map shows where its illegal
france i thought would be more liberal-guess the winegrowers want us drunk and smelly
map shows where its illegal
france i thought would be more liberal-guess the winegrowers want us drunk and smelly
Post edited by Unknown User on
more people get into accidents when no alcohol or pot is involved. We should ban being sober.
Albert Einstein
The reason why it's legal in Holland is because Holland knows that if they ever had to really defend themselves against, say, another Hitler, they always have every other NATO country to come to their rescue.
I'm sure there are a lot of dopers who are going to be quoting the life out of this post with their rebuttals. I'll hear, "I work hard and have a rewarding career," and the like.
There are exceptions. I'm not saying there aren't. But let's look at the norm. Let's look at what it does for MOST people who are using it. They are lazy stupid fucks who never go anywhere. That's the honest truth. I remember high school quite well. I remember who the pot heads were. Some of them made it pretty far in life, but most didn't.
Last Christmas season I had a major problem with alcoholism. It's just something about christmas that does it to me. Sorta makes me want to jump off a bldg for some reason. It's easier to get blind drunk on a nightly basis.
I still managed to never miss a day of work. I still was able to work my ass off. And as soon as christmas passed, I was sober and still am. I just don't think I could've done that with pot. Pot is a sneaky drug. It's just powerful enough to stuff those problems away, but too weak to be an obvious addiction. That's what makes it more dangerous than crack, IMO. At least crackheads know they are strung out.
I just thought it was funny that you made this statement and then defended alcohol the exact same way a you didn't want a stoner to defend this comment.
You missed the part about norm vs. exceptions. Alcoholism doesn't lead to chronic laziness and stupidity so much as marijuana does. I don't think it to be uncommon to have a brief bout with drinking without one's life being adversely affected. If I remember college correctly, most students drank straight through it. Don't remember meeting many habitual stoners in college, though.
Most of my friends that drank through college are drinking through their life right now. I've met many habitual stoners, but I think a lot of that depends on where you went to college and what not.
I'm speaking from personal experiences here. I have a friend right now who is battling alcoholism and it's not a pretty sight. I've just seen a lot more harm done due to alochol than anything else (besides Meth and Heroin)
Alcoholism is no doubt not a pretty sight. But, being shti-faced doesn't wipe me out or make me spacey for a week. And a drunk person will be the first to throw a punch in a fight. The world is still a violent and scary place with or without alcohol. A nation cannot be stoned if it expects to stand its ground. That's my peace. I'm out.
I have read many arguements against marijuana use....this to me is one of the poorest...your opening statement makes it sounds like a very poor conspiracy theory or something of that nature......
I have no problem if someone is against marijuana but really get your facts I love your later post trying to discredit any future posts from saying "I have a hard working career" pertaining to marijuana use, while you say the exact same statement about your booze use and your job.....come on really....
Yeah i have no idea what your talking about. I know many people that get high and still maintain a healthy life. There are gonna be pot heads that sit around doing nothing no matter what. Making pot avaible legaly isn't going to do too much with peoples smoking habits. I think more teens get involved in smoking weed because its illegal. I belive its much safer chilling out and smoking a joint than going to a bar and getting drunk. I enjoy both and think it should be up to the people weather they want to use either or. The problem is lawmakers relate weed to every other hard drug out their.
I agree.....and with your last sentence then they try to link it using a catching term like "gate-way" drug....such a lame arguement...if people want to play that game I can use the history of my life....I drank before I ever smoked weed....therefore I should be lame and use the arguement that alcohol is a "gate-way" drug......seriously its in the eye of the beholder and should be a choice of the individual....especially something as harmless as marijuana.....
Since when does being stoned make you spacey for a week?
That must be really good weed. Last I checked weed gets you stoned for maybe and hour max. I'm not anti-alcohol either. I'm just anti-abuse whether it's beer, weed, or cheeseburgers. I think I might go drink a beer, eat a cheesburger and go smoke a bowl.
I wasn't aware you had the stats on who smokes pot and who doesn't. It would be a lot like me saying that the norm of alcoholics are violent wife and child beating losers. I remember high school quite well. I remember the ones who got drunk and only some of them made it pretty far, but most didn't.
You're entire argument is based on assumption.
naděje umírá poslední
That must be some shitty weed, an hour max?
naděje umírá poslední
I puff a lot
It does last more than an hour. I'm just not really really stoned for more than an hour, though I do feel the effects.
like "The reason why pot is still illegal in most countries is because those countries know that pot makes people into pacifists"
and "It also makes them lazy and stupid"
and "That's what makes it more dangerous than crack, IMO. At least crackheads know they are strung out."
I decided to add a few comments based on pragmatic research.
1) There is no evidence of memory damage in either the long term of short term, and some studies point to enhancement of particular types of memory.
2) Although there is no scientific consensus on the level of possible harm of marijuana, according to a United Kingdom government report, using cannabis is less dangerous than both tobacco and alcohol in social harms, physical harm and addiction.
3) No research has made reproduceable, conclusive results showing permanent damage of any kind to the brain or nervous system.
4) With alcohol and most other drugs, there are many lethal dose incidents every year. A lethal dose of marijuana simply isn't possible. Only with intravenous injection is it even theoretically possible.
5) Marijuana has not been shown to cause emphysema or lung cancer... or other types of cancer for that matter.
So in order for us to continue to be a reactionary, violent nation we need to drink. Uh, that's a new theory in the booze vs. weed argument. So as long as we drink, we will be able to beat the shit out of each other. If we smoke pot, we will live in peace. Well I know what I'm gonna choose.