Looking for two anywhere in the building. Obviously got shut out of the lottery, presale and public sale. Like a million other people but just thought I’d say maybe a kind Pearl Jam soul would help me out. 

Pearl Jam fans are class acts and love helping out. If not no worries. I’ll be lining up day of show at the box office in hoping to get tickets like I did in 2016. Fingers crossed. 

Hope it works out again. 



  • SeaSea Posts: 3,083
    Reminder: The Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange will launch on February 18, 2020.

    Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange: For fans who are unable to use their tickets, Pearl Jam and Ticketmaster will offer North America’s first Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange, which will allow fans to resell their tickets for the price they paid (including all fees). The Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange will launch on February 18, 2020. There will be no additional fees charged to Exchange users for buying or selling tickets on the Exchange.

  • Sea said:
    Reminder: The Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange will launch on February 18, 2020.

    Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange: For fans who are unable to use their tickets, Pearl Jam and Ticketmaster will offer North America’s first Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange, which will allow fans to resell their tickets for the price they paid (including all fees). The Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange will launch on February 18, 2020. There will be no additional fees charged to Exchange users for buying or selling tickets on the Exchange.

    Will this include NY shows or no because of the dumb ticket scalping laws. 
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