Hey Heather! Hope you're feeling better... Shame about the biker.. I like bikers.... yummy..... Anyway, enjoy yourself tonight. Tried to find a pic of Lanegan in leathers but didn't.
Caz... why didn't you go in!!!!! Bikers... on Harleys.... In my younger and footloose and fancy free days, there would not have been ONE moment of hesitation (damn.. those were good days :D:D)
i am a big monty python fan as well, start quoting it alot when drunk...
monty python taught me everything i know along with...
...because of the cheese sketch I know that Terpsichore was the Muse of song (and dance), and that actually came in useful on the trivia machine in the Green Man before the London show this year...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
but at least it was a brilliantly written, wittily recounted anecdote which was even related to the thread title...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
Emmi, a good reason to become an australian! you get to see Lionel every 20 years!
woo! hahahahaha!!!
so tell me, did you google Lionel Richie for that or what?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
too bad i won't be back in australia when he will be there :(
oooOOOOoooo, so are you stalking him or something. having emails about his shows' whereabouts emailed to you?! :eek:
aww, it must feel bad but you'll get over it. surely there'll be a lot more chances for you to see him.
disclaimer: some of you might think that I for some reason edited vedder_soup's post but I assure you, that did not happen. I'm merely putting to words his true feelings.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
disclaimer: some of you might think that I for some reason edited vedder_soup's post but I assure you, that did not happen. I'm merely putting to words his true feelings.
:eek: any respect i had for you is now gone miss emmi!
:eek: any respect i had for you is now gone miss emmi!
suppose there wasn't too much of that to begin with anyway so.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
hey y'all! Haven't been here for a while. What's all this talk about Dancing on the Ceiling?
what's any of the talk here about anyway?
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
suppose you really had a huge amount of respect for me and not i am really cut. i am sorry vedder_soup i didn't mean to hurt your feelings, i will now pay for you to do the whole next tour, all expenses paid
Cheers for that kind offer Em, i will contact you when they annouce the tour.
disclaimer: some of you might think that I for some reason edited eMMi's post but I assure you, that did not happen. I'm merely putting to words her true feelings.
Cheers for that kind offer Em, i will contact you when they annouce the tour.]
hey, no problem!
now, that reminds me, remember when in London you were really drunk and I loaned you around 30 000 pounds? I'll need that back now please.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
So emmi, I hear you're paying for everyone to go on the next tour
where did you hear that from then? *raises eyebrow* you know, even if the voices inside your head/your dinosaur instincts tell you something, unless an outside source confirms it - it's not true.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
where did you hear that from then? *raises eyebrow* you know, even if the voices inside your head/your dinosaur instincts tell you something, unless an outside source confirms it - it's not true.
can you just buy me a beer on the next tour and we will call it even?
suppose that could happen.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
an entire page devoted to Lionel Richie's fan club postings... what's going on with this thread...!
this time last month i was having a beer (or two) at the Green Man... and now THIS! :(
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
Caz... why didn't you go in!!!!! Bikers... on Harleys.... In my younger and footloose and fancy free days, there would not have been ONE moment of hesitation (damn.. those were good days
I would have done Rita except I don't think my friend would have wanted to. :rolleyes:
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
i think i did weird some people out with silly monty python quotes...
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
Am really fookin busy at the mo...but its all good
GTF can't wait to hear how ML was...I don't know why I don't go to see him
i'm in serious need of some sleep, but will post about it in more detail tomorrow.
...because of the cheese sketch I know that Terpsichore was the Muse of song (and dance), and that actually came in useful on the trivia machine in the Green Man before the London show this year...
WTF are you on about....
too much crack dude
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
....all day so far
but at least it was a brilliantly written, wittily recounted anecdote which was even related to the thread title...
indeed it was...
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
Damn.. making me listen to him non stop again... and I only have one album!
i need to swallow these words....
Emmi, a good reason to become an australian! you get to see Lionel every 20 years!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
woo! hahahahaha!!!
so tell me, did you google Lionel Richie for that or what?
no i had it in an email!
Lionel Ritchie Gig alerts :eek:
no, i clicked a link from a frontier touring email for something else, the police i think, and then i saw it there
too bad i won't be back in australia when he will be there
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
oooOOOOoooo, so are you stalking him or something. having emails about his shows' whereabouts emailed to you?! :eek:
aww, it must feel bad but you'll get over it. surely there'll be a lot more chances for you to see him.
disclaimer: some of you might think that I for some reason edited vedder_soup's post but I assure you, that did not happen. I'm merely putting to words his true feelings.
:eek: any respect i had for you is now gone miss emmi!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
suppose there wasn't too much of that to begin with anyway so.
what's any of the talk here about anyway?
disclaimer: some of you might think that I for some reason edited eMMi's post but I assure you, that did not happen. I'm merely putting to words her true feelings.
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
So emmi, I hear you're paying for everyone to go on the next tour
hey, no problem!
now, that reminds me, remember when in London you were really drunk and I loaned you around 30 000 pounds? I'll need that back now please.
where did you hear that from then? *raises eyebrow* you know, even if the voices inside your head/your dinosaur instincts tell you something, unless an outside source confirms it - it's not true.
sure, no problems, can you post your bank account details on here for me, not pm them, and i will organise the transfer
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
perhaps that is asking a little too much! can you just buy me a beer on the next tour and we will call it even?
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
and it took you 20+ minutes to figure that out? :rolleyes:
suppose that could happen.
an entire page devoted to Lionel Richie's fan club postings... what's going on with this thread...!
this time last month i was having a beer (or two) at the Green Man... and now THIS! :(