For the month of April/poetry.......

I strode into the cafe
Wondering what went wrong
Feeling like a broken hearted loser
From that sappy love song
I ordered my favourite coffee
Found our favourite table
And I took a chair
Looked for your loving eyes
Of course you weren't there
My life is upside down
Since what we've been through
My coffee tastes bitter
I now know
The sweetener was you
Wondering what went wrong
Feeling like a broken hearted loser
From that sappy love song
I ordered my favourite coffee
Found our favourite table
And I took a chair
Looked for your loving eyes
Of course you weren't there
My life is upside down
Since what we've been through
My coffee tastes bitter
I now know
The sweetener was you
You've changed your place in this world!
Post edited by Unknown User on
on the petals
of the flower
called my soul
i can see all
the little dew drops
forming neatly
in a row
not to worry
they are welcome
they're my company
to my lonliness
all those raindrops
on the petals
of the flower
called my soul
The drops remind me of tears
They drench everything to the core
Soaking, dripping, matting, running
Each droplet sends out a rippling
Becoming something larger, bigger
Spreading, seeping, ingesting, entering
A drink for that which was long parched
Waiting ever so patiently to be quenched
Sprouting, blooming, growing, flowering
My desire's a rabbit
in the presence of man
laying perfectly still
through blood-pounding channels
and when all becomes quiet
it leaps from its den
it croaks under moonlight
and washes it's hands
and when daylight returns
resolved to the warren
it trades in its wonder
for the earth and the ground
On the planet planting hope
Pining Love, the sleeping dove
Goes all too often unrequited
In a comfort fade away
Goes under-watched and under-watered
Ignored in arrogance the sin
Committed both by each the partner
People die
People laugh
People cry
Didn't make the grade
Heavy sigh
School boy effort
Give it a try
Like what you see
Why don't you buy
Don't know the answer
Jusk ask why
Need a new colour
Use the dye
knock on sand
(funny how knowing the words makes all the difference
A ton of flowers arise in style.
The rain falls down so often,
A puddle is inevitable to step in.
The grass is a lush green,
Soon be time for the sun screen.
Time to remember a story,
About death and glory.
A story of new begining,
And the start of a festive occasion.
His hands stung by nails,
As our belief sails.
Hugging our family,
Drinking cold drinks easily.
Listening in on the rain,
whilst we remember his pain.
The sun shines a new life,
In the season and our thoughts.
The month is april,
The rain begins to fall,
The month is april,
The sun begins to shine.
The month is april,
Hopefully i'm a sleep the first day
Just the memory of you
Welled a tear
Where are you now?
Where did you go?
The wrinkles on this face
Hide a very good show
Thirty years of fun and turmoil
Thus, not to be forgotten
Years ahead and years behind
I have yet to find
Now I smile as you disappear
To leave my image in the mirror
Years have gone and years will come
All thirty years
I'd trade none
throwing stones
on the sidewalk
for every time
you've lied to me
for every time
we were supposed to see
each other
but we didn't
throwing stones
on my porch
for your sorry face
and your sorry lies
your sorry sorry sorries
and i just have to throw
something to throw
to get my frustration
out in the open
i chose to throw rocks
'cause that's what
your head is
filled with
the clouds are closing in
it's gonna rain again
i feel those drops
but i'm just going to sit here
throwing rocks
in your honor...
my favorite heart
me upon a red night fair
the renaissance
the latent want
to rest upon
his gait
his return home
my welcoming
where i've laid down
a path of petals
lit up candlewaxed wicks flicker
toes and tied up trippings
tango toward oblivion's cool blissings
he is tired, it is true
for all the days work done and finished
knowing pleasing, be pleased he
my admiration
his fine care
for life's too short
and when it's over
pride we take in all so rested?
not, but so in loving well
reciprocates itself so sixfold
smiles upon our crusty shells
despair daggered my heart,
alone, caught freezing alone,
as the lightning cast light upon the truth that is shame,
all that is sacred is no longer,
and all that is wonder is gone.
and yet the cold rain,
pelting, soaking, waking me to confront myself,
slapping me, freezing my skin,
prompting me to take cover,
to start over,
to dispell the shame, dismiss her name and go on.
i'm not yet ready for the sun and moon
to shine in my corner of this cold space,
it is mine and mine alone,
and only the rain is welcome,
for rain is my only friend,
and shame is my only enemy.
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
the sun
is in your heart
when there are
in your soul
let it rain
i'm done with
Knocks you to the floor
Fucks you like a whore
Ask yourself
What is it for?
like a kite
and show it
the world
and the light
of the springtime
so even you
can learn to breathe
and learn to love
and learn to fly
stuck in a traffic jam
trailing your kebab van
when you pitch up on the corner
and heat up the gas for the lamb
and sit in your box
with the meat turning
and the chilis and red cabbage sitting in trays
would you say it's nicer these days
in April
when it's not dark till about eight
and you don't have to rely on the stove for heat
and can sit out on the pavement
with your tea towel over your shoulder
talking to pretty women no longer in winter clothes?
Does that cherry blossom stick to your van
when it falls in a shower?
Do daytime drinkers come and glower
after their days drinking on the river?
Is this your first April ever
since you came over?
How's April kebabbin' in Cambridge?
Good? Yes?
Kebab man
Kebab man
Look, the traffic jam's movin';
you'll soon be doner meat carving.
let's go swinging
in the park
where we first
and try to touch the stars
with each trip up
i want to be disappointed
with you
when the swing falls back
and get excited every time
we feel the wind in our face
and see ourselves
catapulted up
toward the sky
with every forward motion
i want to fall in love
with the sky
like we fell in love
that night
and in cats meowths
scream just like children
knowing their bones and blood elude them
soon and very soon
lord i want to be like jesus
in my heart, in my heart
but i can't
for i am not the son of man
hold the door for me at least
and i'll blindly
puppet master
submit to slaughter
day in and day out
i'll submit
and tiptoe round your eggshell landmine
oh god
what's he going to say this time?
and oh god why
A sea of the home team's colours is abound
"Why don't you get on the bus back home!"
Someone has spotted an enemy's sequence
This heated rivalry has been passed down through the generations
There's a quiet calm as only one anthem will be played this evening
See you all on Monday! Enjoy your weekends!!!!!
lay like
cupped horseshoes
on the inside
of the tree ring
encircling our time
her face turned
from the orange glow
and pressed flat
against my chest
no room
no cessating grip
to leave me cold on her half
the night air at my back
the night air climbs
the hackles of my neck
and she
my campfire blonde
sucks complaints down her sleeping throat
she stirs up the coals
she takes up the rear
of life
i wanted to die
the sugar
that lay on his
sweet like
at the age of
sweet like
your lies
sweet like
your lies
No gun started this race
I forgot to bring my sneakers
So how can I place?
Where is the finish line?
How long do I run?
Some people come up short
I'm not having fun yet
Chasing the dream
You laid down for me
Stab you in the back
All for the money
I can find happiness
Without the all mighty buck
If your life needs the green back
Good luck
Love and Lonliness
Love and Lonliness combined.
Some ever shifting mixture of compassionate greed.
The war bride left at dawn.
The honeymooned morning after.
Left with everything I left to read.
Becoming the ghost
The whispered want
The whispering need.
The vectored thought that breathes.
Within. Without.
Inside a knee.
Outside stout and bold.
For the time being ill-content to rest among the reeds
Recording special forces saying "dawn waits for no one".
There is no dying.
It's amphibious.
Enduring the sunscreened air at high noon
And listening to a thunder's crash approaching.
He knows of no technology
It's a showdown
He is warning you to back off
The lion roars
He knows of no technology
His domain is shrinking
He is crying to you to back off
The lion roars
He knows of no technology
His hunt is lit up in the dead of night
He is pleading with you to back off
The gun roars
upon this dreary neighborhood
the clouds have scooted away
and let the sun
take center stage
and let the warmthof it
touch my skin
and let my heart
beat again
oh spring
you're here
and i feel so much
more whole
Forever, never see it
Funny how you can hear your conscience
Forever, doubting it
with your silly laugh
i can feel your warmth
when you say my name
and it's spring
in winter
when you say my name
spring in winter
when you say my name
spring in winter
It might actually have been bought for Grandpa’s, I don’t know.
It’s hard to separate the two.
The understatement of the last century.
Grandma had it bad for Grandpa since she started the first grade.
She used to get in trouble for acting like a fool around him.
She spent eighty years of her life loving that one man.
Eighty fucking years, can you imagine it?
Her eyes never wandered.
Her love never faltered.
There was never any talk of greener pastures.
Never a rejection of any sort.
These, my intelligent ancestors destined to never love but one other.
The idea to me, a def-com 14 landmine a-bomb.
Set your phasers to stun
Train me
Aim me
Shoot that gun
Now, I know I don’t have the whole story.
But I held Grandma’s hand when he died.
I held her as she cried.
My eighty-seven year old friend who was a stranger to me, and I to her.
I watched her life fade like a superaccelerated movie showing the earth and sky rust cars.
She became more frail in the next two years and finally (and I’m certain not soon enough), she succumbed, fell under… was done.
Now I feel alone.
Grandma? Grandpa? Dad?
If you have access to any strings up there… would you give ‘em a yank for me?
See you soon.
(more ramblings than prose... but it's all i got... peace y'all)