Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
SSCS is a much misunderstood conservation-- well, I want to say "organization" but its founder, Paul Watson, calls it "a collective of numerous national entities". The biggest misunderstanding is the belief by some that Sea Shepherd is an eco-terrorist organization. This is completely false. Actually, Sea Shepherd's main focus is to "investigate, document and directly intervene against illegal activities that exploit marine wildlife". Rather than spend huge amounts of money, time and energy raising funds (which is what many of the larger organizations that are generally referred to as "protest organizations" do) , SSCS takes direct action and works on an almost all-volunteer basis and raise funds by word of mouth (such as this post).
Here's a concise article from The Marine Executive that explains what SSCS is about and does. Thanks for checking it out.
Here's a concise article from The Marine Executive that explains what SSCS is about and does. Thanks for checking it out.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
If I didn't have problems with vertigo which make it virtually impossible for me to go out on the ocean I would volunteer to go out on one of their campaigns.
We went down to one of the piers in San Francisco last year to meet the crew of the R/V Martin Sheen at their welcoming event to thank them for their efforts and gave them a case of Cliff bars for their next journey. These people are amazing. All of them were volunteers. The cook took early retirement to go out full-time to work on the vessel. Here are a few shots the the Martin Sheen and crew with visitors:
There is a marvelous documentary called "Pirate For the Sea" is great to watch that explains the mission and purpose of SSCS. Here's the official trailer:
Sea Shepherd folks are big music fans too! One of the crew members we me on the R/V Martin Sheen is a song writer and performer (I'll look that up later.)
I remember seeing a video in which one of the guys from Red Hot Chili's introduced Captain Paul Watson at a function. I wish I could find the clip. I remember there was a lot of enthusiasm on both sides!
Would love to sere Pearl Jam join in the support!
Setting the Record Straight: Captain Paul Watson’s Departure from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (USA)
This bonafide coup d’etat, led by Chairmen of the Board, Paul Labombard, who goes by the alias, Pritam Singh, a high net worth real estate developer based in Woodstock, VT, has been described by former employees as a “hostile takeover” of Sea Shepherd USA. Watson and many other close affiliates are reportedly being silenced from speaking publicly about the current situation. A former chapter coordinator who wished to remain anonymous due to fear of legal retaliation from Singh and his high powered cronies, shared:
“Former staff and volunteers are being bullied through aggressive emails, threatening legal action if they speak out against the current regime. Watson has been denied access to anything Sea Shepherd USA related, including his own images. He has been removed from the website’s history, although they continue to use his intellectual property throughout it and profit from retail sales using the organization’s logo that he created decades ago.”
It appears that Sea Shepherd USA has been hijacked by people who have never been involved in Sea Shepherd campaigns, aside from Singh who owns a sportsmen fishing lodge in Alaska. Every other Sea Shepherd group around the world disagrees with the recent direction to diminish this effective global movement. And it appears that the current Board of Directors, all who have been appointed by Singh, are causing significant damage to both the operations and credibility of the organization.
Good news:
Captain Paul Watson remains on the Board of Sea Shepherd Global and will continue to support Global ships, officers, crews and campaigns. Sea Shepherd Global continues to be an interventionist, anti-poaching organization with crews deployed around the world.
“We are Sea Shepherd,” he stated. “We are direct action motivated by imagination, persistence, and courage. My future lies with the people from around the world who have made and continue to make Sea Shepherd the most influential, passionate, and effective marine conservation movement on this planet.”
For more information and to learn how you may continue to support Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd Global, please visit:
Very unfortunately, only one month ago I sent my annual donation to SSCS only to find out now about this unfortunate coup d’etat. Looks like I wasted a bunch of money. But I'm going to look forward instead of back and resend the same amount of money to Sea Shepherd Global.