Turntable speaker not working

was hoping some of smart tech people in here could help. I looked online but nothing really helped. Left speaker is working, the right is not. Sometimes when I mess around with wires for about 10 minutes the right one will come on, but yesterday, nothing. Any suggestions would b great. I have an Audiotecha 120. Speakers are A5. Thanks for your time 


  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,119
    Have you tried switching which side the cables are plugged into? Plug Left into Right and Right into Left and see if the problem moves to the other side.

    Do you have anything else connected to the stereo? CD player? Do you have the same problem with CDs?
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
  • I have switched the cables and it is same, right speak still doesn’t work. 
    And there is nothing else connected like a CD player 
  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,119
    Looks like the Right speaker needs service then. Do you have a warranty on the speakers?
    Do you have a repair shop you can take it to?
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
  • That’s what I was afraid of. No repair shop close. Warranty on the speakers is 3 years and the warranty runs out in November so hopefully the company doesn’t give too much hassle. 
  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,119
    If you have to ship them, pack them well. Use an inner and outer box, get insurance and tracking and try to get them sent one or two day total transit, if possible. 

    The less time they're in the hands of the shipping company the better, IMO.

    Good luck!
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
  • Yeah this is exactly what they want me to do: ship them back. A little disappointed that it’s such a hassle, and going to cost me some $
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