so what are some things people can do on their own to ease symptoms?
Here here. I know I have OCD and social anxiety. Social anciety is a big reason I don't drink. Drinking means I'll probably go to a bar, and I'm so amazingly uncomfortable out at a bar that it isn't even worth putting myself in a situation where I'll go.
Weird thing is that things like giving speeches, going to a ballgame, or going to the movies doesn't bother me.
not quite yet. I'm working on my Ed. S degree in Educational Psychology. So, in 2 years or so I'll be one. As far as treatment goes, it depends on the individual. Some people react to prescriptions, others need intense therapy & behavior modification treatments. there are treatment options available in the non-profit sector as well. and for those that want to seek treatment through their insurance, most forms are treatment are covered or you can alter your insurance to have them covered.
that's the thing...it's a personal disorder. sure, one person may have s.a. or ocd affect them in similar ways as others, but it is never exactly the same. plus, there are also varying degrees of each disorder and how that disorder can affect you day-to-day life.
I would think the booze would HELP with the social anxiety. It doesn't reduce the anxiety?
I know I get very social when I'm drinking!
if she had social anxiety disorder, what did she tell you about talking to people? Did she get nervous or avoid people? I get really light headed when I talk to certain people and I was wondering if that's it. Did she not make plans with people?
I'm so afraid of thunderstorms, that for a while (like 15 years ago) I was afriad to make plans b/c I did not want to get caught in one.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
well, it hadn't quite manifested itself when we met. eventually, she progressively began to withdraw from social situations. she skipped class to the point of having to leave school, she couldn't hold a job and basically stayed at home all of the time. it is able to pass along this disorder, which is what happened in her case. her Dad's social anxiety ruined his marriage, forced him to quit college when he was only 2 classes short of graduating at the top of his class, and the last i heard (6 years ago) he was living at a homeless shelter. they both have/had avoidance tendencies with their anxiety. i saw it cripple their lives completely.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Yeah, that's OCD. Relax. That obsessive hand-washing exposes you to MORE risk. Your body develops no defenses to basic diseases, and the advent of these things helps to mutate super bugs that are resistant to basic hygiene.
I used to have compulsive buying issues... I couldn't own one cd by a band, I had to either have none of their cd's or all of them. Sometimes it bothers me for some reason that most of the cd's on my shelf come from the latter half of the alphabet (they're all in alphabetical order)... I feel like it should be more balanced. But I kinda got over that and don't really care anymore. Not like I used to anyway.
but I don't wash my hands 80 x a day. I heard my little half sister did. she felt dirty and would scrub and scrub. I see people at work picking their nose or they have unclean bathroom habits, I think that is why I don't want to shake hands. I only get about 3 colds or less in the winter. When I used to not wash my hands as much (in the eighties) and bite my fingernails in staff meetings, I was really sick often.
my cds are a mess and are not in order.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
My guy has it. seems to get worse with time. it’s a control thing definitely.
Yeah CDS! He was bad with them. Had to have all the artists albums and couldn’t be a scratch on it or case or booklet. It’s fucking insane. He got an ipod, and I was so glad he didn’t have to nitpick over CDs anymore.
And for the drinking. Drinking helps me socialize. I don’t have to drink to socialize but yup, it helps.