Buffalo New York - 1996 @ Marine Midland Arena

Does anybody know how many times PJ has played Marine Midland Arena in Buffalo, NY? Was it only once - on 10/1/1996? If so, I am desperately seeking a video of the show!! Can you help me out? Thanks!
1995: Melbourne #3
1998: Melbourne 1,2 & 3
2003: Sydney #1, Adelaide, Melbourne 1, 2 & 3
2006: Melbourne #1
2009: Melbourne
2012: Missoula
2013: Charlotte, Phoenix
2014: Melbourne, Cincinnati, Memphis, Denver
2016: Hampton, Columbia
2018: Seattle 1 & 2
2024: Gold Coast, Melbourne 1 & 2, Sydney #2
2011: Brisbane #2
2014: Melbourne 2 & 3