Chelsea Clinton

Where was all this sensitivity when Chelsea Clinton was getting ripped on a daily basis, by just about every talk show host and comedian....across the country? And a lot of republicans gleefully took part in the ripping of Chelsea. Talk show hostsa like Rush Limbaugh and others were ripping a very young 12...13...14 year old Chelsea, on regular basis.
I don't recall Republican being so sensitive and outraged when Chelsea was the butt of so many jokes. In fact, Republicans took great joy in the jokes and rips
Truth is, a lot of the jokes were quite mean-spirited and nasty. Yet, Americans some how survived (as did Chelsea) and managed to make it through eight years of the Clinton administration without a single protest, feigned outburst of feigned outrage.
So why is there a double-standard, here?
Why was it open season on Chelsea, but Palin's teenage daughter (who Sarah paraded out in front of the media, both physically and in her verbal speeches) suddenly becomes a symbol for their phoney "moral stances"?
I don't recall Republican being so sensitive and outraged when Chelsea was the butt of so many jokes. In fact, Republicans took great joy in the jokes and rips
Truth is, a lot of the jokes were quite mean-spirited and nasty. Yet, Americans some how survived (as did Chelsea) and managed to make it through eight years of the Clinton administration without a single protest, feigned outburst of feigned outrage.
So why is there a double-standard, here?
Why was it open season on Chelsea, but Palin's teenage daughter (who Sarah paraded out in front of the media, both physically and in her verbal speeches) suddenly becomes a symbol for their phoney "moral stances"?
Post edited by Unknown User on
But I think both times it was just silly.
Perfect example = Our President.
He seems more like a movie star than a President's like the media feels they NEED to kiss his ass because he has made history. The media has glorified him. I wouldn't be suprised if someday soon they start a reality TV show about the Obama's :roll:
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
More like well over 1,000 TOTAL days of his term on vacation
Hail, Hail!!!
Keep in mind the press WILL trust me turn on him in time for whatever reason and when that time comes it won't be pretty. I remember when he was President elect comedians were wondering if was appropriate to make fun of the first African American President. I was like hell yeah he's in the highest position in the land as far as I'm concerned he's fair game.
I ;ove the cartoons of Obama that feature his large and wide ears.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
i love how these republicans all campaign on family values but then are caught having affairs or dialing up prostitutes ... like how phony can one be ...
I don't like how they just never go to where they are supposed to go. That's why I'm against any new forms (and many of the existing forms) of taxation. Just by giving the government more tax revenue does not mean they aren't going to spend it like the crackhead under the interstate overpass.
Sarah has taken this to a whole new level. Sarah Palin now claims her daughter was a victim of statutory rape, if so, Why The F--- was she parading her so called rapist around the United States as her future husband!!! If Sarah Palin truly stands by the fact that her daughter was raped, then she's one cold hearted bitch. Where's Daddy? Aren't Daddy's suppose to protect their little girls instead of being buddy, buddy with the man he knows raped his little girl? There's nothing Christian or close to any family values for these people, its all about politics. They should be charged as unfit parents to force your daughter to be with her rapist just to further your own political care
What I was trying to say before I went off on my tangent is that the media is only allowing you to hear what they want to hear and all of the dialogue you hear is staged somehow. At the end of the day, somehow, these people who enter the political regime do have sincere intent to serve their community and I wonder how many of us are really willing to go under such scrutiny.
I say this because even when a common citizen decides to serve on even a local committe, such as a county board of supervisor, that person becomes an item of public document...your entire background is checked and then when the committees meet, the minutes are aired on public television as well.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Just because someone else did something that's bad, doesn't give justification to you to do it.
"If you hate something, don't you do it too" - PJ
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Palin cries victim yet again? Why can't we just simply ignore it? Aren't we smarter?
I don't remember this happening. The one thing I do remember is Mike Myers making a joke on "Wayne's World" on Saturday Night Live ... immediately feeling bad about it, and publicly apologizing.
I agree that the Palins are making a mountain out of a molehill here. I just don't remember this huge Republican smear campaign against Chelsea Clinton that you seem to remember.
for the least they could possibly do
I don't think people are saying it was wrong of people to make those jokes about Chelsea. They're saying it was in poor taste, just like Dave's joke. What they are pointing out is the hypocrisy... that when it was republicans making jokes about Chelsea, nobody cared. No conservative talking heads were outraged at what a low blow it was. But when it's a comedian making a random joke about their conservative darling, suddenly it's a horrible horrible thing to say and Dave should be fire. That is a double standard. It's ok when our people do it about your people, but it's wrong when your people do it about ours.
In that sense, your quote is dead on... the republicans are here hating on something that they have done themselves and thought nothing of.
Point being that it might not be hypocrisy if it's not the SAME ones laughing and getting upset.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Seeing as how I don't have my census polls handy, I don't know. But I think you're being a bit disingenuous. It's a fair inference to see how the right wing talking heads generally responded then and now. Then: making fun of the looks of a 13 year old girl that was the child of a democrat was not newsworthy and certainly did not draw criticism from the right. Now: making a joke about a 16 year old girl that's the child of a republican is newsworthy and the source of protests and calls for firing. That's hypocrisy. Maybe not on an individual level, but it is hypocrisy on the level of the movement and its claims with respect to being the party of values.
hey ... the GOP is the home of family values ... it's the foundation of their entire platform ...
I'm confused.
You agree that this is all bullshit, and both 'sides' are covering this as a distraction from real issues...
Yet you make a thread framing it as a partisan issue, which you KNOW will contribute to further bickering about a pointless topic already covered in three threads on the train? Would we be correct in saying you're part of the problem then?
Seriously, WHY do so many americans feel such an overwhelming urge to define themselves by party affiliation? It boggles the mind. The republicans do this, the dems do that wah wah wah....Vinny's quote gets to the heart of this issue....perpetuating the rep vs dem angle makes things worse.