Time Can't Wait - by Matt Cameron from Cavedweller

evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108

Time Can’t Wait – by Matt Cameron


The look on your face

A moment to get back

No feelings of shame

Only myself to blame

With no leaders to follow

No one to cut through the fray


Move across the page

Taking shape in the darkness

A feeling of hope remains


Whenever you’re near me

Time can’t wait

But the feelings taking over

Though I try to tame it

Keeps taking over


Stop to contemplate

As life’s march rolls on

Time to demonstrate

It’s how you do it better for me


Let’s lock into place

The feeling we hold between us

A feeling of hope remains


Whenever you’re near me

Whenever you’re near me

Whenever you’re near me

Whenever you’re near me

Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13



  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I ripped these lyrics a new butthole on the Porch discussion about the song. 
    I expected more from a middle-aged veteran musician who's been exposed to lyrical geniuses for his whole career as a musician. I don't feel these lyrics. They remind me of lyrics I wrote when I was 13. They seem pretty cliche.  I'll defend myself to the haters now. Geeez, why do I have to have on MFC. He's the best drummer in the world. I despise his lyrics. His message is best interpreted through bangin on the skins like a boss. I think he stepped into the wrong ring here. I give him only the kudos for stepping out of his comfort zone and I do apologize for hurting the feelings of those that are defending him here. I'm no champion lyricist, but my expectations from a PJ member at this stage of the game were pretty high. I love you Matt. Sorry for tearing into your lyrics the way I did. No hard feelings. Look at me now; backpeddling and thinking Matt Fucking Cameron is going to read / care about what I have to say. ha. I laugh at my own stupidity.
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • ShynerShyner Posts: 1,226
    Dang dose lyrics rule evsgjamm

    You must be jerkin 
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    They don't work for me, Shyner. They just seem shallow. I feel like there are lyrics that are shallow, some are mid-range and others are deep, while others yet are just plain wacko.  I like deep lyrics the most. Matt's seem shallow, which I like the least. Especially from a veteran artist. They just don't do it for me.
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • ShynerShyner Posts: 1,226
    Gotcha evsgjamm. 
    If dat ain't good writing i never got a shot at being deep yo. 
    To each they're own. Koritfw
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Takes a certain person with a certain mindset to achieve the level of lyrics I was expecting. MFC just isn't the type of person in that state of mind. To me anyways. 
    I want fucked up lyrics. Lyrics that make me go "whaaaaaat??!!" Lyrics that make me think "that's fucked up" but it's all to music that is just fucking rad. I don't know Shyner... Pearl Jam is a fucking incredible band and much of it has to do with Ed's fucked up genius.
    And you totally said it. To each their own.

    What interests you may not interest me. 

    Different things are important to different people.

    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    "Before joining Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, Matt cut a handful of solo songs on Seattle cassette compilations under the name Cavedweller in the 1980’s. Matt had recently relocated from his native San Diego to Seattle and introduced himself to the seminal scene he would eventually serve as a cornerstone member. 

     “I thought it would be cool to use that name again three decades later,” said Matt on Cavedweller. “I’ve been writing my own songs since I was 17-years-old. I always enjoyed playing guitar and trying to cultivate my voice as a songwriter. However, I’ve been lucky to play in bands with the best singers and lyricists of my generation. My voice was never necessarily needed in them. With this album, I wanted to really make my vocals and guitar playing come through. It’s almost like I tried to start a solo career 30 years ago, and I’m just now getting back to it.” "

    This right here validates and explains my initial response to the lyrics. He was a freakin teenager when he wrote them. Enough said lol. It's a time capsule from his teen years. 

    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
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