Yield (Insert) art question

Hi everyone,
I was just resdiscovering Yield insert art.
I'm not pretty sure (so I ask the question).... who did write the song names on he insert.... ex. "give to fly", "do the evolution", "MFC".... etc.
Was it Ed or Jeff ??
-- rafa
I was just resdiscovering Yield insert art.
I'm not pretty sure (so I ask the question).... who did write the song names on he insert.... ex. "give to fly", "do the evolution", "MFC".... etc.
Was it Ed or Jeff ??
-- rafa
-- rafa
Post edited by ravillorias on
Jeff's handwriting is very distinct, as seen in the early band bio's, early newsletters, the scene cards in the film Singles, etc.
Manchester 2000 :: Cardiff 2000 :: Prague 2006 :: London 2007 :: Manchester 2009 :: London 2009 :: Manchester I 2012 :: Manchester II 2012 :: Milton Keynes 2014 :: London I 2018 :: London II 2018
*BRAD* Birmingham 2013 :: London 2013