I have a very good friend who writes a blog and encourages me to share the information that is offered there. They say if you want to learn how to do any task to surround yourself with people who are skilled in the area in which you need to improve. Here is a valuable post given with care.
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I know that everyone here understands cause and effect of GMO's but perhaps you are like me and cannot present yourself so eloquently...Cheers to this person who wrote this...A person who is a friend to our planet, yet understands our current state of affairs..
the article:
GM Files: FrankenFoods To Make You Sterile
Think about it for a moment: unlabeled GMOs with medical consequences, including, as in this case, sterility, constitutes the force feeding of industrial toxins to a global population. You might call it forced drugging, and you would be right.
One would tend to assume that food sold to consumers would not have intended or unintended medical consequences like birth defects, cancer, auto immune diseases, infertility or sterility. One would be wrong. Since FDA and USDA do not conduct, or examine, safety studies except once very early on in the approval process when they review preliminary safety testing provided by the corporation developing the product (!), these “foods” (Frankenfoods, really) are launched into the market place with neither safety testing nor review of safety testing by our supposed “watchdog” agencies.
Natural Solutions Foundation believes in your health freedom. Apparently, the FDA and USDA do not. If they did, they would not permit dangerous, untested and unlabeled (that is, forbidden to be labeled!) GMO “food” to be sold in the US as “food” (for people) and “feed” (for animals who are, ultimately, eaten by people). You see, we believe that your right to safe, unadulterated foods and it also includes your right to have children if you want to, and grandchildren, too.
Seven months ago we noted that a little-known genetic bioengineering firm in California, Epicyte, announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile in 2001. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. It was astonishing to learn that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.
Every independent scientific review of safety of which I am aware documents the serious, potentially lethal, and now, sterility-inducing impact of these “foods”. One has to wonder whether the Epicyte human sterility gene is part of the NK 603xMon810 genome now since its impact is sterility.
Whether it is or not, what is clear is that the consumption of the unlabeled “foods” or their by products and derivatives poses as great a threat to humanity as the ever-promised Avian Flu Pandemic. Eat them at your own risk. And get involved to pressure your Congressional members to become co-sponsors of, and strongly support, the 2 excellent bills before Congress now which would require safety testing and labeling of all GMO foods. Click here (https://hq-salsa.democracyinaction.o...aign&key=25920) to send you strong message to Congress for your food rights.
Genetically Modified “foods” do not have names. They have numbers
Real food has names, usually less than 3 syllables. GMO “foods” and “feeds” hide behind initials and numbers like the biochemicals they are: e.g., NK 603 and Mon810. Those are genetically engineered corn types permitted for human and animal food in the US and the EU and elsewhere in the world. Neither corn (or “maize” as it is also called) has EVER been properly tested for safety by an independent governmental agency. No safety review of independent, non-industry studies has ever been done by a government agency anywhere in the world. Independent studies have never been commissioned by any government agency before these foods were approved, strictly on the basis of corporate assurances that these “foods” were safe in the US, Europe and elsewhere.
The reality is that when independent studies are conducted on these “foods”, they are neither safe nor benign.
The FDA thinks it is perfectly fine to take those rights, and your posterity, away from you without your knowledge or consent. By allowing genetically modified (GMO) “foods” which are known to reduce fertility in animals (we are, reproductively speaking, biologically similar to the animals being tested) and forbidding labeling of GMO foods or ingredients, the FDA says that foods like NK603 and Mon810 are acceptable to them. Is the truth that this is part of a long-stanidng, wide-ranging depopulation program using multiple ways to eliminate your ability to reproduce?
Who cares? You do, and so do we.
Thanks for your continuing support. Without it, the Natural Solutions Foundation could not continue its important work.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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I know that everyone here understands cause and effect of GMO's but perhaps you are like me and cannot present yourself so eloquently...Cheers to this person who wrote this...A person who is a friend to our planet, yet understands our current state of affairs..
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Post edited by Unknown User on
it provides balanced information about agricultural biotechnology, involving scientific data.
and side note: GMOs do *not* cause sterility.
more here
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
prefers a soft voice...
here's some more:
It's always better to be safe than sorry. I am not saying that all GMO's are prone to being dangerous, but I am saying there's a lot of people here who might not consider a question concerning this usage. And it is my intent to open minds for thought. I am not one to debate, only give out information and try to show this information in a loving and respectful manner.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I will put out the *scare* and you can discount it.
I do believe that technology when placed in caring hands, is for benefit. Now, might I inquire over the fence, do you grow a garden at UC?
Do you grow a garden at home?
Which do you prefer and why do you as a person support the study you endeavor? I do not want discourse only to learn, so that I can attain more information for myself.
What do you see as benefits? Do you feel support GMO's for corporate profit? What is your intention as an individual?
questions, questions...
*sorry I asked a question in which you already responded to..
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i don't have a garden at home, i live in an apartment. i won't be sharing personal opinions here, i just wanted to share the site so people can have access to data and make their own opinions based on facts
my intention is education, just part of my job
I didn't mean you are discounting me concerning *scare*. I was more so hoping you would list results from your studies. We all should respect this board as a learning tool.
We never stop learning, do we?
Thank you for putting your information up as well.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i agree, people should see this as a place to learn. i have seen people be pretty close-minded, here and elsewhere though, so that's why i'm not feeling the urge to share anything personal. it's all good though
...the ability to saturate the plant and the ground around it with some of the most toxic poisons known to man without killing the plant itself....mmm...yum...roundup ready goodness!
To say Monsanto is a greedy no morals corporation would be a fair understatement. Evil perhaps. Check out the farmers committing suicide in India over their crops. Cross contamination....brutal. Lives ruined.
Not to mention GMO soy was actually proven to produce lower yields than regular farming methods in a recent study.
Less nutritious, doesn't taste as good, extremely toxic to the environment when used as directed..
Cancers and other various health problems arise when you spraying poison everywhere.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This is happening in corporate operated farms, anyhow. I see this in my locality with grapes. The terrain(trees are) is either stripped by chaining or a fire breaks out and then the area is treated with herbicide to a depth of 4-5 feet before vines are planted. The grapes ripen, harvested and shipped to local wineries in the Napa Valley. Then the end product is celebrated world wide via someone's pallet.
Ultimately these toxins leech out during our rainy season and flow into our water-shed, which will inevitably destroy surrounding eco systems, not to mention deplete a habitat that has existed for thousands of years at minimum.
Is this molestation any different? Worse? Better?
It's up to you decide.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Correct, I forgot to mention that as well. I was thinking in terms of organic comparison.
I think the R&D efforts should be focused towards advances in organic farming principles, rather than seeing how successfully one can distort a gene, and drown it with toxins.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)