Happy Father's Day to all the dads! Patrick, how did your surprise go?
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
To a certain pj lovin dad... Happy Father's Day..... No matter what the surrounding situations are, one thing remains true.... That you're a wonderful father! I hope you enjoyed the day with your girls.
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
Happy fathers day to all the Dads. My 4 year old son made me a card with me laying under a rainbow. So sweet of him. My 10 year old made me a card and at the bottom it said, please don't pass away and leave us. Then I looked at the card from my 4 year old and I think he has me dead under a rainbow. I'm sensing a theme and now scared to see my sleeping beauty's (my 6 year old daughter) card when she wakes up as maybe she might be portraying my death in hers. WTF, I'm only 40.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
Happy fathers day to all the Dads. My 4 year old son made me a card with me laying under a rainbow. So sweet of him. My 10 year old made me a card and at the bottom it said, please don't pass away and leave us. Then I looked at the card from my 4 year old and I think he has me dead under a rainbow. I'm sensing a theme and now scared to see my sleeping beauty's (my 6 year old daughter) card when she wakes up as maybe she might be portraying my death in hers. WTF, I'm only 40.
Athens 2006 / Milton Keynes 2014 / London 1&2 2022 / Seattle 1&2 2024 / Dublin 2024 / Manchester 2024
Happy fathers day to all the Dads. My 4 year old son made me a card with me laying under a rainbow. So sweet of him. My 10 year old made me a card and at the bottom it said, please don't pass away and leave us. Then I looked at the card from my 4 year old and I think he has me dead under a rainbow. I'm sensing a theme and now scared to see my sleeping beauty's (my 6 year old daughter) card when she wakes up as maybe she might be portraying my death in hers. WTF, I'm only 40.
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
It went very well.
Fuckus rules all