@catwomen1 - yeah glasgow maybe isnt as nice as you think! stabbing capitol of europe! my brother knows he it was his influence that got me into them but maybe not about me hiding outside his door! however the manchester gig will be REALLY special for me cause me and my brother are gonna go together! sooo excited!
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick! my oldest sister was a huge beatles fan and moved down to london when she was 17 to live for 6 months in a bid to get closer to them...she stole Paul Mccartneys phone book from outside his house....she still has it! even though it technically wasnt his phone book yet, as it was still lying outside!
@catwomen1 - yeah glasgow maybe isnt as nice as you think! stabbing capitol of europe! my brother knows he it was his influence that got me into them but maybe not about me hiding outside his door! however the manchester gig will be REALLY special for me cause me and my brother are gonna go together! sooo excited!
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick! my oldest sister was a huge beatles fan and moved down to london when she was 17 to live for 6 months in a bid to get closer to them...she stole Paul Mccartneys phone book from outside his house....she still has it! even though it technically wasnt his phone book yet, as it was still lying outside!
problem with my sister,,no one remember who said the other,,"u lishen this new group,pearl jam,,i just lishen a song named "jeremy",,is awesome..
i say i told her..she said,,no i told u bro first,,is a mess
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Pearl Jam was always a band i was interested in.
Growing up as a younger kid i never truely listened but i just considerd them to be a "cool" band because unfortunately i was only a young lad during the grunge era but i looked through the CD's of my cousins and my uncle...my uncle especially was a PJ fanatic and i always figured i'd give them a chance some day.
That day came when i decided to buy...guess what album!
TEN! I was about 15-16 at the time and i remember a few months later PJ came to my hometown (Kitchener, Canada)
It was the best show i'd ever seen even though i must admit...at the time i didn't know that many songs outside of Ten....Ever since then i haven't really looked back...PJ has been my favourite band ever since.
I'm really happy that i got to see them for a second time live (this time as an established real fan! haha) when they played their second show in Toronto to kick off their most recent self titled album in 06.
I hate to say that...Pearl Jam i don't think can make an album anywhere close to ten (according to MY ears and mind) but at the same time..it would be greedy for me to be so disappointed because i don't think all the guys would be standing here today if they still made music like in Ten.
Summer 1991. Saw them live in State College right after with Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins.
thats must be the experience....!!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
@catwomen1 - yeah glasgow maybe isnt as nice as you think! stabbing capitol of europe! my brother knows he it was his influence that got me into them but maybe not about me hiding outside his door! however the manchester gig will be REALLY special for me cause me and my brother are gonna go together! sooo excited!
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick! my oldest sister was a huge beatles fan and moved down to london when she was 17 to live for 6 months in a bid to get closer to them...she stole Paul Mccartneys phone book from outside his house....she still has it! even though it technically wasnt his phone book yet, as it was still lying outside!
That is really cool sharing the experience in Manchester with your brother. I know you'll have a terrific time! That's also cool about your sister & Paul's phone book -- definitely something that I would have loved to have done!!!
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick!
i've thought a lot about that too. what's up with that?
every now and then i find a 'new' band i like. ex. kings of leon, mishka. but it’s never with the same intensity as music I liked/still like as a kid.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
I remember seeing them sing Alive on SNL and then I "borrowed" my brother's cassette of Ten when he wasn't home. I was a freshman in high school and was forever hooked.
cindyl has been a fan since 10 release
deadmantalking became a fan in 06 -he had bought 2 tix for the pgh show but gave his away so his daughter who is a fan could go with her mom, then he started listening to the bands live cd's and realized -these guys rock,then he watched the MSG dvd and was hooked.[and yeah he bought another tic]now other than old neil, and janes ,pj is is the only thing on his playlist,drove to dc last summer and balt this year for ed, -making up for lost time.
I was not really into Pearl Jam or that style of music, just liked whatever was popular on the radio but I was into rap and dj mix tapes, boy did that change quickly. I went to my first ever concert which just so happened to be PJ on 6/27/98 at alpine valley! The next day after that concert I put all my mix cds and rap cds aside to collect dust for the rest of their existence and I went out and bought everything PJ that I could find up to that point!! I have not stop listening to them since then. Not 1 day goes by where I dont at least turn on a PJ song. Ive been to 24 shows since that day!
"Became a TC member in 1998, (so happy I spent my birthday money and did that!). I went to my First PJ show in 2000 at Mansfield, started at the lawn. As years went on, got closer and closer to the stage, Been in the front row, 2nd and just recently met Ed."
This is fantastic!! I'm scratching my head though because I've been a member since 1996 and the best I've done is the 15th row. How are you getting closer and closer? Is there something i'm not doing?
I heard them when I was a kid I saw the Evenflow video on MTV. Had to be about 10 or 11 thought it was cool. Became a huge fan when I was in 6th grade around 1994 with VS. and Vitalogy out became a huge fan. All of my friends were big rock music fans in middle school and it was a great time to be a rock music fan in 1994 1995. I have been in the ten club since 1998.
"Became a TC member in 1998, (so happy I spent my birthday money and did that!). I went to my First PJ show in 2000 at Mansfield, started at the lawn. As years went on, got closer and closer to the stage, Been in the front row, 2nd and just recently met Ed."
This is fantastic!! I'm scratching my head though because I've been a member since 1996 and the best I've done is the 15th row. How are you getting closer and closer? Is there something i'm not doing?
The closest you have been is 15th row? Man they used to do it by seniority my buddy Logan has been in the Ten club since like 1995 and he used to get first row every time. I've been in since 1998 and I used to be close as hell when they did it by seniority I would get like 10th row in Atlanta which has a huge Ten club population. Unfortunately my number got reset because I was late renewing my membership one year because of financial hardships so I got a new number which is pretty high now. I was only on the 23 row in Columbia, SC in 2008 so I was pretty pissed. Although it's pretty cool that this message board still has me as a member since 1998, wish they would give me my original number back.
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick!
i've thought a lot about that too. what's up with that?
every now and then i find a 'new' band i like. ex. kings of leon, mishka. but it’s never with the same intensity as music I liked/still like as a kid.
It may still happen. Pearl Jam hit me like a ton of bricks and I was in my late 30's.
Some awesome stories here,
I cant remember the very start but I do remember the very first time I saw a copy of TEN down at my local basketball stadium, on a weekend, I think it was sunny that day with a light breeze, someone had just bought it and was showing it around. Must have been early 92 I guess.
Fast forward to 93, end of Year 11, a group of us went down to a mates holiday house at Philip Island and Vs was on constant rotation, and i mean constant, all day all night, mixed with some alcohol and no parents (and some girls doing the same thing next door) and it was one of those times I will never ever forget, I wish I could get that feeling back...
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
Around 2005 or 2006 my older sister gave me Yield because she thought I'd like it. She bought Yield because her friend told her that Black was on it. When I put it in my CD player the first thing I thought was, "Whoa! That guy's got a deep voice." At the time I was listening to My Chemical Romance and other higher voiced singers. So, I just put the CD on the shelf and forgot about it for a while. Then I heard World Wide Suicide on the radio and I said, "Hey, that's that band my sister likes!" The station was giving out concert tickets to the first person to call in after they played 3 Pearl Jam songs in a row. I tried but I only knew what was on Yield and World Wide Suicide. Then a little while later I was watching a video for Guitar Hero 2. The guy playing was playing Life Wasted. After that I thought I'd check them out on iTunes. I've been listening to them ever since. I went to my first show last summer, signed up for the 10 Club in January, and I'm looking forward to Backspacer this fall!
The first Pearl Jam song I ever heard was Life Wasted. Its on Guitar Hero 2 and only a cover, I was in 8th grade at the time. I deicided to pick up the album and listened to it occasionally, never paying much attention. It was pretty much my first album and after awhile it grew on me, so I asked for Ten for Christmas. I had basically the same experience with it as Avocado, I didn't even listen through the whole album until months after I received it. Even though I didn't listen that much I picked up Vs. and went through the same ordeal. For some reason I felt compelled to pick up the rest of the albums, and after awhile it just clicked. I became addicted. Now I have over 500 of their songs (I'm sure thats nothing to some of you). The majority of this happened in the last 9 months, I can only imagine being exposed to their music for 18 years. Even though my time with their music has been brief, I know they have affected my life greatly, I guess the teenage years are a major time for development. I only wish they were popular among my age because I am the ONLY fan in my whole school. Everyone else listens to metalcore trash.
For me, the first that I heard was Even Flow on MTV in late '91 I'd guess. At the time I mostly listened to hard core rap and hip hop like all of my friends. Hearing Pearl Jam only once made me go out and buy Ten. The song that pulled me in and changed the music I listen to forever was Black though. I still remember hearing it for the first time so vividly.
I came home with the cd and started listening from the beginning. I liked them all but then track 5, as I knew it at the time, came on. Black Just blew me away, I wish I had the words to describe how the song made me feel. I listened to it 5 times before going on with the rest of the cd. It can still give me chills 18 years later.
While I own every Pearl Jam album, I will be going to see them live for the first time. Just bought tickets for me and 2 friends to ACL in October. Can't wait!
My brother listened to them all the time when I was younger. The first album I heard from them was prob. Vitalogy. I didn't really understand anything at the time, but grew to love them when he let me borrow the Avocado album. Inside Job is a masterpiece.
Ahh the memories! I remember sitting an exam in school and someone had scratched on the desk 'Pearl Jam fuckin' rule!'. Below it someone else had scratched 'Pearl Jam suck, Guns 'n' Roses Rule!' That was 1995 (i think!) and I had never heard of Pearl Jam so I asked a friend who was really into music and he gave me a tape of Vs.
It's strange because I clearly remember going to get it from his house on a Saturday in June and I put it on the stereo when I got back. Listening to Go was one of the most memerable things of my life everything about it was amazing! Been a fan ever since but only got round to joining TC about 3 years ago.
It always amazes me how clearly I can remember that day, it was life changing!!
when I got Vs it was my first time with a cd player. I loved using the back button on the beginning of Go. I was like ‘whoa, cool I can listen to the kickass drum part all day!’
it's a silly tidbit, i know....
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
super thread. love hearing the stories. to the one poster who lost someone to cancer... Livestrong my friend.
My bro introduced me to PJ in early '92. Joined the club that yr (lapsed 2x, 214,xxx number now, damnit). I had a demo CD from Epic records... had Alive on it... played that thing about 4,000 times.
I was watching the MTV video music awards (recored it so that I could see GNR who were getting the Video Vanguard!) and PJ performed Jeremy. I was mesmerised and kept rewinding the tape to catch the name of the band as they were introduced (if memory serves it was Dana Carvey and he was doing a George Bush impression and I couldn't quite catch what he was saying ) Anyhoo, finally worked it out and went straight to HMV to buy Ten.
I was masively into them through Vs and Vitology, then my music influences started to change and other than seeing them in '96 I didn't really listen to them until recently. I have now realised the error of my ways, have purchased the back catalogue and am going to see them in Manchester and London
I heard Ten in 1991 or 1992, and bought the c.d, but was listening to a lot of other stuff at the time and didn't really get into them. I then pretty much forgot about them until I listened to the Dead Man Walking soundtrack and heard Long Road. I really liked Vedders voice on that song and wanted to hear more. I asked a friend who had a load of PJ cd's to lend me what he thought was the best album. He lent me Yield. I didn't play anything else for about a year or two after that. I was hooked on Yield. I couldn't believe it was as good as I thought it was and so just kept on that same album, before slowly checking out their other albums.
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Journey Ends:
isnt it amazing that even when you are so young music can just hit you...and stick! my oldest sister was a huge beatles fan and moved down to london when she was 17 to live for 6 months in a bid to get closer to them...she stole Paul Mccartneys phone book from outside his house....she still has it! even though it technically wasnt his phone book yet, as it was still lying outside!
i say i told her..she said,,no i told u bro first,,is a mess
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Growing up as a younger kid i never truely listened but i just considerd them to be a "cool" band because unfortunately i was only a young lad during the grunge era but i looked through the CD's of my cousins and my uncle...my uncle especially was a PJ fanatic and i always figured i'd give them a chance some day.
That day came when i decided to buy...guess what album!
TEN! I was about 15-16 at the time and i remember a few months later PJ came to my hometown (Kitchener, Canada)
It was the best show i'd ever seen even though i must admit...at the time i didn't know that many songs outside of Ten....Ever since then i haven't really looked back...PJ has been my favourite band ever since.
I'm really happy that i got to see them for a second time live (this time as an established real fan! haha) when they played their second show in Toronto to kick off their most recent self titled album in 06.
I hate to say that...Pearl Jam i don't think can make an album anywhere close to ten (according to MY ears and mind) but at the same time..it would be greedy for me to be so disappointed because i don't think all the guys would be standing here today if they still made music like in Ten.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
That is really cool sharing the experience in Manchester with your brother. I know you'll have a terrific time! That's also cool about your sister & Paul's phone book -- definitely something that I would have loved to have done!!!
i've thought a lot about that too. what's up with that?
every now and then i find a 'new' band i like. ex. kings of leon, mishka. but it’s never with the same intensity as music I liked/still like as a kid.
deadmantalking became a fan in 06 -he had bought 2 tix for the pgh show but gave his away so his daughter who is a fan could go with her mom, then he started listening to the bands live cd's and realized -these guys rock,then he watched the MSG dvd and was hooked.[and yeah he bought another tic]now other than old neil, and janes ,pj is is the only thing on his playlist,drove to dc last summer and balt this year for ed, -making up for lost time.
Thank God for Pearl Jam!!
This is fantastic!! I'm scratching my head though because I've been a member since 1996 and the best I've done is the 15th row. How are you getting closer and closer? Is there something i'm not doing?
The closest you have been is 15th row? Man they used to do it by seniority my buddy Logan has been in the Ten club since like 1995 and he used to get first row every time. I've been in since 1998 and I used to be close as hell when they did it by seniority I would get like 10th row in Atlanta which has a huge Ten club population. Unfortunately my number got reset because I was late renewing my membership one year because of financial hardships so I got a new number which is pretty high now. I was only on the 23 row in Columbia, SC in 2008 so I was pretty pissed. Although it's pretty cool that this message board still has me as a member since 1998, wish they would give me my original number back.
It may still happen. Pearl Jam hit me like a ton of bricks and I was in my late 30's.
maybe it'll happen for me then too. i need some music related excitment in my life right now!
I cant remember the very start but I do remember the very first time I saw a copy of TEN down at my local basketball stadium, on a weekend, I think it was sunny that day with a light breeze, someone had just bought it and was showing it around. Must have been early 92 I guess.
Fast forward to 93, end of Year 11, a group of us went down to a mates holiday house at Philip Island and Vs was on constant rotation, and i mean constant, all day all night, mixed with some alcohol and no parents (and some girls doing the same thing next door) and it was one of those times I will never ever forget, I wish I could get that feeling back...
Oh, I could be new... you underestimate me
Melbourne - 16/3/95, 5/3/98, 18/2/03, 20/2/03, 13/11/06, 16/11/06, 20/11/09, EV 24/3/11 EV 25/3/11, 24/1/14, ....
Oh, and I'm 17
Welcome. You have superior taste in music. Now to develop the rest of your skills...
Stay thirsty my friend
I came home with the cd and started listening from the beginning. I liked them all but then track 5, as I knew it at the time, came on. Black Just blew me away, I wish I had the words to describe how the song made me feel. I listened to it 5 times before going on with the rest of the cd. It can still give me chills 18 years later.
While I own every Pearl Jam album, I will be going to see them live for the first time. Just bought tickets for me and 2 friends to ACL in October. Can't wait!
It's strange because I clearly remember going to get it from his house on a Saturday in June and I put it on the stereo when I got back. Listening to Go was one of the most memerable things of my life everything about it was amazing! Been a fan ever since but only got round to joining TC about 3 years ago.
It always amazes me how clearly I can remember that day, it was life changing!!
when I got Vs it was my first time with a cd player. I loved using the back button on the beginning of Go. I was like ‘whoa, cool I can listen to the kickass drum part all day!’
it's a silly tidbit, i know....
My bro introduced me to PJ in early '92. Joined the club that yr (lapsed 2x, 214,xxx number now, damnit). I had a demo CD from Epic records... had Alive on it... played that thing about 4,000 times.
love em. always have. keep on rockin.
I was masively into them through Vs and Vitology, then my music influences started to change and other than seeing them in '96 I didn't really listen to them until recently. I have now realised the error of my ways, have purchased the back catalogue and am going to see them in Manchester and London