This is an incredible website, devoted to remembering Dr Tiller and the important work he did for women:
I was alone and far away when I heard the band start playing!
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's great that these people can voice themselves on their feelings, beliefs and work in this field. It's too bad most live in anonymity of their identity in doing so.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I work in television news, and after immersing myself in the tragic story of Dr. George Tiller's murder, and after discovering this website, I have finally been motivated to get off my ass and become a volunteer at an abortion clinic near me.
I just couldn't let another tragic incident like this go by without doing my part to prevent future incidents like it.
It's a small thing but I feel really good about it.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
I hear ya and very good for you. I love your username.
Peace and Stay Human
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Well Dr Tiller's killer accomplished one thing now for sure...Family of Slain Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller Announces Permanent Closure of Wichita Clinic.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
so what does a volunteer actually do ? Help flush fetus's down toilets ? That would make me feel real good about myself too .Hell I couldn't' wait to go and volunteer there every day.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Seriously, what do you do as a volunteer there?
...Actually I've yet to get my first assignment, but the way I understand it is, you help escort women into these clinics, regardless of what they're there for (many of them are there for procedures OTHER than abortions), and help them get through the crowds of protesters that are often there with signs or yelling insults at them.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Perfect lefts comes ROLLIN' in!!!
nyuk nyuk nyuk
Thanks for the post. I definetly got some insight and understanding about the issue. Some things I never thought about before.I liked the post about mercy abortion. It needs to be put out there. People don't understand how hard it must be.
Look, all of us know how controversial this is, but I've never met anyone who was really pro abortion, I'm sure not, and I don't believe any woman does this for casual reasons, as some have alleged, nor do I believe that Doctors like George Tiller perform these procedures for the money or for any other casual reason.
If you really look closely, there are almost always some tragic thing that people have gone through in their lives that lead up to such a decision. I think we all could learn more about it, and the more we understand what really leads to most abortions, we can help to make them rarer, and safer.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
watch the clip with Dr.Paul Mchugh
This to me isn't has nothing to with abortion or roe v wade it has to with viable fetuses being terminated for casual reasons. I understand in some cases there are legitimate reasons for a late term abortion. But Dr. tiller did this for money and became a millionaire in doing so
and which should not have happened. Im not condoning in any way what happened to Dr. Tiller. Im just pointing out the facts of what he did . and yet so many of you turn the other way. If this were some veterinarian doing this to dogs or cats all of you would be outraged.
This is a human rights violation period.
you're wrong on every one of your points ... you cannot provide one single example of Dr Tiller performing a late term abortion for what you call a casual reason...YOU CANNOT DO IT. On the other hand there are many examples of incephaly and other terrible cases of defects and disease that brought many women to Dr. Tiller for help. There are many public stories of poor women from Mississippi and other states where services like those he provided were not available, and believe me many of them could not pay him a penny. These stories are well known, but you've chosen to ignore them. To say that Dr. George Tiller did what he did for the money is wrong, and you are ill informed. A lot of the money he did make went to protect him and his family from extremists like the one who murdered him.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Why doesn't a viable fetus have the same rights that you and I have.
I watched all 8 minutes of it, even though Dr McHugh totally discredits himself in the first sixty seconds by admitting that he was only asked to do a "psychiatric evaluation" of Dr. Tiller's patients' records.
I'm sorry you don't agree with the law. The law says a viable fetus doesn't have the same rights as you or I for many reasons, like some of the ones I mentioned before; Incephaly and other terminal brian diseases being only some of them. If you are alleging that Dr. Tiller did late term abortions for casual reasons like the ones that Dr McHugh listed ( "...not being able to go to a rock concert..." ) you are wrong and so is he.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
I doubt it..
An Really ?? please show proof of this law.
Dr. McHugh made that video, sat for that interview, after the Attorney General of the state had asked him not to, because he had obtained those records illegaly and would be violating the law as it pertained to patient privacy by publicly discussing the records ... Dr. McHugh is a long time, well known anti abortion activist, and is very closely tied to some groups who have acted despicably, most notably Women Influencing the Nation and kansans For Life.
I watched it...
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
2. What makes the man in this video a legitimate source? How do we know that he has "no interest in the case" and no personal agenda? Why should he be considered an even MORE legitimate source of medical judgement than the doctors (there would have been at least 2 or 3) who actually had a professional relationship with the patients - or the patients themselves? What makes him an even MORE legitimate source of judgement than the legal professionals who have scrutinized the circumstances under which Dr. Tiller performed late-term abortions and found that he acted within the boundaries of the law (which doesn't allow the abortion of viable fetuses for casual reasons)? How is he a MORE legitimate source of information about clinic practices (e.g. "there were no follow-up plans for these women") that those who work or are seen in the clinic?
3. The implication that having an abortion increases the risk of suicide because pregnancy & motherhood supposedly decrease the risk of suicide is completely faulty reasoning propagated by the anti-abortion movement for the sole purpose of misleading people about the risks of abortion. This myth has been dispelled by the major professional organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association. Any video or person which suggests that this is true cannot be taken seriously.
4. His statements that the mental health conditions of the women don't meet the criteria of being irreversable because the purpose of phychiatry is to restore mental health - and that not a SINGLE case was justifiable - suggest that he doesn't believe mental health should EVER be a reason for having an abortion. So then why is he even pretending to review the individual merits of cases? That sounds like a whole seperate argument to me. Plus, I think he's misrepresenting the law anyway. Also, you can't take anyone seriously who says "100% of psychiatrists would agree with me". "100% of my opponents' decisions are wrong and 100% of everyone else is on my side" is always a warning sign that the discussion isn't accurate or objective.
5. As for his question about whether anyone would ever be considered an inappropriate candidate based on psychological grounds - and bearing in mind the woman in my town who recently murdered her 3-year-old and buried him under the swingset in a public park - I think an argument could be made that anyone who wants to "kill" her viable "baby" for no "good" reason is not psychologically sound enough to be made to carry that fetus to term. (Whether or not her "mental health condition" is reversable is irrelevant.)
Yep, you're right. And some laws need to be changed.
He's just another one who thinks that his personal religious opinion trumps any law that he doesn't agree with.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
excellent post.
hiya spearhead, good to see you round this parts and thank you for sharing this website. i shall definitely give it a good look on my own time.
scb - as ever, great, informed post. #2 in particular is exactly my thoughts.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow