Any Drummers Around Here?

If so, lets hear about your kit.
I'm a complete beginner with the drums.I have owned a kit for about a decade but just got it set up today after about six years in the cases. Have lots to learn and a lot of practice is in my future.
The kit is a DW Workshop Series. Maple shells in a jazz configuration. I bought DW 5000 and 9000 Series hardware.
The major weak link is the cymbals. I have Zildjian ZBTs and they are horrible, cringe inducing products of Hell. I imagine Satan himself made these things just to torture people.
So, I'm planning on upgrading cymbals one day but I don't really want to spend $800.00 - $1,000.00 on A Customs, Zildjian K's or Paiste 2002 or Signature Series.
Is there an option around $500.00 that is good enough for recording rock and roll?
I'm a complete beginner with the drums.I have owned a kit for about a decade but just got it set up today after about six years in the cases. Have lots to learn and a lot of practice is in my future.
The kit is a DW Workshop Series. Maple shells in a jazz configuration. I bought DW 5000 and 9000 Series hardware.
The major weak link is the cymbals. I have Zildjian ZBTs and they are horrible, cringe inducing products of Hell. I imagine Satan himself made these things just to torture people.
So, I'm planning on upgrading cymbals one day but I don't really want to spend $800.00 - $1,000.00 on A Customs, Zildjian K's or Paiste 2002 or Signature Series.
Is there an option around $500.00 that is good enough for recording rock and roll?
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
The crashes have to come first, then the ride followed by the hi-hats. That's the order from most obnoxious to the least.
My plan is to have a nice sounding, versatile kit in my home studio for recording. Mostly rock and roll.
I'm playing a Mapex Saturn kit, two up, to down configuration. I put one floor tom on each side if my kit (one near my snare and the other to my right) I've found this really balances my kit. I play alternate between two mapex black panther snare drums depending on the sound I'm going for. I've got the maple black widow snare and a steel machete snare. Pedals are DW. Cymbals, I'm a zildjian cymbal guy and also have an obsession with buying cymbals. I use a mix or As, A customs, Ks, and K customs in a variety of sizes. I currently have 10-12 cymbals around my kit.
I've got some mics/recording equipment too. If anyone's ever looking for a drummer to record some drum tracks hit me up.
is my baby.
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
London 1&2 - 2018
Hyde Park 1&2 - 2022
Amsterdam 1 - 2022
Henry David Thoreau