Soliciting Labels

Anyone here ever successfully landed a contract with a label or have words of wisdom for someone hoping to?
So here's the story, I have released one album. It did fairly well in my area and has a pretty marketable sound. I've finished writing the follow up and am at the crucial point of financing the record. I don't want to do kickstarter or anything like that. If I were not on disability for the foreseeable future for MS, I'd just go to the bank and take out a loan. So, my hope is to shop my first record around and maybe include home demo versions of the new songs as a selling point. One selling point for me is that my producer and bass player is Tom Drummond of Better Than Ezra and he's lined me up with some top of the line musicians. A great guitar player named Shane Theriot (Darryl Hall) has played on some already and I'm hoping we can land him again. Surely having names like that attached to it might help, right?
Anyone have any advice? I hate to say that time is an issue. My MS has given me a stutter that just seems to keep getting worse. So playing gigs and saving up over time is not really plausible at this point.
So here's the story, I have released one album. It did fairly well in my area and has a pretty marketable sound. I've finished writing the follow up and am at the crucial point of financing the record. I don't want to do kickstarter or anything like that. If I were not on disability for the foreseeable future for MS, I'd just go to the bank and take out a loan. So, my hope is to shop my first record around and maybe include home demo versions of the new songs as a selling point. One selling point for me is that my producer and bass player is Tom Drummond of Better Than Ezra and he's lined me up with some top of the line musicians. A great guitar player named Shane Theriot (Darryl Hall) has played on some already and I'm hoping we can land him again. Surely having names like that attached to it might help, right?
Anyone have any advice? I hate to say that time is an issue. My MS has given me a stutter that just seems to keep getting worse. So playing gigs and saving up over time is not really plausible at this point.
Maybe I'll send a copy of the record to Mike's new label. Can't hurt, right?
Been about 10 years since my last show unfortunately, they don't come around as often and I'm not in SD/LA anymore. But I'd be curious to hear what your sound is like if you have any links on youtube or anywhere.
I don't have many things on YouTube of studio versions of songs. I do have some covers and live acoustic versions up there. If you search Brian Zilm Music, you'll see some.
Tell Tom BTE needs to tour more. I'm in Colorado now, and haven't seen them since I left CA. I randomly checked one night several months back and Kevin was playing a solo gig that night, but I wasn't able to swing it last minute. They put out some good stuff. I think they would have been even bigger if they didn't get screwed by their record label going bankrupt during "Closer," that was a great album and could have been a huge breakthrough to the next level I think.
You're spot on about them being screwed over by the label with Closer. I think Garden is their best album and releasing it when they did hurt them, but following that with Closer was amazing and then the floor came out. Every song on that album (minus Juarez) could have been a hit single. I know "Misunderstood" and "A Lifetime" were in the works for release when the label folded. "Rollin'", "Closer", "Sincerely, Me" and "Get You In" are definite hits. I can hear the frustration in Tom's voice when he talks about that period.
The only band I've seen more than BTE is Pearl Jam.
I think Closer was their best. Friction had some really great songs, I believe Desperate Wanting is in the top 20 songs of the 90s, but that album has more tracks that I tend to skip as well. Garden is in the middle, I don't tend to skip any and has a fun vibe to it that just puts you in a good mood but there's nothing that blows me away either. Closer is just solid all the way through
I really love Garden. I think it's them at their creative best. Now, it's not what the label expected from them or even what fans wanted...but the arrangements and strings are beautiful and poppy at the same time. I have the 5.1 release of it and it gives me goosebumps every time. That stretch of Particle, Beautiful Mistake, Everything in 2's is one of my favorite three stretch of songs of any release ever. I think Garden suffers from filler tracks like us PJ fans feel in Vitalogy. If it were just straight rock tunes, Garden would have followed Friction, Baby up in sales numbers perfectly. Had they released At the Stars, Live Again and Everything in 2' would have been huge. The filler tracks complete the feel of the album but take away from its popularity.
Closer is a perfect BTE album. It's one of those perfect summer albums. I really think Before the Robots really proved their longevity. A Southern Thing is such a great pop rock song. It should have been a single and the band reflects back on it the same way.
So glad there are other Ezralites on the board. I always wanted to see other fans because the music was so good, but since knowing the band and knowing how much they care about their fans, their music and their community, I just see them as amazing people and they deserve every ounce of success they receive.
I'm in a band with another board member, @2-feign-reluctance , and we're currently trying to wrap up our 4th album. We've taken a different approach on each album & it's been a blast! We've never thought about shopping the music to a label, but it sure would help! The cost of self-producing, marketing, time, etc, etc can get to be a bit much. I may look into that for my solo album...hmm.
In any case, give it a shot! You have nothing to lose & everything to gain.
As far as time working against you, I would suggest that you record as much as possible right now. Even though your album is done, maybe it would be good to keep the momentum going and keep recording. Best of luck, man & feel free to pm me if I can help further!
Wouldnt have thought to check. I have a feelin ghe plays often, I checked about 6 months ago and he was playing that night, and since its an hour away I wouldnt swing it. Now I know to be on the lookout for his solo stuff too.
best of luck with talking with labels Tom is a great guy to know. I have met him a couple of times in the late 90s and early 2000s. if he likes your stuff, that is a great thing. please keep up updated.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."