Chicago D2 - Lake Michigan

cjoreacjorea Posts: 69
edited September 2023 in Given To Fly (live)
Understandably the 'Madhouse on Madison' is not that close to the Lake, but waves on Lake Michigan today are a solid B+ (surfers down here on 57th St.), and if you are looking for something fun to do, I highly suggest a swim.

Please use caution - CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH - Please use caution (entering the water for example at a beach rather than the rocks) - but if you are atleast somewhat capable, and can use proper judgement, waves on Lake Michigan can be a total BLAST!

My personal favorite spot is Promontory Point - map included below. The highlighted region is a ladder protected from the waves. If in doubt just enter the water at the beach. Its one of the best swimming spots in Chicago, and the bike ride down from the north along the path is great!

I've also included an advisory below from the National Weather Service. We've had 14ft wave advisories that are more than OK for experienced (and capable) swimmers, but PLEASE USE CAUTION - Safety. Respect. Proper Judgement, And STAY AWAY FROM THE ROCKS.... If you can do this, these are the best swimming days in Chicago.

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