Song of the day(Black)

Time for my favorite song of all time to be put on here with all of the past interpretations of it, and if anyone cares to join in, by all means please do, and share with all, your present and future thoughts of this classic:)
The 5th song off of Ten, the name of it is Black
1/12/01 7:49 PM
El Conquistador
8/9/99 09:55 AM
It time for BLACK!!!!
I know this one could be big....everyone jump in!!!!
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did
All five horizons revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything?
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything?
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I'll be...yeah...
Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine
El Conquistador
8/9/99 09:59 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
As we all know jcborges has a 3 week holiday and won't be he asked me to post this for him....
Evenkat may notice I am repeating myself from the last time I discussed this song, but hey, It's the same song and I am the same person...
Black is my absolute favorite song in the world... I heard Alive before, but it didn't have much impact on me then... it was Black that made me fall in love with Pearl Jam, because I absolutely felt like the person in the song then... so this comment is much more about how I feel the song and much less an interpretation than any of the others...
Black is pure unresolved pain over lost love.
Black is about someone who withered on the inside since he lost the love of his life. He cannot create anymore, because his creative flame died when she left him (or maybe he left her and regrets it but has no way of getting her back). That's what the clay and canvas is about, and I believe also the bitter hands: bitter because they are now devoid of life, of power, and mock him as a symbol of his helplessness.
He remembers her as the center of his life; maybe he didn't treat her as such then, maybe his memory tricks him because the pain he feels now cannot let him believe that it wasn't always so, but nonetheless, he is now empty without her.
Now he sees the world in grey tones and watches it with blank, empty stares, hardened against all other forms of beauty and joy. He suffocates on the air he breathes, the days go on relentlessly like a huge weight over his heart, and all he can do is deny that pain, because with acceptance comes the realisation that he will never have her again by his side. So, since he refuses to face it, he walks numb in the world, with an occasional flash of grief. Then, during those flashes, he looks at the sky and defies God or whatever to give him insight on what happened (chafes beneath the clouds)or smashes old pictures of her just to rush to collect the shards of those pictures that are the shards of his life (cradles broken glass.
He feels he is forever scarred by his loss: "All the love gone bad... turned my world to black... tattoed all I see... all that I am... all that I'll be"
Invariably, in the end, he muses about what went wrong and the justice in his destiny, but he cannot move forward, only think about how it would be if they got back together. He has no hope, for even in this he knows deep inside that he is deluding himself, but he can't help it, he just can't accept it: "I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star... in somebody else's sky... but why can't it be mine..." And in live performances, Vedder used to add at the end "They don't understand... we belong together... together".
I have been in love once in my life. No, actually I'm in love every once in a while, but I have only truly LOVED someone passionately once. And when I first heard this song, I too was in a sort of numb grief, or more like finding an ashen taste in everything I did, forcing myself to try to have fun, denying to myself the fact that I had lost her forever, creating millions of unplausible and far-fetched scenarios in my mind in which we invariably ended up together...
I heard it in a disco and wept silently... the next day, I went out to buy the record and went home to listen to it... by the first chorus I was weeping again... and, when it got to the end (from the "all the love gone bad" part), I suddenly KNEW. I knew she was gone, I knew I wasn't getting her back, I knew we would never marry and have children, and I felt like I was going to be utterly lonely forever... and I let out a scream, or more of a wail, a terrible wail that was probably heard far away, like something ripped my chest open and slashed my heart something that I had tucked away deep inside and was finally getting out, unbeckoned and undeniable.
My healing started that night, but it was a slow, halting process (about two years), with frequent receedings. During that time, I listened to the song, literally hundreds of times, over and over, alone in the dark, with a masochystic delight in that overwhelming pain that oddly made me feel so alive.
I eventually got over it and moved on, but I still love the song, specially since it doesn't hurt anymore. Rather, it plunges me in sweet melancholy, but the oh-so-bitter taste of the song's despair still arouses an occasional tear...
Well, that's all. I'll just add that 'Alone' is very similar to 'Black', except that it carries a feeble glimmer of hope in the end ("the one who lies in wait"). In "Black" all is black (sic), hopeless pain.
"You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets... or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself... makes much more sense... to live in the present tense"
Love to all and know I'll be thinking of you,
João da Câmara Borges
8/9/99 10:46 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
Whoa. Talk about hitting the nail on the head.....
8/9/99 11:08 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I know jcborges is on vacation, but he did say he would be checking the posts when he returned, so to him I say thanks for sharing that! I could feel your pain through your words, and I am so glad you had "Black" to help you in your healing process...the power of music never ceases to amaze me!
As with Jcborges, this is also the song that made me fall in love with Pearl Jam. I remember having the CD for quite a long time before I actually put in in my headset and listened closely to it. I was overwhelmed, I played it over and over, trying to write down each word....I had never heard such an intense love song before....and the lyrics?...pure genius!!! Who was this Pearl Jam I asked myself? Who is behind the music? The lyrics? I have been addicted ever since, the more I learned, the more I heard...the more I loved them!
...I do have one question for everyone, the line.."all five horizons" what do you think that refers? I have argued with a friend of mine or this line and I would like to hear what others interpret this line to mean...thanks!
The 5th song off of Ten, the name of it is Black
1/12/01 7:49 PM
El Conquistador
8/9/99 09:55 AM
It time for BLACK!!!!
I know this one could be big....everyone jump in!!!!
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did
All five horizons revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything?
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything?
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I'll be...yeah...
Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine
El Conquistador
8/9/99 09:59 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
As we all know jcborges has a 3 week holiday and won't be he asked me to post this for him....
Evenkat may notice I am repeating myself from the last time I discussed this song, but hey, It's the same song and I am the same person...
Black is my absolute favorite song in the world... I heard Alive before, but it didn't have much impact on me then... it was Black that made me fall in love with Pearl Jam, because I absolutely felt like the person in the song then... so this comment is much more about how I feel the song and much less an interpretation than any of the others...
Black is pure unresolved pain over lost love.
Black is about someone who withered on the inside since he lost the love of his life. He cannot create anymore, because his creative flame died when she left him (or maybe he left her and regrets it but has no way of getting her back). That's what the clay and canvas is about, and I believe also the bitter hands: bitter because they are now devoid of life, of power, and mock him as a symbol of his helplessness.
He remembers her as the center of his life; maybe he didn't treat her as such then, maybe his memory tricks him because the pain he feels now cannot let him believe that it wasn't always so, but nonetheless, he is now empty without her.
Now he sees the world in grey tones and watches it with blank, empty stares, hardened against all other forms of beauty and joy. He suffocates on the air he breathes, the days go on relentlessly like a huge weight over his heart, and all he can do is deny that pain, because with acceptance comes the realisation that he will never have her again by his side. So, since he refuses to face it, he walks numb in the world, with an occasional flash of grief. Then, during those flashes, he looks at the sky and defies God or whatever to give him insight on what happened (chafes beneath the clouds)or smashes old pictures of her just to rush to collect the shards of those pictures that are the shards of his life (cradles broken glass.
He feels he is forever scarred by his loss: "All the love gone bad... turned my world to black... tattoed all I see... all that I am... all that I'll be"
Invariably, in the end, he muses about what went wrong and the justice in his destiny, but he cannot move forward, only think about how it would be if they got back together. He has no hope, for even in this he knows deep inside that he is deluding himself, but he can't help it, he just can't accept it: "I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star... in somebody else's sky... but why can't it be mine..." And in live performances, Vedder used to add at the end "They don't understand... we belong together... together".
I have been in love once in my life. No, actually I'm in love every once in a while, but I have only truly LOVED someone passionately once. And when I first heard this song, I too was in a sort of numb grief, or more like finding an ashen taste in everything I did, forcing myself to try to have fun, denying to myself the fact that I had lost her forever, creating millions of unplausible and far-fetched scenarios in my mind in which we invariably ended up together...
I heard it in a disco and wept silently... the next day, I went out to buy the record and went home to listen to it... by the first chorus I was weeping again... and, when it got to the end (from the "all the love gone bad" part), I suddenly KNEW. I knew she was gone, I knew I wasn't getting her back, I knew we would never marry and have children, and I felt like I was going to be utterly lonely forever... and I let out a scream, or more of a wail, a terrible wail that was probably heard far away, like something ripped my chest open and slashed my heart something that I had tucked away deep inside and was finally getting out, unbeckoned and undeniable.
My healing started that night, but it was a slow, halting process (about two years), with frequent receedings. During that time, I listened to the song, literally hundreds of times, over and over, alone in the dark, with a masochystic delight in that overwhelming pain that oddly made me feel so alive.
I eventually got over it and moved on, but I still love the song, specially since it doesn't hurt anymore. Rather, it plunges me in sweet melancholy, but the oh-so-bitter taste of the song's despair still arouses an occasional tear...
Well, that's all. I'll just add that 'Alone' is very similar to 'Black', except that it carries a feeble glimmer of hope in the end ("the one who lies in wait"). In "Black" all is black (sic), hopeless pain.
"You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets... or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself... makes much more sense... to live in the present tense"
Love to all and know I'll be thinking of you,
João da Câmara Borges
8/9/99 10:46 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
Whoa. Talk about hitting the nail on the head.....
8/9/99 11:08 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I know jcborges is on vacation, but he did say he would be checking the posts when he returned, so to him I say thanks for sharing that! I could feel your pain through your words, and I am so glad you had "Black" to help you in your healing process...the power of music never ceases to amaze me!
As with Jcborges, this is also the song that made me fall in love with Pearl Jam. I remember having the CD for quite a long time before I actually put in in my headset and listened closely to it. I was overwhelmed, I played it over and over, trying to write down each word....I had never heard such an intense love song before....and the lyrics?...pure genius!!! Who was this Pearl Jam I asked myself? Who is behind the music? The lyrics? I have been addicted ever since, the more I learned, the more I heard...the more I loved them!
...I do have one question for everyone, the line.."all five horizons" what do you think that refers? I have argued with a friend of mine or this line and I would like to hear what others interpret this line to mean...thanks!
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
8/9/99 11:23 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
jcborges, I really commend you on that heartfelt reply to this song, and VERY good quote at the end (Present Tense). I mostly agree with you on most aspects of the song, and perhaps I see it a bit differently because I haven't yet had a true love that "all five horizons revolved around", so probably a slightly different point of view.
I see this guy as somewhat of an experienced artist, someone who had created such inspiring pieces until this point (maybe one of those classic artists who got each of his different inspirations from each of the different girls he sees).
But everything is different now, she obviously wasn't just some other girl because that she has moved on (which is the impression that I get) He has turned his entire world into BLACK. I agree with jcborges here that he may not have shown or felt his love at the time they were together, but now realizes it because she is gone. I don't know, in some ways, it seems like he was insanely infatuated with her, maybe felt as if he owned her (I get this feeling from the line, "Were laid spread out before me as her body once did").
Anyway, no matter what happened, his world is BLACK, and he feels anguish and pain that he feels will never go away. I disagree here with jcborges about this man denying his pain, I think that he is plunging himself into this pain, his "bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds", he somewhat tries to go beyond this and reach lighter ground (above the clouds and above his black world) but he is only chafing, he is only trying to rub his pain away, which is why I think he wants to grieve and feel the pain. Also, I think that he is forcing himself to feel pain, or feel anything because he thinks he is withering away ("I can feel their laughter so why do I sear"). He forces himself to feel pain, even by hurting himself physically ("my bitter hands cradle broken glass").
SO, he will always be in this huge pain until he realizes she is gone, and he accepts it, which he doesn't do by the end of the song. He still believes that the tattoos will remain there forever, all the pictures (that were once happy pictures) are washed in black and are part of his black world, and he still doesn't know why she left, he still wants her back because he thinks that she is the only thing that will ever brighten or change his black world.
SO, there is my interp, I don't know if it is right, but I'm definitly open to suggestions on parts that I might have missed. The only part that I don't really understand is the line: "I know she gave me all that she wore"????? But, one thing is for certain, this character has definitley not heard the wise lines of Present Tense.
El Conquistador
8/9/99 11:30 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I think that "All five horizons revolved around her soul" means his five senses....basically everything that he in this case all his feeling revolved around her....."as the earth to the sun"
what do you guys think?
8/9/99 11:30 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I am not certain about this but I have heard this term a lot when it is referring to all ends of the world, like north, south, east, and west are four of the horizons, and the sky would probably be the fifth. Again, I'm not sure about this, this is only what I have always thought it was. Hope it helps!
oh, and can anybody help with the line, "I know she gave me all that she wore"??
8/9/99 11:34 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
GOOD POINT El Conquistador! I had never thought of the five senses! That could be closer to this song instead of the ends of the world since the sond is much more figurative than literal. But, the real meaning...only Eddie knows!
El Conquistador
8/9/99 11:35 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I think that "she gave me all that she wore" means that she shared her life with him....everything that she wore....her job, her feelings, her day to day experiences....everything that she went through are the things that she wore....
8/9/99 11:41 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
That is EXACTLY how I interpretated this line..thanks ElConquistador....I think we are right about that line!
redmosquito...your point is word for word as my friend interpreted it...I just added to this post to let you know that, I responded before I read your post, it is a good point, but I think it is the senses.... I didn't put down the two points my friend and I argued because I wanted to see how other people interrupted it, and I must admit I am surprised that you said the same as my friend...hmmmm......
El Conquistador
8/9/99 11:43 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
which line...all that she wore...or five horizons?
8/9/99 11:57 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
the five horizons line, sorry I wasn't clear there...
8/9/99 12:34 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
This is THE song that made me a PJ fan. I had heard of another love song song with the intensity of Black before and when I heard Black it made me think of Layla by Eric Clapton--the original version not the acoustic one. The same longing for a woman who would not be his. The endings of both songs give me shivers each time I hear them. I can just hear Eric singing "LAYLA you got me on my knees! Layla" and the guitar riff. Then the ending with the piano solo followed by the genius guitar solo. Wow. I personally think that Black in the same catagory as that--lyrically and musically. The tortured pain of loss, coming from the depth of the soul. Black made me realize that not all "good" music comes from my generation.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
8/9/99 12:56 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
redmosquito...I agree with most of your post. I agree the man is plunging himself into his pain, as opposed to denying it...but I have one difference of opinion... I don't think the line..."now my bitter hands cradle broken glass.."
refers to him inflicting pain on himself at all. Rather I feel the broken glass he is cradling is every little momento, picture, anything left over from their relationship, he now one would a baby, for they are precious to him...but they are referred to as 'broken glass', for the relationship is now over, broken...
8/9/99 1:57 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
yall make it REALLY REALLY hard for anyone else to add stuff to these posts..=) can there be anything else said about this song? the title itself sets the whole mood... think the songs about anyone specific?.. hmmmm...?
'there's alot to be said for Nowhere.'
8/9/99 3:09 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
ElConquistador...we need a pep talk here...only 14 posts???
Black is such a great song, I thought there would be more than this! Do you think people are just enjoying reading them, but not posting because they feel there is nothing more to add?
I hope we are not losing interest, for we are not even through the first album yet!
8/9/99 3:40 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I thought I would try to add something interesting to this, in that not omly is this my favorite song but the unplugged version is in my opinion, is PJ at their best along with Porch, my intersting little tidbit is that Eddie misses ther last two verses in the first part of the song and replaces them with the other two lines from the second verse and it does not bother me in the least as a matter of fact it makes me love it more, that for the first two or three years I heard that song beginning on the night that MTV first played it I totally did not realize his mistake, because of the way the song made me feel I was totally oblivious to this fact, until like three or four years ago when listening to my tape over and over it suddenly hit me, hey dumb ass he misses the all she wore line and the bitter hands that chafe beneath the clouds and replaces them with how quick the sun drops away and the bitter hands cradle broken glass.
Just an observation of how one song or a version of a song can so totally capture your soul that you do not even realize when there is a mistake in it.
As Stone and Jeff harmonize in the back
dodododododowhooo dodododododowhoo dodododododowhoo dodododododod whoooohoo
Eddie sings
uh huh no yeahh no hoo whodododdodwhododowhodododdowho ooh huh huh huhuh nuh yeah huh yeah huh we, we belong,we belong together,together we we we we belong together oh yeah!
El Conquistador
8/9/99 3:48 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
Okay Team, let's go!!! come on, let's get on this!!!! Are we just going to sit down and let this post beat us?!?!?!?!!? Hell no, we need to get up and say, "Damnit, I am not going to take this....I am going to post....right NOW!!!....I am going to let everyone know how this song makes me feel...I am going to give my insight on this song....I am going to do it for myself, my team, and above all else for the music!!!"
Now come on team...let's move, lets get some posts rolling...let's show the world why pearl jam has the best fans!!!! Tell us why you like this song, what you think this song means, and what is reminds you of....
All right (clap)...let's get a "GO TEAM" on 3....1, 2, 3
(okay, I am winded now....I need a cigarette ;-)
8/9/99 4:04 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
To keep the interpretaion short. I think it's about a woman he loved, but lost b/c of something he did.
But the reason i really like this song is b/c of the lines:
"All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I'll be...yeah...
Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine"
These are really cool because it sounds like Ed's sobbing while singing it.
"I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room..."--EddieVedder
8/9/99 4:47 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
There IS another reason why this song is so incredible and is still awesome live......Mikey. How about the L2L version???
8/9/99 5:19 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
Ok, let me try to get this in before boss comes back. People do seem to be concentrating on the lyrics which is fine. But what is this song without Mikey? If the words don't rip your heart out, his solos sure will. It's like he's letting the words come into his head and filtering them through his soul and then out his fingers into our hearts. I know I didn't explain that well but YOU know what I mean!
8/9/99 5:29 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
What a song. When you listen to this song, you feel it way down deep inside, it's not just the words either, the music just fits perfectly.
This was the first song, that really turned me on to Pearl Jam. I kept hearing it when we were out in local bars and clubs, it would either be playing on the jukebox or a band would be covering it. I would always ask WHAT is this song. When I would go to this certain bar that had Ten on the jukebox, I alway's had to ask what song it was, and sometimes I would play other songs not knowing and they all sounded really great.
At the time, I did not have cable and I would go to friend's homes and I would see the Jeremy video. Which always intrigued me. But, I did not know the connection as of yet. But, a friend gave me the cassette for Christmas in 1992 and I listened to that cassette over and over and over.
Well, everyone has had their heart broken, and there are so many songs. But this one, you connect with it and feel it in the pit of your stomach. It's so emotional.
I always felt it was a very healthy "love gone bad" song. Because it seems to me the singer is acknowledging his pain and yes, he is bitter, but accepts that the girl in the song will go on and have a beautiful life and will be a star in someone elses sky. To me, that is just absolutely beautiful and a healthy love and not just some weird obsession.
But, the end of the song when he is just expressing without words is to me the most emotional part of the song.
To me, I can't remember a song making me feel this much emotion.
El Conquistador your interpretation is so cool and has enlighted me. And you can repeat yourself time after time. I love discussing this song.
Thanks, this was like the best idea.
"You know what it's like" EV
8/9/99 6:00 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
In eighth grade, we did this thing analyzing lyrics. My teacher picked a bunch of bands (all of which were in my journal entries that we had to turn in. When I graduated the teacher said that I was his favorite student, weird huh). Well, he picked black from Pearl Jam. We talked about how it was about a lost love. But at the end, he made a statement that the song could also be about nuclear holocaust. Pretty weird guy, but certain parts do make sense, just thought i would share?
I don't want to take what you can give. I would rather starve that eat your bread.-EV
8/9/99 8:35 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
.........This song is amazing...You guys have summed it all up.
.....One of the things I found so gut wrenching about this song, was hearing
Eddie sing it live,,,,any recording where he's screaming, pleading...
"We, We We,,,,We belong together, together Ohhhhhh"
........You knoww the rest.......This, sent chills up my spine and made tears well up in my eyes............So Incredibly Powerful.........Just....Wow!
..........You guys really know yer stuff you know that?
..............A-Plus for EVERYONE!
........I really enjoy this........Thanks again El! (I feel I must thank you every time a song comes up....You're Tremendous!)
8/9/99 9:06 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I would like to nominate this song as the "Stairway to Heaven" of the 90s. Definitely one of the best songs to come from this decade. An instant classic. No other song moves me like this one does....the angst,passion, the agony...the soulful expressions in Ed's voice. I could hear it a million times and not get tired of it.
8/9/99 9:33 PM
Jc... that was enlightening... i hope this post is not a waste.
So much feeling, emotion, etc that always grabs me in this song.
What more can i say...
Nothing man!!!! hehehhe
take care,
"Escape is never the safest path"
8/9/99 10:20 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
This song reminds me someone that I love and that I never I always connect this song to I got matches perfectly for me...
The final part...( I know someday you have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star, in somebody else's sky, but why, but why can't it be mine...WE BELONG WE BELONG TOGETHER along with all the suffering that you feel in his voice sufocates me with despair and frustration...for knowing that I will never love/touch/feel the person that I is really a hard feeling....
the final solo in the live version o LO2L makes this feeling a lot harder..
ohhhhh boy....=(
Take CARE!!!!!
8/9/99 11:44 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
Right now I'm listening to the LO2L version, and this song, as a lot of people have said, really hits you emotionally...even if you dont relate to the song, it still hits you...well, a few weeks ago something happened between me and my best friend, my girlfriend...and for a few days, your world does actually turn to black...and the shit that she did actually tattooed everything we had...Ed's voice and lyrics always seem to fit with a situation, and always help....oh wow, Mike does a great job on this too....well, there you go, my two cents
8/9/99 11:58 PM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
to Myself...that is so sad, when I was younger I once felt that way too, but didn't have such a song as Black to relate to....
Sing it loud, sing it hard, I am sure belting out those lines will help get that frustration out! the way, I am SURE when you least expect it, you will find YOUR STAR in the SKY! :-)
8/10/99 00:57 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I was just listening to LO2L too. I'll never forget watching Mike play this. (I'll never forget watching Mike play anything.) That's all I can say.
8/10/99 01:12 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
considering my name here and all i feel a duty to make some kind of response. many people have already said what i wanted to say so i will jsut add that somewhere i heard that the song was about vedder's first love, back in high school or something. he said at a concert once while introducing the song that it was her birthday that day
You know who
8/10/99 09:23 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I think everyone pretty much said what I thought and more about this song. It is by far my favorite Pearl Jam of the only songs I could listen to over and over again without getting sick of it. This song has always meant a lot to me. It is just one of those songs that I cannot listen to without getting tears in my eyes every time.
You know who
8/10/99 12:39 PM
Five Horizons....What I've Pictured....
.....The five senses makes alot of sense.....The horizons that were mentioned
in terms of direction are actually....
........The Six Directions'..North, South, East, West, Heaven and Earth...
......They are praying points for Native Americans........Very Spiritual.....
......I have always pictured in my minds eye The 'Five Horizons' as being a day to day thing......I envision looking at the Horizon over the Pacific Ocean for some reason....Sunsets and Sunrises.......
.........Each day with his 'Love', brings a new horizon........
.......I'm sure I'm not right about the literal meaning of this, but it's just what I've pictured.......This is an important line in this song/poem!
..........You guys are GREAT!! (I just wanted to say that 'cause it's how I feel!)......brokenarrow>
8/30/99 02:43 AM
Turned my world to Black
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
8/30/99 10:39 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
I agree with you entirely. I heard one time that Ed was at a beach of something and heard some kids singing Black. As the story goes, he confronted them and asked them to stop singing (because to him, i guess it represented the exponential growth of the band's popularity and commercial appeal). Well if this story is correct, I apologize Ed, but I absolutely love this song, can listen to it over and over and over. I really enjoy some of the liver versions that end with Ed repeating the "we belong together" line with some kind of scary but heart poking sense of urgency in his voice. that part always makes me feel connected, and unfearful of having deep feelings for someone.
8/30/99 7:30 PM
First at all, I’m Hernan from Argentina so my language is SORRY for my English!!!!!!!
I want to say that this is the best song of my life and the more painful for me because this song remember at my exgirlfriend...I’m 25 years old and I had only one girlfriend (ILEANA) for six years and I lost her two months ago (June 25ft). She left me (she always said that she never could left me...that I was all for her...that if I left her she died, and she want that I change a few things but I never pay attention on that... “I know she gave me all that she wore” she gave to me all and I feel very bad now because I lost her and I think that I never will be with somebody anymore...Us song...was BLACK... but we never pay attention to the lyrics...and now everytime that I listen the song I remember she...all the time...all the time...
“All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...”
“All the love gone bad turned my world to black”
This two verse I fell right now in these moments.... It’s incredible like a picture of my LIFE...
...And now “I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine” I listen to this lyrics and I know that it is true...and this is terrible...
8/30/99 9:05 PM
don't worry about your english...i think you did just fine
"knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens"
-jimi hendrix
8/31/99 03:21 AM
Re: It time for BLACK!!!!
this is the first "favorite" pearl jam song i had. i listened to all the others on ten, but this one did it for me. my most favorite version is the unplugged version, my fav part is the "i take a walk outside...." and then ed goes up an octave(i think that's the term).i love the way his voice sounds at certain moments....there is part of hard to imagine that i feel the same way about that is only about 2 seconds long, but there is just something about his voice....
8/31/99 08:40 AM
Thanks Jen!!
Thanks a lot Jen!!!...and I think that probably you are right..."if it's meant to be, it'll be...."...never knows...
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
4/15/01 06:46 AM
First of all.. Black fucken rocks.
Secondly.. doesn anyone anyone know if any (and which one) fo the 2000 tour bootlegs have a version of Black that has the "we belong together" bit at the end..?
vegetable rights and peace
4/15/01 10:50 AM
wow takes ya back. thanks
"You know what it's like?" EV
barely beat out "Cut the Mullet" by the late and great Westley Willis
it's a good song..............
my very favorite pearl jam song, even though it is NOT on my fave PJ album, NO CODE....has helped me through alot. has meant different things at times to me and now, for some odd reason hearing it makes me smile instead of cry.
btw...thanks guys for NOT playing it at east troy this sarcasm intended, i really mean it...that was a rough week for me.
Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
join the street team
"headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
had the "we belong together" tag at the end. wow
btw, based on the "what pearl jam song are you?" quiz, i am this song.