Sound Like Soundgarden - Without Busting The Bank

I've enjoyed watching these guys videos. Oddly, they released one on Soundgarden today.
"Just a few hours after this video went live we heard the sad news that Chris Cornell had passed away. I did think about taking the video down out of respect, but ultimately decided to leave it up & donate any advertising revenue that it generates to charity. Once more details about his passing become clear, I'll choose an appropriate charity. Chris was one of the greatest rock vocalists of all time. His work with Sound Garden & Audioslave will never be forgotten. Our sincere condolences go to his family & friends. RIP Chris Cornell. From Lee & all at Andertons."
"Just a few hours after this video went live we heard the sad news that Chris Cornell had passed away. I did think about taking the video down out of respect, but ultimately decided to leave it up & donate any advertising revenue that it generates to charity. Once more details about his passing become clear, I'll choose an appropriate charity. Chris was one of the greatest rock vocalists of all time. His work with Sound Garden & Audioslave will never be forgotten. Our sincere condolences go to his family & friends. RIP Chris Cornell. From Lee & all at Andertons."
