I would believe you except, I can't think of one song that Got Some sounds like they've done. It reminds me of Save You in a way, but maybe because of the lyrics and speed. Closest thing is Sonic Reducer and that's not even there's.
Where exactly do you want them to take the next album? They've covered every style in rock and roll. What's next??? You want a polka album?
Polka Jam.
There are many directions. It could be more folky, acoustic, experimental, punky, rocking, introvert, extravert, strings - Pearl Jam is a good band, and they have covered a lot of musical grounds. But there are still other grounds to explore. That you can't place Got Some maybe means that it is a new direction?
To me; all directions are fine. I'm just curious about the overall feel and theme of the new album.
Shit, I'm so pathetic, I would even buy a Polka Jam.
Well, if Eddie can improve his accordion playing... it has been a while since Bugs after all.. yeah, I think I'd buy Polka Jam :oops:
I will even buy it if they will do a Georgian Choir theme...
Mmmmm, Police Man seemed to have dissapeared from this thread.
I will even buy it if they will do a Georgian Choir theme...
Mmmmm, Police Man seemed to have dissapeared from this thread.