Sacramento driving!! 10c ticket extra? barter?

If anyone has a 10c spare for the Sacramento show, please let me know!! I'll buy you a poster, a beer, give you my favorite PJ shirt, 300 page Ames Bros. poster book, whatever it takes!

I had tickets to San Diego and LA shows from pre-Covid times, and there was almost nothing in life I had been anticipating more. But circumstances shifted, and suddenly track meets and soccer games and dance performances and Mothers Day filled that stretch of days - which meant it would've been a massively selfish trip for me to take. So reluctantly, and over the protests of my girls, I cancelled my travel plans to see Pearl Jam. 

It was an amazing run of shows, but I don't regret it. Those setlists and experiences seemed custom made for me, but I still don't regret it. I did the right thing. Even got fitted for a wedding suit in the process! There remains, however, this terrible freefall of the soul in knowing I was so close to the cathartic heart recalibration of a PJ show and had to miss it.

The Sacramento show is just a few hours' drive away, and after the years and struggles and recent cancellations there's very little I wouldn't do to be on the floor for the experience.

Hoping to hell someone's got an extra! 


  • foofitrzfoofitrz Posts: 7
    There are some for face value on Ticketmaster right now. Grab one!
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    foofitrz said:
    There are some for face value on Ticketmaster right now. Grab one!
    Looking for pit tho
  • foofitrzfoofitrz Posts: 7
    I was referring to the pit. You just have to keep checking, they keep popping up. Good luck!
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    foofitrz said:
    I was referring to the pit. You just have to keep checking, they keep popping up. Good luck!
    Well damn! I'm refreshing my ass off!
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    Saw pit tickets and went for it, but it kept kicking me back to the menu after loading!!
  • foofitrzfoofitrz Posts: 7
    If I see one I will grab it for you
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    Love you so righteously
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    I got one!!!! YESS!~!!!!!
  • foofitrzfoofitrz Posts: 7
    Got one for ya if you still need it. Message me and we can coordinate if so.
  • foofitrzfoofitrz Posts: 7
    Nice! I think I crossed your message. No worries, I will sell the one I got if you're good.
  • Don’t want to hijack this thread from the original person but it seems they have found what they were looking for so if anyone has an extra floor ticket I’d love to take it off your hands! Thanks!
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    Floor drop at standard prices 

  • Floor drop at standard prices 

    Thanks, I saw that. I’ll settle for a seat if it’s all I can get but I’d love to be in GA singing and jumping along with everyone if at all possible. 
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    Floor drop at standard prices 

    Thanks, I saw that. I’ll settle for a seat if it’s all I can get but I’d love to be in GA singing and jumping along with everyone if at all possible. 
    Ah then say you want GA not floor...;)  be patient one will pop up for GA... 
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    like NOW
    Get it
  • Floor drop at standard prices 

    Thanks, I saw that. I’ll settle for a seat if it’s all I can get but I’d love to be in GA singing and jumping along with everyone if at all possible. 
    Ah then say you want GA not floor...;)  be patient one will pop up for GA... 
    You’re right, I should have clarified that. 
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    Floor drop at standard prices 

    Thanks, I saw that. I’ll settle for a seat if it’s all I can get but I’d love to be in GA singing and jumping along with everyone if at all possible. 
    Ah then say you want GA not floor...;)  be patient one will pop up for GA... 
    You’re right, I should have clarified that. 
    Did you get the one that just dropped and sold? 
  • Just scored one!! 
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    and a Pair up now..... Def more moving..just keep refreshing 
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    Just scored one!! 
    perfect Bro... See you there@! 
  • FirecloudFirecloud Posts: 516
    Hell yeah!! I'll be wearing a light brown hat & probably my 90 shirt, losing my absolute shit.
  • craigraethercraigraether Posts: 1,521
    Now I think I have an Extra GA... Buddys Ex has CV and now hes got kids... 

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