ISO MKE 2014 Ben Frost concert Poster

Hi- I was at the show - yes it was the yield show - yes I totally lost my shit when they went into faithful after Brain of J…. Mind blown as yield is one of my favorite albums. Anyhow - I thought for sure I got a poster, but for the life of me I can’t find it.  eBay is like $900 to $1,000… crazy.  Anyhow - willing to trade some wrigley field 2016 stuff … I have an extra faile (redline Addison stop with harry caray and Molly ringwald) and an extra Klausen Cubs colored baseball team … plus a few of the Ken Taylor baseball bat Eagle posters.  So - don’t know - let me know if anyone has a lead on this poster - or if someone is willing to trade.  Cheers!!


  • SFPJerSFPJer Posts: 15
    Ok … wow … I have lots of posters -  but never really looked them up for value until now … never knew about espresso … is that site the standard for estimating the value?   The MKE 14 poster is actually worth the $850 someone was selling on eBay - and my wrigley posters are not worth as much as I thought they would be.  Oh well … if there is a chance that I could find one - I would expect that it would be on something like this.  We’ll see.   
  • nicky-p38nicky-p38 Posts: 416
    Expresso beans is a good site for tracking the value but can be a little misleading if there have not been many sales or recent sales. It will give the average and six month average so take a look at both as well as the dates of recent sales. For the MKE, the last eBay sale around 600 and one for sale on EB just listed in July for 1000…seems like $850 is a decent estimate. Are you looking to buy also or just trade? You can also add yourself to the wanted list on EB if you’re looking to purchase. Good luck!
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