Death of my Aunt and Suicide of my Uncle in the same day and Light Years Lyrics

On February 16th my dear Aunt Merrill died in the hospital due to multiple infections caused by a pre blood cancer (MDS). Hours after her passing my Uncle Drove to an abandoned building and shot himself in the face, he died. I loved my Aunt she was so cool and a Pearl Jam fan as well. I can't help but think of Light Years lyrics. She is now light years away. I feel so sorry for my cousin now left with no parents. Goodbye Aunt Good Bye..
"And wherever you've gone
And wherever we might go
It don't seem fair
Today just disappeared
Your lights reflected now
Reflected from a far
We were but stones
Your light made us stars"
-Pearl Jam
Pictured my Mom left me center and Aunt Merrill on the left
Eric Pressman Science Teacher Miami, Florida
"And wherever you've gone
And wherever we might go
It don't seem fair
Today just disappeared
Your lights reflected now
Reflected from a far
We were but stones
Your light made us stars"
-Pearl Jam
Pictured my Mom left me center and Aunt Merrill on the left
Eric Pressman Science Teacher Miami, Florida
You've got to spend it all
It don't seem fair
Sorry to learn of you and your family's loss
Stay strong my friend... especially for your cousins.
24 years ago I had exactly these friends who helped me to survive my loss.
Be this friend for your cousin, it will weld you together forever.
My sincere sympathy in this terrible time.
I'll never forget when I woke up to find my mother died in her sleep.. I couldn't wait for the day to be over, so I could play Light Years and begin to process.......