To sacrifice or not to sacrifice

xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
edited September 2009 in Musicians and Gearheads
I don't know if this goes in here but I'll try it anyway.

My band has been around for a year and a half. We got our drummer about ten months ago. We've played a few shows, here and there (The most notable being "Summer Mania"; a safe alternative party for kids on the last day of school). Summer Mania took place in the heart of downtown and hundreds were there to see it. No big problems. Now, we fast forward to present day. We're looking to play "Ribfest" (a time when all the rib vendors of Kalamazoo come out and showcase their cooking talents). During this festival, live music is always being played. Three years ago, a former band I was in played it. We sounded like crap and the band was planning on kicking me out right after, anyway (my own family knew but didn't tell me. They said I had too much equipment or something. That's a story for another day, though). Anyway, I survived the show and we got a positive response. Now, with the current band I'm with, I'm looking to play the same festival. I've got all the contacts and even got a spot. However, there are obviously some rules. No swearing (there's not swearing in our songs, anyway), and we can't be too heavy. Here's the problem. The majority of our music is pretty soft (think "Black", "Sleight of Hand", "Can't Keep") but we do have a few that get pretty heavy. However, I've worried about sacrificing our music and our sound in order to play. As a band, we've been itching to play and get our names out there. This will be the biggest stage the other guys have been on. It could open doors for us with a couple other bands who are planning on coming and seeing us (they want to get a feel for our sound so they can determine if we'll open for them or not). We've already decided to scrap two of the heavy songs (one isn't ready and the other isn't needed in the set). However, two of our favorite songs get heavy at points. "Runway" has a "Black" feeling. Think live 2003-present. There's heavy solo and then it mellows out. "What's Inside" has a heavy ending think "RVM"'s ending.

What do I do? Sacrifice the sound or back out of playing? As much as I want to play, I don't want to dumb down our sound. Any suggestions would be great.
Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
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  • Just be yourselves and play your songs.....if you don't cuss in your tunes, then keep it that's not like you're playing on TV, when I played a few times on TV, the rules were pretty strict...a public outdoor gig should have very few rules....

    and don't forget to have fun, no one in the history of the world ever got signed because they played Rib Fest
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    True, very true.

    Last time I played Ribfest, we opened for a the guys who sing "Shout" (old motown tune). I think Verve Pipe might play this year. Either way, we're all about having fun.

    By the way, Snoopy is the greatest cartoon character, ever.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    dude, just do what you feel is right. we played a big show last night for the city of Arnold, MO. it was an all ages show and there were a lot of kids younger than age 10 or 12 there. our singer edited himself and did not sing the f-bombs and of course we just did not play songs like crazy bitch and bad girlfriend. most of our 3 one hour sets rocked pretty hard and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

    just be yourselves and play your songs and rock hard if they rock hard. what are the organizers going to do? make you stop mid set? it is not selling out if you are going to play a show like that and edit yourself somewhat. most of us around here are in bands and most of us have had to make decisons like this. my love of gigging, especially huge outdoor gigs trumps everything else, and if we have to change our set somewhat to fit an all ages crowd, then we will. its called being a professional.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    dude, just do what you feel is right. we played a big show last night for the city of Arnold, MO. it was an all ages show and there were a lot of kids younger than age 10 or 12 there. our singer edited himself and did not sing the f-bombs and of course we just did not play songs like crazy bitch and bad girlfriend. most of our 3 one hour sets rocked pretty hard and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

    just be yourselves and play your songs and rock hard if they rock hard. what are the organizers going to do? make you stop mid set? it is not selling out if you are going to play a show like that and edit yourself somewhat. most of us around here are in bands and most of us have had to make decisons like this. my love of gigging, especially huge outdoor gigs trumps everything else, and if we have to change our set somewhat to fit an all ages crowd, then we will. its called being a professional.
    +1, nicely said...

    just be yourself and have fun, you will be fine. good luck with the gig!
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    The only hard thing is, the guy who got us the gig is also a good friend of mine. He works for a police department and I work for a different one (albeit I'm a student worker for the one I'm at) and I don't want to screw him over for our music. The organizers said it's his call on if we're too heavy or not but if we are, he could get into a bit of trouble and I don't want that.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • kigcatkigcat Posts: 298
    do you guys have a demo cd you could give to the organisers? that way they could have a listen and decide for themselves and there are any issues then you can discuss them with them. Either that or maybe try to do something a bit different with the heavier songs like maybe try rearranging them abit to make them more easy listening fan friendly or maybe do a small acoustic part to your set. Of course rearranging or changing songs to acoustic numbers can take time but if you were to mention this to the organisers it would show them how understanding and serious you are about doing the gig.
    I'm not saying stupidity should be a capital offence, but what say we take the safety labels off everything and let nature run it's course?
  • MichaelMcKevinMichaelMcKevin Posts: 1,161
    WWEVD? ...(that's what would eddie vedder do)

    If only a couple of your songs are heavier, decide if you want to play them a lot. I'm sure one heavier song among several of the lighter/appropriate songs will not stand out to the organizers. Like you said, the heavier aspects of your music that you're worried about are only parts of songs and not the whole songs themselves eitehr. I don't know the situation, but my guess is that their definition of "heavy" is more along the lines of screaming or metal. A little overdrive and passionate singing shouldn't piss them off too much.
    Camden I '06, Camden II '06, Bonnaroo '08, Camden I '08, Camden II '08, Philly Spectrum II/III/IV '09, MSG I '10, MSG II '10, Made In America '12, Wrigley '13, Brooklyn II '13, Philly I '13, Philly II '13, ...
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    Kigcat: We gave them a demo song that was recorded when we played a church service that was all acoustic. That's all we have recorded BUT we also played a festival, last year, and people didn't seem to mind that.

    Giventocarve: You're absolutely right on their definition. We're not metal or screamo by any means. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll be sure to keep you all posted. I find out, for sure, hopefully within the next couple of weeks.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • cableguy119cableguy119 Posts: 114
    Bonaroo coverage from UsA today's coverage kind of touched on this. To papraphrase it ...Most bands have a formula for playing there. Something like play your hits, rockers uptempo stuff to keep the crowd moving, throw in a few covers and a guest appearance Anne Difranco said she was shying away from her more intricate detailed songs that get lost outdoors and in the atmosphere

    What do acts that play the Ribfest typically play? Covers or Originals? Electric or accoustic? How do your songs translate to the audience? Depends on time of day too? crowd makeup etc.

    Is this a hobby or a career? Are you dive bar rockers or wedding singers? Is heavy your identity? Does the heavy help you get the opening slot with those other acts?

    Know yourself, know your audience be true to them both if you can't then maybe you shouldn't play the gig. After all Ribs have bones they fly pretty nicely.
    So many amazing shows! Thank you.
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    We're more of a softer rock with some heavier stuff thrown in. Our heaviest is comparable to "Deep". There is a mix between originals and covers, though. The main thing is, since in during the afternoon, that's usually the family portion of the day however, there will be a good amount of people there to see us. We're not screamo and we're not wedding singers. Actually, we're not a Christian band but we do have a major Christian influence. No swearing in our music, nothing degrading. We've got a few acoustic songs in there.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    I'm gonna knock on wood, as I type this BUT I've got some terrific news!

    Not only did we get the gig but we also got ANOTHER! For Ribfest, we're gonna play a little softer. It doesn't really bother us because we got a second outdoor gig, at the same place called "Rock For Kids". We'll be opening for Kansas and we were told to ROCK THE PLACE! On top of all this, any type of band drama has not just been swept under the carpet BUT, instead, solved! We're all pretty stoked about this. I'll keep the updates coming. Thanks for the help
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    I'm gonna knock on wood, as I type this BUT I've got some terrific news!

    Not only did we get the gig but we also got ANOTHER! For Ribfest, we're gonna play a little softer. It doesn't really bother us because we got a second outdoor gig, at the same place called "Rock For Kids". We'll be opening for Kansas and we were told to ROCK THE PLACE! On top of all this, any type of band drama has not just been swept under the carpet BUT, instead, solved! We're all pretty stoked about this. I'll keep the updates coming. Thanks for the help

    good for you man. see, we said just do your thing and it would work itself out.

    also good news on the band far as band issues goes, remember the words of one Mr. Stone Gossard in Single Video Theory...

    i don't recall the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of "being in a band is like being in a relationship, its all about givin it up..."

    when my band and i are having issues i always remember that and half the time i am the one capitulating or backing down and compromising to make things work for everyone. its good advice that applies to all sorts of situations, bands, relationships, and business/partnerships. keep us posted.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • xtremehardy388xtremehardy388 Posts: 2,759
    I really thank everyone for the support, advice, and kind words. It really keeps me inspired musically and spiritually. I'm really excited about playing full shows with our full line up.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    I'm gonna knock on wood, as I type this BUT I've got some terrific news!

    Not only did we get the gig but we also got ANOTHER! For Ribfest, we're gonna play a little softer. It doesn't really bother us because we got a second outdoor gig, at the same place called "Rock For Kids". We'll be opening for Kansas and we were told to ROCK THE PLACE! On top of all this, any type of band drama has not just been swept under the carpet BUT, instead, solved! We're all pretty stoked about this. I'll keep the updates coming. Thanks for the help

    nice work amigo, that is all sorts of awesome. good things are happening for you...
  • Well, the day is finally here. I'm hella nervous, like usual, but I'm just as excited. I've never played for this many people as a lead singer and guitarist. I'll fill you all in on how it went. My biggest worries are the weather, equipment problems, and forgetting the lyrics. Thankfully we're playing all originals. I hope the music is well received. Thanks to everyone for helping with gear problems and giving advice!
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Good luck!
    Just make sure you have a good time on stage and the rest will fall into place.
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    good luck, man!! i'm sure you'll feel a lot better once you start the first song. that's what happens to me. after the 1st song, my nervousness is gone. looking forward to hearing how it went!
  • Know its too late to say good luck... Hope it all went well. Yet weren't you having pedal/switch issues earlier this week? Wow equipment trouble the week before a biggest show ever bet that woked on the nerves a bit. We want a full report.
    So many amazing shows! Thank you.
  • Thanks, everyone, for everything. The show was almost rained out! We just BARELY made it on stage! But, I was hella nervous and it didn't stop. The crowd was dead, other than the people who knew us.

    As for equipment, we sounded like crap. The sound guys didn't have my mic on for the first song, my Fender Blender died, in the middle of a solo, but my tubescreamer was fine. The switch wasn't the problem, the board was fried. Our bassist fixed it, though. I'll have new pictures of my current pedalboard up on the website, soon.

    A lot of people said they liked us, though. At least we got it out of the way. We're back on the stage in two weeks. Hopefully the weather will be better and we will have improved. There's a full detailed setlist, with notes, on so check that out, if you wish.

    Thanks, again!!!
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Well, for the show on the 22nd, we're opening for the nerves are coming back. How to prepare when you're starting to feel burnt out on music?
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Well, we played. We kept getting bumped to play because Kansas was being bitchy and demanding a 5 hour soundcheck. Still, we did okay. We had a train wreck but it was okay. We managed to save it. I must admit, my stage jitters left when I saw an ex band mate and friend and the emotion was put into the music. That really fired me up. We we were bumped off the stage, though, before we could play Yellow Ledbetter. We sounded good enough to get asked to play a few more gigs, though. We have a setlist on our livejournal if anyone wants to read it.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Great to hear you made it through ok and even scored a few more gigs! But what I keep asking myself is: Why on earth would anyone need a 5 hour soundcheck??
  • Yeah, we were pissed when we heard that. We were originally supposed to go on at 1PM but we kept getting moved back. We were finally told to open at noon. When we got to the stage (at 11AM), they said we were going on in 20 minutes. The venue wasn't even opening up. No one was really there. To make matters worse, we had to speed songs up and take songs off the setlist.

    I guess Kansas was throwing a temper tantrum and wanted to be treated like kings. They haven't had a hit in 20 years. Chill out
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Yeah some of those bands on life support, nearing end of life or that have been delegated to state fair status still think they deserve the full red carpet treatment and then they throw diva tantrums guess that is one of the few ways they feel important. Almost understandable so when you get perched so high for so long I guess that is one of the ways absolute powers absolutely corrupts.

    I recalll an incident I saw with Cinderella playing a gig lead singer throw his guitar to his tech like 20 feet away. Tech barely catches it guitar tail end barely hits the ground and singer just starts glaring at him starring him down. Didn't have much respect for them to begin but lost all once he treated his tech like shit. with went to see George Lynch but stayed for the hair band.

    Nice to see PJ treat techs failry well even when they give them the wrong guitar and not berate them in front of audience. (Like in DC in 2008 Evacuation) Or eddie poking fun at george webb during solo shows. You could tell they are friendly and treat each other decently.
    So many amazing shows! Thank you.
  • Oh yeah.

    We found out we were opening for Kansas and we were like '...ohhh...neat...'
    We knew who they were but didn't really care. No one has heard from 'em in so long. It was sad to see it from them. We never got to meet 'em. They showed up two hours late for the 'five hour soundcheck'. You'd think bands would be nice to their tech's, too...they DO tune your instruments....
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,125
    edited March 2016
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