You don't have to agree with immigration law to recognize that one breaks it one is illegal. Very simple concept.
you haven't answered my question though, what constitutes being in this country illegally? forget being born here, becasue that is cut and dry scenario....
do you not realize how many people have lived here for generations that don't have green card or visitor's you not realize that many of these people have been in this courntry longer than evern the concept of your young existence? do you think there are people in your neighborhoods who have been there forever, and are being raked in just because they can't prove a birth certificate?
did they come here illegally when it wasn't a precedent concerning documentation? do you know to see some allowance? and do you not think that what is going on in this countyr as f*kt up wrong....
as for your passport topic, let me tell you, they are enforcing it like white on rice....
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
corruption will continue because america has too many corrupt polticians and burucrats
you cannot under this new atmosphere fake won't get a way with it, and since we are on the subject, now that we have oh such sweet protection from INS, ICE, DEA, DOJ, if something illegal is coming into our country under all this protection, who is letting it happen...
So, please tell me who controlls the illegal activitiy in this countyr???????
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
corruption will continue because america has too many corrupt polticians and burucrats
I saw this documentary.
It was interesting to see how see got them and what she had to go through to get them. I wasn't surprised however at how easy it sometimes was to obtain them.
i dont beleive in the new passport law but i also dont beleive in making us citizens out of everyone who got to usa illegally
youre saying if you go to tijuana with no passport you cant get back in without a passport and then what? you get arrested by mex cops for being there illegally?
bush is an asshole and so is congress
meanwhile bush winks at the illegal mexicans and they come
sorry seattle, u may not have read my post earlier, but i felt i had to take out info...
trust me, not too many illegals are coming in via south border; it's pretty clammed up...i have family that went to mexico over holidays. they are mexicano nationales, and have papers and order of documentation and the border agents held him for a while to review his docuementations...his family all checked out, but becasue he is male and mexican, he had a bit of queston...
they let them back in the country, but every person that may look ethnically mexican, is being scrutinized at us customs....
i don't agree with any of it, but since i am trying to cope and manage, i can understand a cease entry for post september 2006, but anything before, should stop now...these sweeps are b*s* and you know it and so do i......thank you for your time.
next thing they will searching your house and mine becasue we help people of mexicanos...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
sorry seattle, u may not have read my post earlier, but i felt i had to take out info...
trust me, not too many illegals are coming in via south border; it's pretty clammed up...i have family that went to mexico over holidays. they are mexicano nationales, and have papers and order of documentation and the border agents held him for a while to review his docuementations...his family all checked out, but becasue he is male and mexican, he had a bit of queston...
they let them back in the country, but every person that may look ethnically mexican, is being scrutinized at us customs....
i don't agree with any of it, but since i am trying to cope and manage, i can understand a cease entry for post september 2006, but anything before, should stop now...these sweeps are b*s* and you know it and so do i......thank you for your time.
next thing they will searching your house and mine becasue we help people of mexicanos...
"these sweeps are b*s* and you know it and so do i."
theres so many illegals the "sweeps" are like sweeping the new orleans convention center with a toothbrush after the flood
dont you know bush doesnt care and he wants to unify with mexico and canada?he just tries to act like a true american and most dont want the illegals -i suppose you and him agree on this
"The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin.
you didn' illegal alien is someone who enters this country with out proper documentation or no happens in many ethnci communities...
u see i have taught esl to korenas, jordanians, arabians, chinese, mexicanos, columbians, ecuadorians, panamanians, and brazilians so my students entrusted me with tales of their entry and how they made passage into our country prior to september 1, 2006........
i found a site last night called mexica, and i was reading thier radical literature...i am afraid i have to agree with them....maybe check it out...
pertaining to your last post, yes. b*s* wants his hands on mexico's 7th place in world economy....funny if mexico is 7th, then why are the people not benefitting?
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i dont think im a racist but we cant help everyone and all countries from canada to argentina enforce immigration laws, so get real and stop supporting bush plan to flood us with tons of people
how many exactly would you let come here, pray tell.melodius?
and are you also concerned about whites that need to get here and or improve lives?
i dont think im a racist but we cant help everyone and all countries from canada to argentina enforce immigration laws, so get real and stop supporting bush plan to flood us with tons of people
u sound like my mother!!!!!
how many exactly would you let come here, pray tell.melodius?
did you have a little type-o here?
and are you also concerned about whites that need to get here and or improve lives?
native american? and nephew is mexican? how many generations has mexicano nephew descent been in U.S....
i i don't believe in your fence, becasue it's just a glorified cage.......
and i wonder why people wanna live in a country where the screws get tighter by the come we are letting this happen? oh yeah, i get it, we are too busy with our own lives and success to give to others? we wanna keep that pie all to our selves.....we don't want people in our countyr why? oh yeah, because only americans are entitled to the entire pie of resource the world offers...we cannot share the little 1/3 of recources left on planet with anyone else but the country that looks to me like it's a reflection of roman empire......
it's a crime to be black in america
it's a crime to be white in america..
it's a crime to be poor in america
it's a crime......just a crime to be only 1% out of 100%
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I take the needle off the record
and shove it in my arm
whenever I feel life is
comin' on too strong
they left me in a clinic fulla
cynical motha fuckin' bureaucrats
and other kinda ding bats
Livin on the tracks
the tracks in my arm said
it all depends which side the tracks your on.
tellin' me what to wear
tellin me cut my hair
and tryin to convince me that they
really really care
all about my health and about my wealth
but still they built the Stealth
'cause everybody's
just lookin out for they self
So then I ask 'em
can I have a clean needle
"Hell no that's illegal!"
'Cause it's a crime to be broke in America!
and it's a crime to smoke dank in America!
"Yeah hit those drums now"
they lockin' brother's in the poorhouse
who can't afford Moorhouse
politicians nervous
it's the only free service they provide
you wanna go inside
there's a hot meal waitin' for ya
a deal we can score ya
on a bed for a night or two
or three or four months.
They say they lockin' us up in cells
to protect us from ourselves
it smells like they got anotha
plan in store house
or should I say warehouse
fulla niggas and other misfits
that couldn't turn tricks in the courthouse
it's a justice whorehouse
It's a crime to be broke in America!
and it's a crime to be Black in America!
But there's a mutiny on the bounty
in ever single county
we remember Attica
but don't forget to pat a few
other on the back as a matter of fact
sister Asatta Shakur and Geronimo Pratt
'cause Amnesty international
is fightin' for political
but if your analytical
you know it's much more critical than that
percentages black is really, really whack
can I kick a few facts yes?
Sx percent in college
from livin on the block
twenty five percent in prison
the school of hard knocks
fifty percent in poverty
is livin on the rocks
five hundred brothas on a death row box
The punishment is capital
for those who lack in capital
because a public defender
can't remember the last time
that a brother wasn't treated like an animal.
They say they blame it on a song
when someone kills a cop
what music did they listen to
when they bombed Iraq?
give me one example so I can take a sample
no need to play it backwards
if you wanna hear the devil
cause music's not the problem
it didn't cause the bombin'
but maybe they should listen
to the songs of people starving..
'Cause it's a Crime to be broke in America!
it's a crime to smoke dank in America!
it's a crime to be black in America!
it's a crime to be black in America!
it's a crime to be Puerto Rican
Native American
Asian Hatian
a Woman
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
now, RavennaSeattle, don't you know smokin' hashish is against federal law? i do not consciously break laws, but ask me someday about concentrated kief????? neither appeal to me, becasue too harsh on respitory system....
not a smidgeon of smoke for at least today.....
nice to talk and nice to exchange...
i like your signature best, except my situation is i am 12 in a middle aged person's body.....
"i wish that i knew then what i know now.....when i was younger......."
i cannot argue with facts only my conscious and the atmosphere to wards immigration frankly makes me sick.....
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
the government doesnt care about the constituion ,just global plans
aye, aye yes!!!!
b]dint/b] am i to take this as a belittlement of sophistication? when it is all said and done, i don't thin' educaton and qualification will be the mitigating factor when this empire falls...i think those who know how to use an ol' fashioned meat grinder, a manual can-opener, or hand-powered coffee grinder are gonna be in demand...;)
so you dint answer me-how many people would you let in usa? endless amounts?then we pay for them and medical and so they can have tons of kids?
u r assuming that we pay for those children with our tax base, and i know better...u r assuming that mexican women don't want or know about b/c..{.and guess how many american "ho's" have a different child by a different father?}
to answer your question, i do not think i am qualified enough to have an answer as to how many i would actually allow? i wouldn't make allowances; i would have handled this entire situation completely differently...i would have given people warning to apply and rectify thier presencce long before I started imposing human raids for human wharehousing..based on a candle lit room vote..i feel this is a crime against humanity in itself...u r assuming that there's all these little oxacan people running around rampant in our communities like little gremlins or something....guess, what one of them is my kin!!!!
and even if your blanket statement here did apply, wouldn't you much rather your tax dollars go towards building the good out of our population and making better domestic policy as opposed to investing those tax dollars for murdering innocent middle-easterners? (oops another hue of brown people),and waging war for world resources?
i say we send the medical bill to mexican gov etc and others
i say we send the bill to the prison guard's union---for we all know that's where the money is....defense; defense; defense........peace now, ya hear.
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
business as usuall im amerika
now the era of passport is here
same old shit -differnet document
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
if youre born in usa i think youre a citizen or thats how they interpret the law -i wouldnt allow that
in ireland they dont either anymore
in the cherokee tribe the people maybe just women would decide who would be adopted into tribe
in usa i guess buercrats and judges do and corrupt officials
so you think someone got here and that makes them so worthy to be an american?i dont
some i like others i dont
lately probably the whites are kept out of usa moreso but who knows
bush jeb bush and his hispnaic wife coloumba want the cheap labour and mass confsuion and to get rid of english
long live english!!
someone who spent time learning english ,say in filipeans, maybe id let in over some one who hates my language and culture
where the hell are you?
You don't have to agree with immigration law to recognize that one breaks it one is illegal. Very simple concept.
naděje umírá poslední
what about? fake passports?
corruption will continue because america has too many corrupt polticians and burucrats
do you not realize how many people have lived here for generations that don't have green card or visitor's you not realize that many of these people have been in this courntry longer than evern the concept of your young existence? do you think there are people in your neighborhoods who have been there forever, and are being raked in just because they can't prove a birth certificate?
did they come here illegally when it wasn't a precedent concerning documentation? do you know to see some allowance? and do you not think that what is going on in this countyr as f*kt up wrong....
as for your passport topic, let me tell you, they are enforcing it like white on rice....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
So, please tell me who controlls the illegal activitiy in this countyr???????
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I saw this documentary.
It was interesting to see how see got them and what she had to go through to get them. I wasn't surprised however at how easy it sometimes was to obtain them.
naděje umírá poslední
youre saying if you go to tijuana with no passport you cant get back in without a passport and then what? you get arrested by mex cops for being there illegally?
bush is an asshole and so is congress
meanwhile bush winks at the illegal mexicans and they come
If you lose points on your EU driver's licence, in Italy you can buy points to replace the ones you lost.
trust me, not too many illegals are coming in via south border; it's pretty clammed up...i have family that went to mexico over holidays. they are mexicano nationales, and have papers and order of documentation and the border agents held him for a while to review his docuementations...his family all checked out, but becasue he is male and mexican, he had a bit of queston...
they let them back in the country, but every person that may look ethnically mexican, is being scrutinized at us customs....
i don't agree with any of it, but since i am trying to cope and manage, i can understand a cease entry for post september 2006, but anything before, should stop now...these sweeps are b*s* and you know it and so do i......thank you for your time.
next thing they will searching your house and mine becasue we help people of mexicanos...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
where did i say only mexicans are illegal aliens?
theres so many illegals the "sweeps" are like sweeping the new orleans convention center with a toothbrush after the flood
dont you know bush doesnt care and he wants to unify with mexico and canada?he just tries to act like a true american and most dont want the illegals -i suppose you and him agree on this
"The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin.
u see i have taught esl to korenas, jordanians, arabians, chinese, mexicanos, columbians, ecuadorians, panamanians, and brazilians so my students entrusted me with tales of their entry and how they made passage into our country prior to september 1, 2006........
i found a site last night called mexica, and i was reading thier radical literature...i am afraid i have to agree with them....maybe check it out...
pertaining to your last post, yes. b*s* wants his hands on mexico's 7th place in world economy....funny if mexico is 7th, then why are the people not benefitting?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i dont think im a racist but we cant help everyone and all countries from canada to argentina enforce immigration laws, so get real and stop supporting bush plan to flood us with tons of people
how many exactly would you let come here, pray tell.melodius?
and are you also concerned about whites that need to get here and or improve lives?
did you have a little type-o here?
native american? and nephew is mexican? how many generations has mexicano nephew descent been in U.S....
i i don't believe in your fence, becasue it's just a glorified cage.......
and i wonder why people wanna live in a country where the screws get tighter by the come we are letting this happen? oh yeah, i get it, we are too busy with our own lives and success to give to others? we wanna keep that pie all to our selves.....we don't want people in our countyr why? oh yeah, because only americans are entitled to the entire pie of resource the world offers...we cannot share the little 1/3 of recources left on planet with anyone else but the country that looks to me like it's a reflection of roman empire......
it's a crime to be black in america
it's a crime to be white in america..
it's a crime to be poor in america
it's a crime......just a crime to be only 1% out of 100%
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
and shove it in my arm
whenever I feel life is
comin' on too strong
they left me in a clinic fulla
cynical motha fuckin' bureaucrats
and other kinda ding bats
Livin on the tracks
the tracks in my arm said
it all depends which side the tracks your on.
tellin' me what to wear
tellin me cut my hair
and tryin to convince me that they
really really care
all about my health and about my wealth
but still they built the Stealth
'cause everybody's
just lookin out for they self
So then I ask 'em
can I have a clean needle
"Hell no that's illegal!"
'Cause it's a crime to be broke in America!
and it's a crime to smoke dank in America!
"Yeah hit those drums now"
they lockin' brother's in the poorhouse
who can't afford Moorhouse
politicians nervous
it's the only free service they provide
you wanna go inside
there's a hot meal waitin' for ya
a deal we can score ya
on a bed for a night or two
or three or four months.
They say they lockin' us up in cells
to protect us from ourselves
it smells like they got anotha
plan in store house
or should I say warehouse
fulla niggas and other misfits
that couldn't turn tricks in the courthouse
it's a justice whorehouse
It's a crime to be broke in America!
and it's a crime to be Black in America!
But there's a mutiny on the bounty
in ever single county
we remember Attica
but don't forget to pat a few
other on the back as a matter of fact
sister Asatta Shakur and Geronimo Pratt
'cause Amnesty international
is fightin' for political
but if your analytical
you know it's much more critical than that
percentages black is really, really whack
can I kick a few facts yes?
Sx percent in college
from livin on the block
twenty five percent in prison
the school of hard knocks
fifty percent in poverty
is livin on the rocks
five hundred brothas on a death row box
The punishment is capital
for those who lack in capital
because a public defender
can't remember the last time
that a brother wasn't treated like an animal.
They say they blame it on a song
when someone kills a cop
what music did they listen to
when they bombed Iraq?
give me one example so I can take a sample
no need to play it backwards
if you wanna hear the devil
cause music's not the problem
it didn't cause the bombin'
but maybe they should listen
to the songs of people starving..
'Cause it's a Crime to be broke in America!
it's a crime to smoke dank in America!
it's a crime to be black in America!
it's a crime to be black in America!
it's a crime to be Puerto Rican
Native American
Asian Hatian
a Woman
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
not a smidgeon of smoke for at least today.....
nice to talk and nice to exchange...
i like your signature best, except my situation is i am 12 in a middle aged person's body.....
"i wish that i knew then what i know now.....when i was younger......."
i cannot argue with facts only my conscious and the atmosphere to wards immigration frankly makes me sick.....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
some were americans -some were illegal
its all to create chaos i suppose
the government doesnt care about the constituion ,just global plans
so you dint answer me-how many people would you let in usa? endless amounts?then we pay for them and medical and so they can have tons of kids?
i say we send the medical bill to mexican gov etc and others
b]dint/b] am i to take this as a belittlement of sophistication? when it is all said and done, i don't thin' educaton and qualification will be the mitigating factor when this empire falls...i think those who know how to use an ol' fashioned meat grinder, a manual can-opener, or hand-powered coffee grinder are gonna be in demand...;)
u r assuming that we pay for those children with our tax base, and i know better...u r assuming that mexican women don't want or know about b/c..{.and guess how many american "ho's" have a different child by a different father?}
to answer your question, i do not think i am qualified enough to have an answer as to how many i would actually allow? i wouldn't make allowances; i would have handled this entire situation completely differently...i would have given people warning to apply and rectify thier presencce long before I started imposing human raids for human wharehousing..based on a candle lit room vote..i feel this is a crime against humanity in itself...u r assuming that there's all these little oxacan people running around rampant in our communities like little gremlins or something....guess, what one of them is my kin!!!!
and even if your blanket statement here did apply, wouldn't you much rather your tax dollars go towards building the good out of our population and making better domestic policy as opposed to investing those tax dollars for murdering innocent middle-easterners? (oops another hue of brown people),and waging war for world resources?
i say we send the bill to the prison guard's union---for we all know that's where the money is....defense; defense; defense........peace now, ya hear.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light