PJ fan at MK show needs our help! HELP, HELP!

elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,143
The following is from another fan that attended the Milton Keys show and needs our help. Please PM me ASAP if you can assist and I will get in touch with our friend who needs our help:

It got a bit hectic in the pit at MK and my bag was dragged off me and I was pushed to the ground by men twice during Go. Fortunately a man intervened and pushed the men back and helped me out of the pit, but I couldn't retrieve my backpack.

It contained:
Australian Defence Force family ID (most important to retrieve if possible)
MasterCard and Visa Card
Western Australian driver's licence
Wrigley Field Jacket
Merch-t shirts and stickers
Approx £80 cash
Sunglasses and miscellaneous items

Defence Force ID can be also be given to US, UK, NZ or Australian defence forces who have a standing agreement and will return the id to me.

Thankyou to the man in the blue shirt who assisted me - I was in a bit of shock, and he took charge of the situation. Much appreciated Sir.

If found, please contact Holiday Inn Camden Lock (reception has my forwarding addresses) or Elwayvedder via PM to put you in touch with me directly.

Thank you!


  • mondoretromondoretro Reading, PA Posts: 12
    edited July 2014
    I am so pissed off by this. I don't know the victim, but I am angry. Not only was she assaulted (I'm sorry, but just because you're in a pit situation does not excuse 5 MEN getting physical with a woman in ANY WAY) and then to have her bag DRAGGED OFF HER BODY on top of it (most likely just for the merch - sickos). Now she's stuck and can't get home?! I mean, holy shit. I really feel for this woman. Victimized because she tried to have the time of her life. Hey dickless perps: if you are reading this, just return the ID to an appropriate place so this victim of violence and theft can get home. She has no money or ID and is surely traumatized. 10c, what can we do for this woman??? Yes, the police and what have you have been notified, but if they were down front, these people are very likely 10c and THAT TOTALLY SUCKS. Shame on you. Hope you like your pieces of paper and cloth that you literally stole off a woman's back while rocking out to your "favorite band."
    ~*electricity comes from other planets*~
  • ratmandoratmando Outside of Portland, or somewhere like that Posts: 347
    I could say more on this subject especially after the Roksilde incident and so many other issues with people who have me-first-me-only attitudes.... I hope that for her sake the security weren't the culprits..THAT happened to me about 12 years ago. I had a wallet "borrowed" from a security guard who found my bag after some nitwit pulled it off my wheelchair. (a wheelchair, come on?!) the bag was in lost and found, and two weeks later, another security guard ratted this guy out for "borrowing" stuff from lost and found for months. Luckily nothing in the wallet was valuable- rule one. never bring anything valuable and put it in obvious places... everything was in traveler's checks.. cancelled the next day and reimbursed. But man.. you'd think that security that would rip a camera out of someone's hands after spotting it 30 rows back would be hip enough to notice a woman downed by a crowd. Right?? So pisses me off. I hope we get an update on her, and she's doing okay.
    When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.

    Henry David Thoreau
  • mondoretromondoretro Reading, PA Posts: 12
    Good point about security. I realize that they can't see everything, but this seemed like a significant scuffle. There was a little more info on FB about this situation...she's supposed to go to Portugal for Ed's solo show next week. Can someone with 10c somehow hook this woman up in a major way for that show? IF SHE MAKES IT, THAT IS...? I just can't imagine being assaulted, victimized, physically hurt, robbed, and alone in another country with no money or ID and no way to get home.
    ~*electricity comes from other planets*~
  • elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,143
    She's doing well. She's a tough Aussie! It took her a while to collect herself but once she did, she tried to enjoy the rest of the show after brushing things off. Hopefully with the power of Al Gore's internet, someone will get word and do the right thing and turn in her stuff to either the local police or the venue
  • mondoretromondoretro Reading, PA Posts: 12
    I'm happy to hear that. Please keep us posted!
    ~*electricity comes from other planets*~
  • mondoretromondoretro Reading, PA Posts: 12
    ~*electricity comes from other planets*~
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