Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
SSCS is a much misunderstood conservation-- well, I want to say "organization" but its founder, Paul Watson, calls it "a collective of numerous national entities". The biggest misunderstanding is the belief by some that Sea Shepherd is an eco-terrorist organization. This is completely false. Actually, Sea Shepherd's main focus is to "investigate, document and directly intervene against illegal activities that exploit marine wildlife". Rather than spend huge amounts of money, time and energy raising funds (which is what many of the larger organizations that are generally referred to as "protest organizations" do) , SSCS takes direct action and works on an almost all-volunteer basis and raise funds by word of mouth (such as this post).

Here's a concise article from The Marine Executive that explains what SSCS is about and does. Thanks for checking it out.

"Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
-Jim Acosta


  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    brianlux said:

    SSCS is a much misunderstood conservation-- well, I want to say "organization" but its founder, Paul Watson, calls it "a collective of numerous national entities". The biggest misunderstanding is the belief by some that Sea Shepherd is an eco-terrorist organization. This is completely false. Actually, Sea Shepherd's main focus is to "investigate, document and directly intervene against illegal activities that exploit marine wildlife". Rather than spend huge amounts of money, time and energy raising funds (which is what many of the larger organizations that are generally referred to as "protest organizations" do) , SSCS takes direct action and works on an almost all-volunteer basis and raise funds by word of mouth (such as this post).

    Here's a concise article from The Marine Executive that explains what SSCS is about and does. Thanks for checking it out.

    I absolutely love these guys
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825

    brianlux said:

    SSCS is a much misunderstood conservation-- well, I want to say "organization" but its founder, Paul Watson, calls it "a collective of numerous national entities". The biggest misunderstanding is the belief by some that Sea Shepherd is an eco-terrorist organization. This is completely false. Actually, Sea
    Shepherd's main focus is to "investigate, document and directly intervene against illegal activities that exploit marine wildlife". Rather than spend huge amounts of money, time and energy raising funds (which is what many of the larger organizations that are generally referred to as "protest organizations" do) , SSCS takes direct action and works on an almost all-volunteer basis and raise funds by word of mouth (such as this post).

    Here's a concise article from The Marine Executive that explains what SSCS is about and does. Thanks for checking it out.

    I absolutely love these guys
    That's awesome! Me too!

    If I didn't have problems with vertigo which make it virtually impossible for me to go out on the ocean I would volunteer to go out on one of their campaigns.

    We went down to one of the piers in San Francisco last year to meet the crew of the R/V Martin Sheen at their welcoming event to thank them for their efforts and gave them a case of Cliff bars for their next journey. These people are amazing. All of them were volunteers. The cook took early retirement to go out full-time to work on the vessel. Here are a few shots the the Martin Sheen and crew with visitors:

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    Nice! That had to bean amazing experience!
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825

    Nice! That had to bean amazing experience!

    It was great! :smile: The crew were just marvelous- happy, hard working and dedicated. They do it for no personal gain whatsoever (other than for the satisfaction derived from the experience) despite the hardships and, at times, danger of their campaigns to protect marine life. Thankfully, after 50 years in existence, no one- neither SSCS personnel nor anyone else on land or sea involved- has ever been seriously injured of killed.

    There is a marvelous documentary called "Pirate For the Sea" is great to watch that explains the mission and purpose of SSCS. Here's the official trailer:
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    Yes. I follow these guys. They are doing such great work.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825

    Yes. I follow these guys. They are doing such great work.

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • njnancynjnancy Posts: 5,096
    Big fan of these guys too. Followed the show Whale Wars & it caused so many emotions. Makes me think of Whale Song,, PJ Lost Dogs & Don't Kill the Whales- Yes, Tormato. Everything that stirs emotion in me is tied with music. I always wanted to volunteer for Greenpeace, Sierra Club, something that was making a difference in the world, no matter how small, instead of doing my career thing. But I never followed through. Thanks for posting, it's great to see other's interests in charitable organizations that coincide with mine.
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
    njnancy said:

    Big fan of these guys too. Followed the show Whale Wars & it caused so many emotions. Makes me think of Whale Song,, PJ Lost Dogs & Don't Kill the Whales- Yes, Tormato. Everything that stirs emotion in me is tied with music. I always wanted to volunteer for Greenpeace, Sierra Club, something that was making a difference in the world, no matter how small, instead of doing my career thing. But I never followed through. Thanks for posting, it's great to see other's interests in charitable organizations that coincide with mine.

    Everything we do to support this organization helps, Nancy, big or small!

    Sea Shepherd folks are big music fans too! One of the crew members we me on the R/V Martin Sheen is a song writer and performer (I'll look that up later.)

    I remember seeing a video in which one of the guys from Red Hot Chili's introduced Captain Paul Watson at a function. I wish I could find the clip. I remember there was a lot of enthusiasm on both sides!
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
    The most recent Sea Shepherd vessel - donated by a lottery winner!  I dream of being able to do this!

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
    SSCS recently reaffirmed the support they receive from Anthony Kiedis and Flea (Red Hot Chilis) by posting this photo on FB.

    Would love to sere Pearl Jam join in the support!

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
    Not good news:

    Setting the Record Straight: Captain Paul Watson’s Departure from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (USA)

    This bonafide coup d’etat, led by Chairmen of the Board, Paul Labombard, who goes by the alias, Pritam Singh, a high net worth real estate developer based in Woodstock, VT, has been described by former employees as a “hostile takeover” of Sea Shepherd USA. Watson and many other close affiliates are reportedly being silenced from speaking publicly about the current situation. A former chapter coordinator who wished to remain anonymous due to fear of legal retaliation from Singh and his high powered cronies, shared: 

    “Former staff and volunteers are being bullied through aggressive emails, threatening legal action if they speak out against the current regime. Watson has been denied access to anything Sea Shepherd USA related, including his own images. He has been removed from the website’s history, although they continue to use his intellectual property throughout it and profit from retail sales using the organization’s logo that he created decades ago.”

    It appears that Sea Shepherd USA has been hijacked by people who have never been involved in Sea Shepherd campaigns, aside from Singh who owns a sportsmen fishing lodge in Alaska. Every other Sea Shepherd group around the world disagrees with the recent direction to diminish this effective global movement. And it appears that the current Board of Directors, all who have been appointed by Singh, are causing significant damage to both the operations and credibility of the organization.

    Good news:

    Captain Paul Watson remains on the Board of Sea Shepherd Global and will continue to support Global ships, officers, crews and campaigns. Sea Shepherd Global continues to be an interventionist, anti-poaching organization with crews deployed around the world.

    “We are Sea Shepherd,” he stated. “We are direct action motivated by imagination, persistence, and courage. My future lies with the people from around the world who have made and continue to make Sea Shepherd the most influential, passionate, and effective marine conservation movement on this planet.”
    For more information and to learn how you may continue to support Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd Global, please visit:

    Very unfortunately, only one month ago I sent my annual donation to SSCS only  to find out now about this unfortunate coup d’etat.  Looks like I wasted a bunch of money.  But I'm going to look forward instead of back and resend the same amount of money to Sea Shepherd Global.

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,825
    Super discouraged and bummed this morning re. this:

    Open Message to Sea Shepherd Supporters from Captain Paul Watson
    This morning I received an email informing me that The Board of Directors of Sea Shepherd Global dismissed me from the Global Board.
    This was the message:
    "I am sorry to inform you that based on the conversations that we've had, and the legal issues between you and SSCS, we asked you to step down from the board. Since you have not complied with that request, the majority of the Global Board has decided that it is a conflict of interest for you to remain as a Director on the Board of Sea Shepherd Global; and has therefore reached the decision that you are no longer a Director of Sea Shepherd Global." - Alex Cornelissen
    The announcement by Sea Shepherd Global yesterday of an agreement between Global and SSCS may have caught many of you by surprise. It certainly caught me by surprise. There has been a disturbing lack of transparency about the relationship between Sea Shepherd USA and Sea Shepherd Global.
    It all stems from SSSC and the decision by SSCS President Pritam Singh to change the focus and the direction of Sea Shepherd in the USA. No more direct action, no more controversial campaigns and no more confrontations with poachers. In June 2022 when I said that I could not support this radical change in priorities nor could I participate in it, I was told that I was an employee and I had to do what I was told.
    In response I resigned. SSCS responded by removing my picture, bio and history from the SSCS website and legally threatened me to not use the logo I designed or the name Sea Shepherd that I created. This included not being able to post pictures of myself in a Sea Shepherd shirt or with the Sea Shepherd flag. I was also told that I could not communicate with supporters nor speak with the media under threat of a lawsuit.
    My official Facebook page was blocked for trademark violations because I had a picture of myself with a Sea Shepherd Shirt in front of a Sea Shepherd flag. After a month that page is still blocked to postings by myself.
    SSCS made legal threats to chapter leaders and to Sea Shepherd Global.
    I really don’t respond to threats, but I was patient, hoping that Sea Shepherd Global would have my back. This morning I discovered that they do not have my back.
    I thought that Sea Shepherd Global would support me and I urged people to continue to support Global but under threat of lawsuits by SSCS, Alex Cornelissen, despite his serious concerns about SSCS (US) decided to make an agreement between Sea Shepherd Global and SSCS (US). Apparently, part of this agreement was to demand that Global dismiss me from the Global Board and Alex informed me of this fact this morning.
    As a Global Board member, I did not receive an invitation to a Board meeting to discuss this. Alex did not call for a vote by the directors, he simply stated that the Global Board made the decision to dismiss me from the Global Board. Aside from myself, at least one other of the six directors was not notified of a meeting or notice of a vote on my dismissal. I don’t even have a vote count nor confirmation that a vote took place. I do know I was not given an opportunity to vote.
    I don’t wish to attack Sea Shepherd Global. I am in 100% support of Global ship operations, crew and campaigns and these ships are doing incredibly positive interventions. I have no complaints about Alex Cornelissen or Peter Hammarstedt. What they are doing on the sea is awesome and important. The ships operating off Africa, in the Baltic, in the Mediterranean and Australia need to be doing what they are doing the way they have been doing it.
    The problem lies with SSCS. They have scrapped the White Holly, the John Paul DeJoria and the Sharpie. They have sold the Brigitte Bardot and have plans to sell the Martin Sheen. They have purchased the Sharkwater against my advice and they plan to use it as a comfortable platform for scientists to do research becoming in effect an uber service for researchers.
    They claim that I am too controversial and too confrontational to continue to be associated with Sea Shepherd. However, I am what I have always been and will always be and that is a proponent of direct action, aggressive non-violent tactics, vegan vessels, and a movement without fear of controversy or confrontation.
    I certainly don’t want to discourage anyone from continuing to support Sea Shepherd Global. The Ocean needs our ships and our campaigns.
    I am simply writing this to inform everyone of a situation that is happening where Sea Shepherd entities and chapters around the world seem to be kept in the dark about what is occurring.
    They can’t expect to dismiss a director and the founder of this movement and expect everyone to ignore the fact or to not question it.
    They do need to supply an explanation as to why this decision was made and just what is their relationship with SSCS will be going forward, the truth without the public relations sugar coating of an illusion that both Global and SSCS are working together. Working with SSCS under its present leadership means being associated with an entity that is not what Sea Shepherd is meant to be. It will only serve to taint Global with the excessive salaries, the non-vegan ships, the aggressive marketing of merchandise and non-confrontational new direction SSCS is going.
    I have established the Captain Paul Watson Foundation in the USA to continue the work I have been doing since 1977. I will support Global campaigns and I will work with any and all Sea Shepherd groups in this great movement we have created. I have no intention of retiring or surrendering to bullying and intimidation.
    This is my answer to the Global Board after receiving the notice this morning that they had made the decision to dismiss me from the Global Board of Directors:
    To the Board of Sea Shepherd Global
    In the height of betrayal, the Global Board decided to dismiss me without a board meeting, and without a formal meeting or vote.
    Is this what Sea Shepherd has become?
    What next? Pritam Singh joins the Global Board. My name, picture, and legacy removed from the Global website? Or do you intend to continue to trade on my legacy despite having removed me?
    All out of fear of a lawsuit. You surrendered to shameless bullying and intimidation. I hate to say this, but this Florida real estate developer now owns you, and you surrendered to him without a fight.
    I will not be going quietly into the night. I intend to continue doing what I have been doing for the last 45 years. I truly never thought I would ever see this kind of treachery and betrayal in the movement that I created.
    I will leave you with this quote:
    “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
    James Baldwin
    I am a fighter, always have been and always will be. I did not face off against the Japanese whaling fleet in the hostile remote waters of the Southern Ocean only to surrender to this nonsense. I will rebuild, regroup and I will return to the high seas to once again defend life, diversity and interdependence in the Ocean.

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

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