2015 NFL 5/5 Pool

given2fly23given2fly23 Evanston, IL Posts: 5,947
I hope this is ok to post here. I've been running a NFL 5-for-5 Pool for a few years now and wanted to offer it up if anyone is interested. A few basics below. PM me for more details:

Picks: Picks are made on CBSsports.com.

Entry: $425 for the season. There is no commissioner's fee. 100% is paid out.

Best Record: 10% goes to the person who has the best overall record for the entire season. If it's a tie, those with the best record split it. In Week 17, if no one picks all 5 games correctly, the whole pot goes to the winner of the best overall record. NOTE: We are currently taking a vote to divide the best record among the top 2-3 records. All paid players will get a vote and the deadline is an hour before kickoff on September 10.

Weekly: Each player will pick 5 games of their choice against the spread each week. In order to win, you must pick all 5 of your games correctly. If no player picks all 5 games correctly, the pot for the week rolls over to the next week. If multiple players go 5 for 5, they split the pot equally. In Week 17, if no one picks all 5 games correctly, the whole pot goes to the winner of the best overall record.

Found: Soundgarden Hyde Park DVD (Thank you for the gift!)
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale


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