Buffalo New York - 1996 @ Marine Midland Arena

Does anybody know how many times PJ has played Marine Midland Arena in Buffalo, NY? Was it only once - on 10/1/1996? If so, I am desperately seeking a video of the show!! Can you help me out? Thanks!


  • RB90590RB90590 Posts: 227
    Band has played Buffalo four times. Pretty sure all were at same venue, just the name changed.

  • jarkkonieminenjarkkonieminen Melbourne, Australia Posts: 126
    Yep they have played Buffalo in 1996, 2003, 2010 and 2013 all at the same venue.
    Pearl Jam
    1995: Melbourne #3
    1998: Melbourne 1,2 & 3
    2003: Sydney #1, Adelaide, Melbourne 1, 2 & 3
    2006: Melbourne #1
    2009: Melbourne
    2012: Missoula
    2013: Charlotte, Phoenix
    2014: Melbourne, Cincinnati, Memphis, Denver
    2016: Hampton, Columbia
    2018: Seattle 1 & 2
    2024: Gold Coast, Melbourne 1 & 2, Sydney #2
    2011: Brisbane #2
    2014: Melbourne 2 & 3
  • foodboyfoodboy Posts: 988
    was at all of those. in 96 eddie traded his t shirt for a guy in the crowds rust never sleeps tour t shirt.
  • BF89905BF89905 Posts: 1,427
    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the arena that was played at in 2010 and 2013 had not been built yet in 1996 - perhaps, but I don't think so. Enjoy the music everyone
  • Same arena for all 4 shows. Name of arena did change...currently HSBC Arena.
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