Song of the day(Glorified G)

The fourth song off of VS, this strange little tune could be one of the most confused lyric singing song by fans from this band.
Another song they dusted off this past tour and fooled around with.
Glorified G
1/12/01 8:22 PM
El Conquistador
9/2/99 09:36 AM
Glorified G
Got a Gun, fact I Got two
That's O.K. man, cuz I love God
Glorified version of a pellet Gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet Gun (4x)
Double think, dumb is strenGth
Never shot at a livinG thinG
Glorified version of a pellet Gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet Gun (3x)
Glorified version of a...
Always keep it loaded (3x)
Kindred to be an American...
Life comes...I can feel your heart... comes...I can feel your heart throuGh your neck...
Life comes...I can feel your heart throuGh your neck...
Like some...I can steal your heart from your neck...
9/2/99 12:53 PM
this ones pretty simple I think....basically its about Gun control and the mentality of people who take up arms. He is makinG a statement by sayinG "kindred to be an American". Also, I think he is makinG a statement about kids GrowinG up with influences that create hunters/killers as an adult- "Glorified version of a pellet Gun", almost sayinG to the kid GrowinG up 'this is the biGGer adult version of your former toy'.....
9/2/99 1:08 PM
4 or 5 virGins and a pelican
sorry, I couldn't resist ;-)
9/2/99 2:16 PM
wasn't the story behind this...
i remember hearinG on several occasions that ed wrote this sonG not only as a statement on Guns and americans, but it also had somethinG to do with dave a. it was somethinG to the effect that dave a. had just bouGht a Gun and he was showinG it off to them and everyone, like it was the coolest thinG. "feels so manly, when armed" of course ed was disGusted and it prompted him to write this sonG. and also, from what i hear, ed doesn't like this sonG too much.
my favorite live version of this?? san dieGo, 11-7-95..."Glorified version of I HATE THIS SONG..." ahhhh...Gotta love ed's sense of humor.
"dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."
-James Dean
9/2/99 2:48 PM
Guess what is on the radio
Just a funny blurb turned my radio on, and boom there it is riGht now!
Like the work of mike at the end of this .
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
9/2/99 4:19 PM
This sonG is pretty basic.
I could Go into how it has a meaninGful messaGe, on how it is a criticism of a leGal system that makes it easier to buy a Gun than a 6-pack of beer; of a society where thousands of people flock to the NRA's call, united in the fiGht for the God-Given riGht of owninG deadly firearms; of the silly Western-movie, Clint Eastwood crap in the minds of people that makes them feel more virile just because they have a Gun, no, better, a BIG Gun, cause anythinG belowthan a .44 MaGnum is sissy stuff, and dream about the day when they will have the leGal excuse to USE it, and then they'll show the f***er who's really the man. I could relate the "That's OK, man, cuz I love God" line to the later "I can kill, cause in God I trust".
But it's still pretty basic.
I can rant all this about the backGround scenario, but when I hear the chorus repeated ad nauseum alonG with those nice, radio-friendly, crowd-GrabbinG riffs, I just don't feel anythinG of this. I just think of the masses of mindless people who rushed to the record store to buy the record that had those two Great sonGs that played on the radio, took it home, showed it off in the "what-you-still-don't-have-it" attitude, played those two sonGs plus a couple for 3 weeks, Got disappointed with all the rest of that "harsh GrunGe stuff", and then stowed it away at the back of their CD racks. And who, everytime those sonGs Get played on the radio in a "revival" broadcast, put on that smart, "hey-I've-Got-this" look.
It's probably not even PJ's fault. They probably didn't make it to be a hit. It probably just hit home by accident, while some other experiments were rejected by the public. And their popularity was a Good thinG, because it Gave them leveraGe with Sony to let them do what they liked. But it's just one of those sonGs that make me retort, when people say they like Pearl Jam, "what sonGs specifically do you like?". And, while I reGret that there is so little video footaGe of Pearl Jam, I thank the heavens they didn't make THIS ONE into a video.
Yeah, I'm probably an elitist. But at least I *LISTEN*.
<b≫João da Câmara BorGes</b≫
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel"
9/2/99 7:14 PM
That first paragraph was a thing of beauty!
..God I loved that rant..........It was perfection!
And so was the rest of what you said.....I don't really care for this tune too much either, I don't know why really, maybe it's because of the riff and that "Always keep it loaded" line and the "Glorified version of a pellet Gun" line over and over.....Because it's so catchy perhaps, I don't take it seriously.
OK brinG it on...I can take it naysayers!.....Just don't like it much!
I always picture those dick head militia people you see preparinG to defend our country aGainst ANYTHING THAT AINT know what I mean???
I skip this one in my CD player....ALOT....
9/2/99 7:27 PM
Re: That first paragraph was a thing of beauty!
Contrary to your opinion brokenarrow (which I wholeheartedly respect) I totally love this sonG. I don't think the sonG initially slapped me in the face with it's Greatness (like Rearviewmirror or animal) but after a couple times of listeninG to it, the line, "That's Ok man cuz I love God" totally hit me. I think I love the total sarcasm that Eddie uses here, just because he knows that there are those "really cool" people who went out to buy Vs. on the first day because "Pearl Jam was SOOOO COOL" and they don't even listen to what this sonG is sayinG, that one line about how our entire society acts and feels is totally overlooked. I think it's a Great sonG, definitly meant to have huGe sarcasm because those kind of people totally exist (unfortunetly there are too many of them).
"I'm a theif, I'm a liar, there's my church I sinG in the choir"
9/2/99 7:31 PM
Evolution again? The weapon of choice!
We all must admit that the Gun is all part of what makes a 'Taker'... a 'Taker'. I am speakinG of the 'Takers' vs. 'Leavers' as mentioned in Daniel Quin's ISHMAEL. The 'takers' always must have this weapon within' arms reach, and, of course, fire at will!
AlthouGh this can be a pretty basic sonG, with a pretty basic lyric and music... I challenGe you to take it to the next level.... maybe 'Glorified G' was the birth of PJ opinions that we now see in 'Yield'. And is yet to come in 2000 PJ...
I do skip this sonG on occasion, but now that I've seen the lyrics in writinG, I have to Give this sonG the respect it deserves... just as all PJ sonGs!!
I love it!!!
"Your room ain't Gonna clean it's self!" - my mom (I love her)
9/2/99 9:36 PM
I LOVE THAT quote OPEN.......
It made me smile....I Guess it's a mom thinG.....I say that all the time!
It's funny when thinGs chanGe so much, it's all state of mind...
9/2/99 9:59 PM
Hey's me...
....I re-read what I wrote, and I hope I didn't come off as offensive in any way.....I was just in a 'not so Good' mood....
.......many apoloGies if I sounded 'Cranky'......!!
Another song they dusted off this past tour and fooled around with.
Glorified G
1/12/01 8:22 PM
El Conquistador
9/2/99 09:36 AM
Glorified G
Got a Gun, fact I Got two
That's O.K. man, cuz I love God
Glorified version of a pellet Gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet Gun (4x)
Double think, dumb is strenGth
Never shot at a livinG thinG
Glorified version of a pellet Gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet Gun (3x)
Glorified version of a...
Always keep it loaded (3x)
Kindred to be an American...
Life comes...I can feel your heart... comes...I can feel your heart throuGh your neck...
Life comes...I can feel your heart throuGh your neck...
Like some...I can steal your heart from your neck...
9/2/99 12:53 PM
this ones pretty simple I think....basically its about Gun control and the mentality of people who take up arms. He is makinG a statement by sayinG "kindred to be an American". Also, I think he is makinG a statement about kids GrowinG up with influences that create hunters/killers as an adult- "Glorified version of a pellet Gun", almost sayinG to the kid GrowinG up 'this is the biGGer adult version of your former toy'.....
9/2/99 1:08 PM
4 or 5 virGins and a pelican
sorry, I couldn't resist ;-)
9/2/99 2:16 PM
wasn't the story behind this...
i remember hearinG on several occasions that ed wrote this sonG not only as a statement on Guns and americans, but it also had somethinG to do with dave a. it was somethinG to the effect that dave a. had just bouGht a Gun and he was showinG it off to them and everyone, like it was the coolest thinG. "feels so manly, when armed" of course ed was disGusted and it prompted him to write this sonG. and also, from what i hear, ed doesn't like this sonG too much.
my favorite live version of this?? san dieGo, 11-7-95..."Glorified version of I HATE THIS SONG..." ahhhh...Gotta love ed's sense of humor.

"dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."
-James Dean
9/2/99 2:48 PM
Guess what is on the radio
Just a funny blurb turned my radio on, and boom there it is riGht now!
Like the work of mike at the end of this .
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
9/2/99 4:19 PM
This sonG is pretty basic.
I could Go into how it has a meaninGful messaGe, on how it is a criticism of a leGal system that makes it easier to buy a Gun than a 6-pack of beer; of a society where thousands of people flock to the NRA's call, united in the fiGht for the God-Given riGht of owninG deadly firearms; of the silly Western-movie, Clint Eastwood crap in the minds of people that makes them feel more virile just because they have a Gun, no, better, a BIG Gun, cause anythinG belowthan a .44 MaGnum is sissy stuff, and dream about the day when they will have the leGal excuse to USE it, and then they'll show the f***er who's really the man. I could relate the "That's OK, man, cuz I love God" line to the later "I can kill, cause in God I trust".
But it's still pretty basic.
I can rant all this about the backGround scenario, but when I hear the chorus repeated ad nauseum alonG with those nice, radio-friendly, crowd-GrabbinG riffs, I just don't feel anythinG of this. I just think of the masses of mindless people who rushed to the record store to buy the record that had those two Great sonGs that played on the radio, took it home, showed it off in the "what-you-still-don't-have-it" attitude, played those two sonGs plus a couple for 3 weeks, Got disappointed with all the rest of that "harsh GrunGe stuff", and then stowed it away at the back of their CD racks. And who, everytime those sonGs Get played on the radio in a "revival" broadcast, put on that smart, "hey-I've-Got-this" look.
It's probably not even PJ's fault. They probably didn't make it to be a hit. It probably just hit home by accident, while some other experiments were rejected by the public. And their popularity was a Good thinG, because it Gave them leveraGe with Sony to let them do what they liked. But it's just one of those sonGs that make me retort, when people say they like Pearl Jam, "what sonGs specifically do you like?". And, while I reGret that there is so little video footaGe of Pearl Jam, I thank the heavens they didn't make THIS ONE into a video.
Yeah, I'm probably an elitist. But at least I *LISTEN*.
<b≫João da Câmara BorGes</b≫
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel"
9/2/99 7:14 PM
That first paragraph was a thing of beauty!
..God I loved that rant..........It was perfection!
And so was the rest of what you said.....I don't really care for this tune too much either, I don't know why really, maybe it's because of the riff and that "Always keep it loaded" line and the "Glorified version of a pellet Gun" line over and over.....Because it's so catchy perhaps, I don't take it seriously.
OK brinG it on...I can take it naysayers!.....Just don't like it much!
I always picture those dick head militia people you see preparinG to defend our country aGainst ANYTHING THAT AINT know what I mean???
I skip this one in my CD player....ALOT....
9/2/99 7:27 PM
Re: That first paragraph was a thing of beauty!
Contrary to your opinion brokenarrow (which I wholeheartedly respect) I totally love this sonG. I don't think the sonG initially slapped me in the face with it's Greatness (like Rearviewmirror or animal) but after a couple times of listeninG to it, the line, "That's Ok man cuz I love God" totally hit me. I think I love the total sarcasm that Eddie uses here, just because he knows that there are those "really cool" people who went out to buy Vs. on the first day because "Pearl Jam was SOOOO COOL" and they don't even listen to what this sonG is sayinG, that one line about how our entire society acts and feels is totally overlooked. I think it's a Great sonG, definitly meant to have huGe sarcasm because those kind of people totally exist (unfortunetly there are too many of them).
"I'm a theif, I'm a liar, there's my church I sinG in the choir"
9/2/99 7:31 PM
Evolution again? The weapon of choice!
We all must admit that the Gun is all part of what makes a 'Taker'... a 'Taker'. I am speakinG of the 'Takers' vs. 'Leavers' as mentioned in Daniel Quin's ISHMAEL. The 'takers' always must have this weapon within' arms reach, and, of course, fire at will!
AlthouGh this can be a pretty basic sonG, with a pretty basic lyric and music... I challenGe you to take it to the next level.... maybe 'Glorified G' was the birth of PJ opinions that we now see in 'Yield'. And is yet to come in 2000 PJ...
I do skip this sonG on occasion, but now that I've seen the lyrics in writinG, I have to Give this sonG the respect it deserves... just as all PJ sonGs!!
I love it!!!
"Your room ain't Gonna clean it's self!" - my mom (I love her)
9/2/99 9:36 PM
I LOVE THAT quote OPEN.......
It made me smile....I Guess it's a mom thinG.....I say that all the time!
It's funny when thinGs chanGe so much, it's all state of mind...
9/2/99 9:59 PM
Hey's me...
....I re-read what I wrote, and I hope I didn't come off as offensive in any way.....I was just in a 'not so Good' mood....
.......many apoloGies if I sounded 'Cranky'......!!
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
thiers still time so escape,,,,
auuuhhheehhh yaeeahh "
open fire on hollywood
open fire on mtv
open fire nbc
an' cbs an' abc
an' all the lies they told us along the way
open fire on each weapons manufactures while HE'S GIVING HEAD TO SOME REPUBLICAN SENATOR
You know she's right, it's a battle of civilty, the strugggle against gun colture.
If you want to read them i've wrote 2 songs about this, let me know, ok?
I hope nobody feels offended bv this, but if you do let's start thinking about drinking beer at the age of 16, instead shooting rounds of ammo, it's less dangerous!
with respect el subcomandante troncos
CAN YOU SHOW ME?! B springsteen
... Cuz in 1985 (as right now) the blind faith in your leaders or in any thing will get you killed, couse what i'm talkin' about here is WAR! b SPRINGSTEEN
yankee dollar talks to the dictators of the world infact is givin' orders an' they can't afford to miss a word
i'm so bored with the USA- the CLASH
a pertinent message, and cuz it's
totally cool and rockin'.
"I will even load it!!"