Your Ideal Society/Utopia

Been thinking for some time that the Europeans, specifically the Nords, get it right. This sound like a utopia to me.
What is your idea of a utopia?
What is your idea of a utopia?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Sir Thomas More, Utopia
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Great thread idea and interesting article, thanks!
Read, for example, Malcolm Margolin's The Ohlone Way. There was no written history among these peoples before Europeans arrived, but some of the earliest Spanish settlers to California recorded enough of what they saw early on such that some 300 later Margolin was able to piece together a pretty good picture of what life was like for these hunter-gatherer people. They lived a very much mostly peaceful hunter-gatherer existence and got along just fine with other visiting tribes. From other things I've read, I get the impression the same was true for other hunter-gather people around the world.
Humans giving up their hunter-gatherer way of life led to the evolution of slave and master, war, bureaucracy, nationalism, true-believer religions, and strife, which became quite the norm rather than the rare event.
Going back to those roots is highly unlikely, even after the collapse of current civilization. In terms of a more feasible utopian society, I think we would need to end the notions of nation and state, re-group in small numbers of people whose homes are based on geographic bioregions rather than artificial lines on a map. Truly civilized humans would evolve as smaller clusters of people who live with the attributes early anarchist thinkers envisioned in which they suggested bands of localized people characterized who share their cultures and good with neighboring bands of people who live a similar life style. These people would be characterized by what Edward Abbey described as "a form of human society in which the primary values are openness, diversity, tolerance, personal liberty, reason"*,
Abbey wrote a lot about his concept of anarchy which was based closely on the writing and thinking of early anarchists, especially William Godwin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Thanks! You can be in my tribe, lol!