Rocksmith+ Beta

A new Rocksmith+ is coming out and there is a beta for PC if anyone is interested in signing up for it.  Beta is from 6/12 - 7/22.  Here is a link to the site:

I signed up ... figured get a chance to see how it works.  It is going to be subscription based, but look more like a learning tool than game this time.  You can use a phone so u can play an acoustic guitar using the phone mic.  It all looks slick but I think it really depends on how many songs they have a license for.  It could be an amazing practice tool if it works properly.

even if I get picked there is only a 50/50 chance I can actually get my guitar connected to my PC =)

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  • bbiggsbbiggs Posts: 6,958
    I play the original 2014 version regularly (PS4). I saw this update and wonder what it entails. I like the subscription based platform if it gives you access to the entire catalog of DLC songs. Hopefully they’ve added some as well. I did like the original version though so I’m hopeful it hasn’t changed much in that regard. I felt it was a perfect combo of game/ learning tool so I’ll be eager to hear feedback if you end up testing the beta version. 
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,166
    Just got the beta invite ... tried using my Fender Micro Mustang USB-C cable to connect to PC ... no dice.  Then switched to an acoustic and downloaded a Ubisoft app that uses my phone as a microphone ... miraculously the app connected to the game and it went to a tuner, which was spot on .. then another check to make sure all the strings registered when plucked which worked ... and then a stuck screen.  Restarted everything and then the game was having audio and playback stutter issues.

    This reminded me of why I stopped playing PC games years ago ... always chasing the dragon in hope of having everything work, which rarely happens.  Doesn't matter if you spend $$$ for a high end gaming rig, the shit never works quite right. 

    Will give it another try this weekend.
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  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,166
    The beta just closed ... my impressions ... this game seems like it is in the Alpha phase, not a soon-to-be released Beta phase.

    Ubisoft is going the subscription route for this game.  There are piano playing apps that charge subscription route and are set up like games that can register your input, but they also offer lessons (I've just started researching so I don't have any recommendations).  This could be like that, but they really need to do some work.  Also depends on what the song library is when released, but I would hold off on jumping in on day 1.

    Ubisoft also need to make this cross compatible ... if I'm getting charged monthly ($15!), I want the option to use this on my phone, my PC and my Xbox / PlayStation etc ... I think the Ubisoft model will not allow that, but maybe that will change. 

    Also need to see how many songs they end up having available at launch ... beta offering was meager. 

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  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,166
    Also, I wasn't excited about the songs available ... not really anything that would appeal to members of a Pearl Jam forum yet.  There was some Whitney Houston and Britney Spears songs though ... :s

    Best song I found .... The Saga Begins by Weird Al

    The artist that had more than a handful of songs ... Boston, Heart, The Allan Parsons Project, Brandi Carlile, Bruce Johnston, The Helecoptas (???), Skynyrd, Mott the Hoople (??????), Mudvanyne , The Rods, Santana, The Shins, A Tribe Called Quest

    If you like any of those fuckers, you are in luck.

    Also, Weird Al rules.
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  • bbiggsbbiggs Posts: 6,958
    Wow. My excitement level for this went out the window based on what you describe.  Appreciate the feedback though. 
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,166
    bbiggs said:
    Wow. My excitement level for this went out the window based on what you describe.  Appreciate the feedback though. 

    I think it may still be good ... Fallout 76 was a disaster when released and now is one of the best games out there in my opinion.  Ubisoft has the money to put together a good roster of songs.  The trend in games recently is to wait a few months before buying, mainly because games are released in pretty much beta phase ... some like Cyberpunk are still in beta phase almost a year after the release.  These companies have shareholders and need to show cashflow, polish be damned. 

    Yeah my initial review is kind of Debbie Downer but I remain optimistic.  Positive vibes!
    Be Excellent To Each Other
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