Who's going to Memphis?

The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
edited June 2009 in Given To Fly (live)
Anyone else going solo? I am considering flying from philly on saturday morning. I hit the 2 philly and 2 baltimore shows...all were great. I have seen a bunch of EV/PJ shows in the northeast, but never seen them a show south of DC (except for WPB last summer). I think it would be cool to witness EV outside of the NE.

Is anyone else hitting this show solo? Assuming I go (which I'm leaning towards) I have an extra ticket (if I don't go I waste 2 tix). I'll give it away for a few beers. I just don't want to be the only idiot going solo.

Hopefully I can meet some cool people on the board...let me know if anyone is looking for a ticket and if there are people meeting up before the show.
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