ledvedderman demos his second album

hello friends. 3 years ago I put out my first album that took me to places and meeting people I never imagined possible. Since then, I’ve become quite ill at times with a neurological issue in the brain. So, I started writing a second album to help cope. I threw in some songs that didn’t fit the first and I really feel like I’ve already got a stronger second album in rough home demo form than a polished full release (giggity) like last time. These are by no mean perfect recordings, but they give you an idea on where the songs would go in the studio. I recorded Where You End & I Begin down in New Orleans where Tom Drummond of Better Than Ezra produced, played bass, and mixed the instruments. I added the vocals at home, so that’s why the quality drops there. Shane Theriot plays on that song too. He’s the musical director for Hall and Oates. Amazing player and even better guy. So, this album is very much about getting sick, looking back on the past differently knowing this was going on in me at the time, and lessons I guess I’d like my son to pick up some day. My adorable avatar baby is almost ten now.
So, I’m sharing this with people as a collection because I’m not sure I’ll physically ever be able to commit to recording like I have in the past. Some days the nerves just don’t cooperate and that’s a big deal when the studio meter is running. Safe travels to any of you fellas hitting up shows soon. It’s amazing how healing music (especially from this band) can be.
So, I’m sharing this with people as a collection because I’m not sure I’ll physically ever be able to commit to recording like I have in the past. Some days the nerves just don’t cooperate and that’s a big deal when the studio meter is running. Safe travels to any of you fellas hitting up shows soon. It’s amazing how healing music (especially from this band) can be.
I am looking forward to seeing what you and mfc come up with. I’ve always enjoyed hearing what you guys come up with. I’m trying to remember from my (very poor these days) memory- but aren’t one of you near St. Louis?
Ezzy has a wonderful vocal part on "Respirator" which is a nice contrast to your world-weary vocal on that one. "Baby I Do" is just a damn beautiful song. But "Snake Oil" - I'd love to hear that one with full production and get rocked out. It's powerful stuff man!
Thank you so much for the kind words. Just what I needed to read now.
I really appreciate your feedback. That goes for everyone in here. I really appreciate it.