That PJ song that you heard in just the moment you needed it
Hey! First thread ever here - So, this is why I believe PJ has become so important to me. Their music is awesome all around, never a bad song. BUT... what sets them apart is that it seems like when I'm going through something in my personal life it seems as though the right song just comes on my speakers. Two big "dammit Eddie" moments: 1. In a really bad marriage, quite abusive, in probably the worst time of my life, I was so depressed I was suicidal... So I was hanging my clothes in the terrace and start contemplating just jumping from it. And then "Better man" came on. Just started crying like crazy. Next day, 10 AM, sat my husband down, told him I wanted a divorce. Best decision I ever made. 2. Simply contemplating all the mistakes that I made, all the things I could have done better, all the time I wasted on people or things that didn't matter. "Present Tense" comes on. Tears roll down my eyes as I ride the train and people wonder what the fuck could be wrong with me.
I mean, do you ever feel like they got front row seat to the movie of your life or something?
Weird. But they got me through - it's not like music MAKES you make decisions, but they sure do encourage thought, turn you into the right direction (if the lyrics are good) and that may be the push you need to, sometimes, even save your own life. In a way this thread is my thank you note to Ed, who surely won't see it, but I like to put it out there anywhere. Sorry if I sound like a freak. I can't help it if I'm one.
From Buenos Aires, thank you!
Anyone want to share their just-at-the-right-time songs?
I mean, do you ever feel like they got front row seat to the movie of your life or something?
Weird. But they got me through - it's not like music MAKES you make decisions, but they sure do encourage thought, turn you into the right direction (if the lyrics are good) and that may be the push you need to, sometimes, even save your own life. In a way this thread is my thank you note to Ed, who surely won't see it, but I like to put it out there anywhere. Sorry if I sound like a freak. I can't help it if I'm one.
From Buenos Aires, thank you!
Anyone want to share their just-at-the-right-time songs?
The End-the pain in those lyrics and the raw emotion they elicit helped draw me back from the edge when I was thisclose to ending my marriage. Really fucking dark times;
Future Days-released right as I was in the midst of putting the pieces back together and reconciling said marriage. It fits our situation to a T, like Ed knew everything that had happened;
Long Road, especially the San Diego, 2006 show. Long Road has always been special for me, although I could never really articulate EXACTLY why. It's just a haunting song, lyrically and melodically. It's truly a masterpiece of art. But the San Diego 2006 version is the only recording in which Eddie explains the song's origins that I'm aware of. I hadn't listened to that version since probably 2008. When a dear friend was killed in a car wreck on Easter, 2013, I retreated into PJ as my refuge, and that San Diego show surfaced again, and with it, that version of Long Road. It couldn't be said more perfectly at that moment than as Eddie puts it following around 5:30 or so, and for the next minute, during his explanation of the song's origins: "We lost one of the good ones. This is an important moment in history - we lost one of the good ones." And he changes the lyrics later on to "I know you're with me, I know you're with me today." (Probably because he fucked up the first part of that quatrain by singing the "the sun is settin'" part first...good recovery, but it works, especially for me that day and every time since.
Alive-I listen to this on the rather rare instances when I am able to stop a client's execution.
Indifference-the opposite of "Alive"...I listen to it for the defiance and "fuck you" mindset in the face of overwhelming odds, for strength to keep going when the state kills one of my clients.
I should really stop at this point...this list seems rather depressing as I read over it!!
On the other hand, Just Breathe was playing when one of my kids was born, so I've got that going for me...which is nice.
"No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead..."
"'You're still alive,' she said. Oh, and do I deserve to be? Is that the question? And if so...if so...who answers?...who answers?"
"I believe, and I believe 'cuz I can see our future days. Days of you and me."
1998.08.26 Cleveland/Cuyahoga Falls; 2000.10.14 Houston; 2000.10.15 Houston; 2003.04.06 Houston;
2004.10.02 Toledo; 2006.05.20 Cleveland; 2006.05.22 Auburn Hills; 2010.05.06 Columbus;
2010.05.09 Cleveland; 2014.10.01 Cincinnati; 2016.04.26 Lexington; 2018.08.18 Chicago N1;
2018.08.18 Chicago N2; 2022.09.08 Toronto; 2022.09.22 Denver; 2023.09.10 Noblesville, IN
To me it means that if things are bad now, they will get better. Just one persons take on a great song.
Toronto 2003
Toronto 2000
Barrie 1998
Toronto 1993
London 2005
Toronto 2006 May 9/10
Toronto 2009
Toronto Sept 11/12 2011
London 2013
Detroit 2014
Toronto 2016 May 10/12
Chicago 2018 N2
"No matter how cold the winter, there's a springtime ahead"
If You Like Crunchy Guitar Riffs, Powerful Vocals, Melodic Guitar Solos, And Meaningful Lyrics..then you need to check out one of the most refreshing new hard rock bands in quite some time...-->The Liberty Underground<--
So many songs/lyrics have nailed me over the years, but probably most memorable is EV's "Rise." It hit me while seeing him in Tulsa in 2012. It was a pivotal time for me, my family, my career. I was faced with an important decision, and when I heard the lyric "Gonna rise up, find my direction magnetically. Gonna rise up, throw down my ace in the hole," I remember feeling like I suddenly knew exactly what I needed to do and feeling a sense of complete peace and unbreakable confidence in my decision.
Recently "Inside Job" has been on repeat in my head. "I will not lose my faith." And "Let me run into the rain, to shine a human light today." Love it.
Thank you, Universe, for Pearl Jam.
Immortality, Present Tense, I Am Mine, Indifference... Those songs really helped to go through some things, specially with my own mental health.
There's a lot of songs, each one helps me to go through a lot of things that happens in my life. I am glad that I got the chance to know the band through my parents, because their songs are there when I feel like I am falling.
EV SOLO (May 7th 2014) || SÃO PAULO (November 15th 2015) || BELO HORIZONTE (November 20th 2015) || LOLLAPALOOZA 2018 || EV SOLO (March 29th 2018)
I have been in many situations leaving people and surroundings I know I will gladly never be around again and that song just describes it to a T at the end.
That line is so therapeutic to me. I'm not religious but that line is like a little prayer for me when things are getting dark again.
2016: Greenville Columbia
Spent every penny I had o tour Canada in '05. At the time I assumed it would be my last. Got Off He goes in my hometown, and everything changed.