Pit Petition: Eddie needs to reform Bad Radio!

Just as a side project...Eddie so needs to reform Bad Radio!
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Would you pay to see a Bad Radio show?
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Every other band member has had a side project...except for Ed (Aside from Into the Wild)...
I think it would be cool!
it sucks.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
If you hate something, don't you do it too
fucking Bad Radio stinks
Stone Gossard was not pleased with Ed's faggotry
Hey come on...everybody knows that if Stone had his way, Pearl Jam would have ended up a hair band just like Mother Love Bone almost was!
If anyone had 'faggotry' it was Stone!
Yep, seen them...they were not too bad for the time!
Hmm, I always thought it "What the Fuck is up". Realizing that it is "funk" makes it even worse.
So I would go to see that song.
I would pay though, maybe a 5 spot just for shits and giggles.
No he doesn't.
Let's Just Pop a Few Yards of Bubble Wrap and Call It a Day!
Don't Die Wondering
i love believe you me, wish pj would cover it!
The rest, well... eh.
(though the bass player seemed pretty good)
They should reform!
And the singer was also pretty good