Ron Paul/Audit the Federal Reserve

WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
edited July 2009 in A Moving Train
Post edited by Unknown User on


    I love this guy. 245 co-sponsors and counting... I think it will be very tough for the Senate to ignore this bill if it passes in the House. The Campaign for Liberty have been calling both houses of Congress for months now to make this happen.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    I think it will be very tough for the Senate to ignore this bill if it passes in the House.

    Obviously you don't follow the Senate. They will have no trouble ignoring this bill.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    I think it will be very tough for the Senate to ignore this bill if it passes in the House.

    Obviously you don't follow the Senate. They will have no trouble ignoring this bill.

    ha that was what i was thinking. since when they have trouble ignoring things??

    what happened to that bill they were writing where they wanted to give some more power to the Fed and take a little away?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    prfctlefts wrote:

    His son Rand is having an exploratory committee for a US Senate run in Kentucky. I tried to talk him into moving to Illinois to do that here instead but even he wants no part of the mess this state is in. Maybe we should start cloning Ron Paul now.
    I think it will be very tough for the Senate to ignore this bill if it passes in the House.

    Obviously you don't follow the Senate. They will have no trouble ignoring this bill.

    Obviously you know everything ;)

    I do believe that the Senate will try hard to ignore this bill, but I think that if it passes a vote in the House that the Senate is going to get mobbed with phone calls, emails, letters, and each Senator will be paid numerous visits by their constituents. Don't doubt the Ron Paul crew-- we're like 50 year old virgins as far as legislation goes, and this is our first chance to get laid. We aren't going to blow it early!
    edited June 2009
    JB811 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:

    His son Rand is having an exploratory committee for a US Senate run in Kentucky. I tried to talk him into moving to Illinois to do that here instead but even he wants no part of the mess this state is in. Maybe we should start cloning Ron Paul now.

    Ron Paul is slowly being cloned in every district. There's Adam Kokesh, Stephen Vasquez (NY), BJ Lawson in NC, Rand Paul, and also potentially Peter Schiff who who will all be running in 2010... I'm sure there will be more Ron Paul Republicans / Libertarians and Jeffersonian Democrats running in the next election as a result of this guy's recent popularity who have yet to come out of the woodwork. I would say that Paul is more popular now than when he was actually running for president. On top of that it's amazing the amount of support this bill has as it stands, maybe the actual incumbents are starting to see the value of adhering to the Constitution, or they are actually starting to fear their constituents?
    Post edited by VINNY GOOMBA on
    I think it will be very tough for the Senate to ignore this bill if it passes in the House.

    Obviously you don't follow the Senate. They will have no trouble ignoring this bill.

    ha that was what i was thinking. since when they have trouble ignoring things??

    what happened to that bill they were writing where they wanted to give some more power to the Fed and take a little away?

    I don't think it is an actual bill so much as it might be an executive order, that was supposed to give the Fed more power. It might not even be a formal E.O. so much as Obama saying that they will be able to do more to regulate, and no one can really challenge it.
  • VINNY GOOMBAVINNY GOOMBA Posts: 1,819 ... r_embedded

    Senator Jim DeMint trying to amend a current bill to include an audit of the Fed. He gets shot down for breaking "rule 16" while the bill itself contains numerous violations of "rule 16" as it stands.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758

    Senator Jim DeMint trying to amend a current bill to include an audit of the Fed. He gets shot down for breaking "rule 16" while the bill itself contains numerous violations of "rule 16" as it stands.

    amendment falls

    haha i love all his 'madam president, parliamentary inquiry....'s
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and find this article disburbing. ... tions.html
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    July 6, 2009

    Dear Friend of Liberty,

    Earlier today, the first shot in our battle to pass Audit the Fed through the U.S. Senate was fired on the Senate floor by Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

    Senator DeMint, who has a well-deserved reputation for taking the battle to the other side in the Senate, once again proved why he is such a valuable ally in our fight to bring transparency and accountability to the Federal Reserve.

    A little while ago, the Senate voted to pass HR 2918, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. This $3 billion bill contains, among many other things, provisions for GAO audits on certain agencies.

    Seizing on a chance to take quick action to bring Audit the Fed up for a vote, and with the GAO provisions in mind, Senator DeMint attached the full text of S 604, the Senate version of Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, to HR 2918 as Senate Amendment 1367 before it was considered for final passage.

    However, Senate Democrats refused to even allow a vote on the amendment! That's right. The internationalist, Fed-loving elite in the Senate used a parliamentary tactic to shut down DeMint's amendment.

    After Senator DeMint brought Audit the Fed to the floor, Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska raised a "point of order" to prevent a vote, claiming that the amendment violated Senate Rule 16 by "legislating" on an appropriations bill. The Senate president agreed, and the amendment was shot down.

    Senator DeMint did not back down, though, and directly challenged Senate leadership by pointing out the other GAO audits contained in the bill. As Senator DeMint listed them off, the Senate president was forced to agree with Senator DeMint that each one he described, all of which would be left in for final passage, also violated Senate Rule 16.

    Which tells us at least one thing: the problem wasn't with "legislating" on the bill or violating Senate Rules (which is commonly done). Shooting down the amendment was about preventing a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve for the first time in its history!

    Senate leadership is hoping this issue will just fade away so they can get on to what they deem to be more "important" business, like dictating what kind of healthcare plan you and I can carry or passing destructive Cap-and-Tax legislation.

    But the American people deserve answers on what the Fed has done with trillions of our tax dollars and what they are committing us and future generations to as part of their secret deals with foreign central banks and governments.

    The leadership decided today to turn their backs on transparency, but our fight is just beginning.

    As Senator DeMint made clear on the floor, the Audit the Fed bill has wide bipartisan support. He rightly warned the Senate that even if they delay today, they WILL have to deal with the issue on the floor.

    It is up to you and me to back up Senator DeMint's words by making sure the momentum continues to build and the bill comes up for a final vote.

    The rejection of the Audit amendment is just the first battle in our war. Now is the time to really put the pressure on the U.S. Senate to Audit the Fed!

    Senator DeMint fired the opening salvo and showcased the hypocrisy of the Senate for allowing other GAO audits to be included in the bill while refusing to even allow a vote on Fed transparency.

    Again, we're just getting started. Senator DeMint will keep fighting to pass Audit the Fed on its own or as an amendment, and we need to continue putting pressure on our senators to do everything in their power to achieve a floor vote!

    Click here to sign our online petition. And visit our Audit the Fed action page for contact information to call, write, and fax your senators and urge them to support S 604 and to push for a final vote.

    Together, we will finish this fight to Audit the Fed!

    In Liberty,

    John Tate

  • Representative Paul is also supported by Lynne Woolsey (D of California) and other progressives. Analyst Nomi Prins has noted that the Administration's plan "...conveniently ignores the fact that TARP accounts for a fraction—about $700 billion—of the government's $13 trillion banking stabilization scheme." (my emphasis.) ... -bamboozle

    (NB Prins also wrote in Alternet, suggesting how Goldman Sachs, etal. did it and some actions we can take ... the_treasu)

    Like Rep. Paul and Woolsey, I'm outraged by the way the Administration is helping the bankers loot the Treasury and the Fed. Auditing is a terrific beginning. I've already written Rep. McDermott and Senators Murray and Cantwell, but I'm ready to do some interesting and visually provocative action about this. (BTW, does anyone remember if it's the film Putney Swope that ends with the bonfire of $$, clearly alluded to in Nolan's Dark Knight?)
    see my art at:

    What exactly are you calling "bull" on here? DeMint?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202

    What exactly are you calling "bull" on here? DeMint?

    I think he was pointing out the absurdity of the article he quoted, implying that Ron Paul is a devil or something for throwing up the horns.

    What exactly are you calling "bull" on here? DeMint?

    I think he was pointing out the absurdity of the article he quoted, implying that Ron Paul is a devil or something for throwing up the horns.

    Ahh gotcha. I've seen these claims before. Seriously, who hasn't given someone an ILLUMINATI handshake by accident ;) ?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    I think he was pointing out the absurdity of the article he quoted, implying that Ron Paul is a devil or something for throwing up the horns.

    Ahh gotcha. I've seen these claims before. Seriously, who hasn't given someone an ILLUMINATI handshake by accident ;) ?

    You must be a blind, mindless sheep. There's no such thing as an accident according to the disciples!
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    I have on my Ron Paul for President 2008 t-shirt on today. On my rounds getting things that I needed to pick up five people all yelled out something to the effect of "audit the fed". That was pretty cool.
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