I missed RHYME when he left the train. I am quite busy and have been reading only the nerve-wracking things lately. That has to stop! So I'm sorry he did and hope he will come back someday.
I haven't seen him around for a while but I didn't know RYME was gone gone. I'm sorry to hear that. Highwaymen is a nice tribute to our friend RYME. Maybe this will lure him back!
Kce8 & Brianlux, I just checked in to see what's going on around here, & your kind words lured me back. So lets play the jukebox Crown Prince by who else? Waylon Jennings...a powerful song that is apropos for the times we live in... https://youtu.be/I4IwSXQMwak
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,820
I missed RHYME when he left the train. I am quite busy and have been reading only the nerve-wracking things lately. That has to stop! So I'm sorry he did and hope he will come back someday.
I haven't seen him around for a while but I didn't know RYME was gone gone. I'm sorry to hear that. Highwaymen is a nice tribute to our friend RYME. Maybe this will lure him back!
Kce8 & Brianlux, I just checked in to see what's going on around here, & your kind words lured me back. So lets play the jukebox Crown Prince by who else? Waylon Jennings...a powerful song that is apropos for the times we live in... https://youtu.be/I4IwSXQMwak
Hey, good to see you here, RYME! Wayl-on, good dude!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
A few days ago, I was just getting home from work and noticed that there was a dead (wild turkey) laying by my mailbox in the ditch which is across the road from my house. It must have bounced off of sombody's car. A nice, large (Tom) which is what a (mature male turkey) is called. About 20 - 25 lbs. It was not severely damaged or mangled at all, pretty fresh, and it had not been laying there very long because I picked it up and it was still warm, so I took it home, my wife came out, asked me, "What the hell are you going to do with that?" I said, "You are going to cook it tomorrow dear" So I cleaned it out,,, Plucking is the hardest part about cleaning a bird. The pin feathers are always super stubern, but you have to get them all out or it will taste like s***. So what you do is fill a large pot (5 gallons) with water bring it to a rolling boil put the turkey in a large Coleman or Yeti type cooler and dump the boiling water on the bird slosh it around for about 1 minute. Then then the feathers come right out. Boiling water works great!! It's an hour of fooling around but I made it look just like a butterball you would get from the store. And we cooked it the next day. The best organic turkey meat you could ever ask for. You can't beat the flavor of wild organic turkey. (I hunt turkeys too they can be difficult to get), so this was just a fluke. If I could serve this with our the drinks in this online pretend happy hour lounge car, it would be awsome. What I mean is I wish I could share some of my wild turkey with you all. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://previews.123rf.com/images/herreid/herreid1605/herreid160500070/57081928-one-male-tom-wild-turkey-meleagris-gallopavo-.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.123rf.com/photo_57081928_one-male-tom-wild-turkey-meleagris-gallopavo-.html&tbnid=jbKu_xQJh7yx-M&vet=1&docid=M-5Avx34KKxHBM&w=1300&h=866&hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im (pic of turkey) Oh well. Now I'm trying to think of a song that would go good with this post.?? Hmmm Lets have some Polk Salad wth that turkey..
As you know I've played a lot of Waylon and Willie on here while waiting for Pearl Jam to get back in the saddle. But I think these tunes are as good as it gets. https://youtu.be/xjhFKrmn2-M https://youtu.be/uyvKqkifm3I I hope they give us something new to talk about soon. Don't we all..
Happy birthday Willie!! Still is still moving to me https://youtu.be/V5HAoZgr308 Ya know these younger bands and singers that feel like they're burned out already in their early to mid-50s and feel the need to go on endless hiatuses and keep their fanbase waiting endlessly would be wise to take some lessons from good Old Willie Nelson on how it's done.
This dude has a New Album Coming Out in June called Turn Off The The News ( and build a garden) What a great title!! Check out the trailer... And a big tour comming up!! Lukas Nelson https://youtu.be/_qRymI-G-Ak I'm stoaked!!
Johnny Cash's imitation of Elvis will make your head feel all better. Or mabey this... https://youtu.be/J8MkafIQfbw I dont know who that lady is lol. Better video of muling grand canyon though... Fade to black thats funny.
I havnt been there in 20 years. But if you go out that way again, here's a great website for it. https://www.canyonrides.com/ I worked at all 3 locations that summer of 99. North Rim Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon. All three are spectacular.
https://youtu.be/PLh-qNB7_jU Up in Arkansas what a laid-back groovy song. About just chilling and being happy in your own skin and being content with who and where you are. I knew (of) Tony Joe White for a long time because So many other people did his songs. Waylon, Black Crows, & Tina Turner to name a few. Decided to check his material out several months ago and and wow he's really good!. ( I knew he must be 70ish like Pete, & Rodger, or Bobby Weir) so I searched around to see if he's touring anytime soon, thought it'd to be fun to see him. turns out he died last October at 75. So I guess not. But he's got some neat rockin and groovy tunes. So I feel like I missed out on that. Just discovering him & his music now. A little late to the party I guess,,,,,,Oh well.....
So what band or artist did you find out about and get into the're music after the fact? You know, they were great a while back, back in the're Hay Day, but you discoverd them after they had already come & gone...???
Post edited by RYME on
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,820
So what band or artist did you find out about and get into the're music after the fact? You know, they were great a while back, back in the're Hay Day, but you discoverd them after they had already come & gone...???
Good question, RYME.
SVT. cool early 80's San Francisco band that only last a few years. I just got into them this year.
Hawkwind. Lemmy's early days band. Long past their prime by the time I got into them about 4 years ago.
The Ramones. I like a few of there songs earlier on but didn't become a huge fan until the early 2000's.
I don't know if this one counts because to me, they are in perpetual hey day, but here goes: I had read about Dinosaur Jr in Michael Azarrad's excellent book Our Band Could Be Your Life. I listened to a few things and decided I didn't like them and never gave them another chance. But then I came across an inexpensive CD of Where You Been and after a couple of listens, they grew on me. And then I was hooked- big time!
Probably others I can't think of at the moment.
Would be cool to hear about others of yours, RYME, and anyone else who's in.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I'm still blown away by Glen Hansard's performance on Thursday night at the Old Opera in Frankfurt!
I just have to share it here! It was just excellent in every way!
There are not many videos on Youtube and the songs might not be for everyone but this one here definitely shows a bit of his passion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99NMQltjEPM
Well I have a friend Martha Berner. She should have had no problem making the mainstream. She's from my hometown Williams Bay. She had a good start had a good fanbase going, was getting some airplay in Chicago small markets. But then just kind of petered out. She doesn't have a website anymore that I know of, and I don't know where she went last I knew Colorado that was at least 9 or 10 years ago. But 13 years ago, I thought she was on her way because she was featured on a Madison Morning Show. She was on Morning Blend around the same time. So here she is with Down and Out in San Francisco the NBC 15 Madison's Morning News https://youtu.be/SyPwBNq-ou4 And here she is on the Morning Blend with A town called Happiness https://youtu.be/yi60eaAb5hg So wherever you are Martha,, cheers
I've always liked to Roy Orbison but never got into it. So I've been digging into all of his material lately. And its just so good. I'm 42 so he passed on in 88 before I was old enough to know anything about music. But what a treat that would have been to see this in pearson. https://youtu.be/ANy4x3wgTSA
So lets play the jukebox
Crown Prince by who else?
Waylon Jennings...a powerful song that is apropos for the times we live in...
Where ya at Kce8?
Time for a little Catfish John
And one of my favorite album closers of all-time
Followed by Terrapin Station
This car has just been too quiet lately...
I'm still snacking on the tons of Easter sweets. If I do not stop, I'll soon look like a chocolate easter egg myself ...
I better give some away too..
What are you drinking tonight?
About 20 - 25 lbs. It was not severely damaged or mangled at all, pretty fresh, and it had not been laying there very long because I picked it up and it was still warm, so I took it home, my wife came out, asked me, "What the hell are you going to do with that?"
I said, "You are going to cook it tomorrow dear"
So I cleaned it out,,,
Plucking is the hardest part about cleaning a bird. The pin feathers are always super stubern, but you have to get them all out or it will taste like s***. So what you do is fill a large pot (5 gallons) with water bring it to a rolling boil put the turkey in a large Coleman or Yeti type cooler and dump the boiling water on the bird slosh it around for about 1 minute. Then then the feathers come right out. Boiling water works great!!
It's an hour of fooling around but I made it look just like a butterball you would get from the store. And we cooked it the next day. The best organic turkey meat you could ever ask for. You can't beat the flavor of wild organic turkey. (I hunt turkeys too they can be difficult to get), so this was just a fluke.
If I could serve this with our the drinks in this online pretend happy hour lounge car, it would be awsome. What I mean is I wish I could share some of my wild turkey with you all.
(pic of turkey)
Oh well. Now I'm trying to think of a song that would go good with this post.?? Hmmm Lets have some Polk Salad wth that turkey..
The Roadkill Cafe
Polk Salad Annie
Followed by the Marquee..event
Elvis medley
& Buddy Holly medley
And there ain't no good chain gang....
I hope they give us something new to talk about soon. Don't we all..
Willie turns 86 and still going...
Still is still moving to me
Ya know these younger bands and singers that feel like they're burned out already in their early to mid-50s and feel the need to go on endless hiatuses and keep their fanbase waiting endlessly would be wise to take some lessons from good Old Willie Nelson on how it's done.
Whistlers and jugglers
Today's song of the day.
Let's have a drink shall we?
Turn Off The The News ( and build a garden) What a great title!!
Check out the trailer...
And a big tour comming up!!
Lukas Nelson
I'm stoaked!!
Or mabey this...
I dont know who that lady is lol.
Better video of muling grand canyon though...
Fade to black thats funny.
I havnt been there in 20 years.
But if you go out that way again, here's a great website for it.
I worked at all 3 locations that summer of 99.
North Rim Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon. All three are spectacular.
Because even trolls love rock and roll
Up in Arkansas what a laid-back groovy song. About just chilling and being happy in your own skin and being content with who and where you are.
I knew (of) Tony Joe White for a long time because So many other people did his songs. Waylon, Black Crows, & Tina Turner to name a few.
Decided to check his material out several months ago and and wow he's really good!.
( I knew he must be 70ish like Pete, & Rodger, or Bobby Weir) so I searched around to see if he's touring anytime soon, thought it'd to be fun to see him. turns out he died last October at 75. So I guess not. But he's got some neat rockin and groovy tunes. So I feel like I missed out on that. Just discovering him & his music now. A little late to the party I guess,,,,,,Oh well.....
I just have to share it here! It was just excellent in every way!
There are not many videos on Youtube and the songs might not be for everyone but this one here definitely shows a bit of his passion:
This guy made my feelings jump up and down with his performance and it was hard to keep sitting on that chair sometimes!
But 13 years ago, I thought she was on her way because she was featured on a Madison Morning Show. She was on Morning Blend around the same time.
So here she is with Down and Out in San Francisco the NBC 15 Madison's Morning News
And here she is on the Morning Blend with
A town called Happiness
So wherever you are Martha,, cheers
So I've been digging into all of his material lately. And its just so good. I'm 42 so he passed on in 88 before I was old enough to know anything about music.
But what a treat that would have been to see this in pearson.