ISO TRADE one N2 Hollywood GA Floor for one N1 Hollywood GA floor

EddiespinsEddiespins Dana Point Posts: 14
edited March 6 in The Porch
Currently have 2 GA floor tickets for Hollywood, FL night 2. Unfortunately my girlfriend and I broke up, so I now I’m going solo. Would like trade one of the night 2 tickets for a night 1 ticket. Straight trade. Not opposed to a long GA wait, just depends on what the trader wants. Would just really love to make both shows instead of wasting a ticket on a friend who won’t appciate this venue & PJ.  

Instagram is also  @eddiespins if you’d like to contact me there (not a fan page my name is actually Eddie)
Post edited by Sea on


  • gotthebottlegotthebottle San Diego Posts: 3,009
    edited February 19
    Is easy... you just walk in together. It's straight trade so you go in with them, they go in with you.  
    What you have is the golden ticket... very valuable
  • EddiespinsEddiespins Dana Point Posts: 14
    @gotthebottle sweet, that’s what I was assuming. Was insanely pumped when I saw my lottery results, hopfullly I find someone in the same spot but night 1
  • MakeUSmileMakeUSmile NJ Posts: 1,149
    @PJNB is this a match? Or do you also have night 2? 
    can you feel this world with your heart and not your brain?
  • mcbreezelymcbreezely Posts: 80
    I have a N1 sec 113 row f for trade.
  • If anyone can’t work out a trade let me know, I can meet at the venue or time a ticket drop? Just need 1…cheers rob
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