Cried The Whole Time- PJ fans are second to none!!!!

Just wanted to share this with all of you lovely people!
20 Years ago I was addicted to everything music. I started my own music collection when I was 14. I became hooked on Pearl Jams music... Had every album at the time(10/VS/VIT)and listened to them every day.
Teens go through some pretty shitty stuff sometimes. .. I was no exception. Life was rough...I mean really rough as a teenager. It was Pearl Jams music that pulled me through. Not any other band I listened to did what their music did to me.
When I was 16 Ibought a ticket for a show in Toronto with 3 friends. I was SO PUMPED!!!! I'll never forget the excitement of getting to see my heroes.
A last minute decision to sell my ticket to make someone else happy and I missed the show. I've regretted it since the very day I handed my ticket over to her. I remember the girl I sold it to, but for the life of me can't remember the guy I was dating that convinced me to sell it....go figure he's long gone.....
Shortly after that life took a turn and my passion for music faded. I started to adult and lost the love.... Pearl Jam faded too...
About 2 years ago I started finding a love in live music again. Listening to up and coming bands, learning to play guitar....
My "passion4tunes" was back!
I found out Pearl Jam was playing in Toronto on May 7th...3 days before the first show... I knew I had to be there. I literally did no work at my office at all trying to get tickets for the May 10th show because it's my birthday. .. figured it was a
Unfortunately I couldn't get any tickets for Tuesday.
A very dear friend of mine went on a mission to get seats for thursday. She managed to get some last minute release seats and we were off...
We walked into the ACC as REM started. ..didn't even get to sit down before the boys took the stage.
This is how the show went..... First song starts and the tears were flowing..... and I don't mean a nice quiet private was a hard core drop my soul out of my eyes cry.
Yes..I was making the ugly face cry in public...
20 years of regret poured out... I was devastated that I had made such poor choices as a young adult...That I let something I loved so much and was so passionate about fade out of my life.... How different would life have been????
How did I manage to miss their entire career?? All of the opportunities to see this talent play in front of me and I missed it??? 100% DEVASTATION!!!
It took 3 songs in for me to lift my head and actually watch the show. My friends knew what was going on so they just gave me a fist pump and let me be. A guy in the next row looked back at me and before I could even open my mouth he was up over his seat and wrapped me in his arms. Told me he had been to 32 shows and that he would stand with me the whole time if I wanted him to..... and he did!!!!
We sang every song together, danced to the slow ones and rocked out the rest of the time.
This man by the name of Steve made my night! I have no clue who he is, where he's from or how I would ever reach him again but he made the show awesome!
I came home and the next day started buying back my collection of Pearl Jam music! 3 vinyls on the way and I grabbed the show poster from that night off of EBAY. Joined this Fan club a few days later...
I will hang the poster in my office as a reminder of this a reminder to live life to the fullest and to follow my heart and my gut instinct.
If the boys from PJ ever read this... THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you for saving my life with your music when I was going through the most difficult time in my life!!! There were some close calls when I was young and YOU PULLED ME OUT!
And to all of you fans in this club....THANK YOU!!!! If this guy Steve is in the club...and I bet he is...he has represented you all extremely well.... We have a common passion in the love of this band and it's a privilege to read the stories that are posted here and join discussions about something we all love so much.
This night I will Never forget and you can bet your ass I will be at every show I can possibly attend from here on in!
p.s. Sorry this is so long. It was an epiphany that had to be written down and this is/was the only place I felt safe to post in public...amongst the greatest fans in the world.... ✌
20 Years ago I was addicted to everything music. I started my own music collection when I was 14. I became hooked on Pearl Jams music... Had every album at the time(10/VS/VIT)and listened to them every day.
Teens go through some pretty shitty stuff sometimes. .. I was no exception. Life was rough...I mean really rough as a teenager. It was Pearl Jams music that pulled me through. Not any other band I listened to did what their music did to me.
When I was 16 Ibought a ticket for a show in Toronto with 3 friends. I was SO PUMPED!!!! I'll never forget the excitement of getting to see my heroes.
A last minute decision to sell my ticket to make someone else happy and I missed the show. I've regretted it since the very day I handed my ticket over to her. I remember the girl I sold it to, but for the life of me can't remember the guy I was dating that convinced me to sell it....go figure he's long gone.....
Shortly after that life took a turn and my passion for music faded. I started to adult and lost the love.... Pearl Jam faded too...
About 2 years ago I started finding a love in live music again. Listening to up and coming bands, learning to play guitar....
My "passion4tunes" was back!
I found out Pearl Jam was playing in Toronto on May 7th...3 days before the first show... I knew I had to be there. I literally did no work at my office at all trying to get tickets for the May 10th show because it's my birthday. .. figured it was a
Unfortunately I couldn't get any tickets for Tuesday.
A very dear friend of mine went on a mission to get seats for thursday. She managed to get some last minute release seats and we were off...
We walked into the ACC as REM started. ..didn't even get to sit down before the boys took the stage.
This is how the show went..... First song starts and the tears were flowing..... and I don't mean a nice quiet private was a hard core drop my soul out of my eyes cry.
Yes..I was making the ugly face cry in public...
20 years of regret poured out... I was devastated that I had made such poor choices as a young adult...That I let something I loved so much and was so passionate about fade out of my life.... How different would life have been????
How did I manage to miss their entire career?? All of the opportunities to see this talent play in front of me and I missed it??? 100% DEVASTATION!!!
It took 3 songs in for me to lift my head and actually watch the show. My friends knew what was going on so they just gave me a fist pump and let me be. A guy in the next row looked back at me and before I could even open my mouth he was up over his seat and wrapped me in his arms. Told me he had been to 32 shows and that he would stand with me the whole time if I wanted him to..... and he did!!!!
We sang every song together, danced to the slow ones and rocked out the rest of the time.
This man by the name of Steve made my night! I have no clue who he is, where he's from or how I would ever reach him again but he made the show awesome!
I came home and the next day started buying back my collection of Pearl Jam music! 3 vinyls on the way and I grabbed the show poster from that night off of EBAY. Joined this Fan club a few days later...
I will hang the poster in my office as a reminder of this a reminder to live life to the fullest and to follow my heart and my gut instinct.
If the boys from PJ ever read this... THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you for saving my life with your music when I was going through the most difficult time in my life!!! There were some close calls when I was young and YOU PULLED ME OUT!
And to all of you fans in this club....THANK YOU!!!! If this guy Steve is in the club...and I bet he is...he has represented you all extremely well.... We have a common passion in the love of this band and it's a privilege to read the stories that are posted here and join discussions about something we all love so much.
This night I will Never forget and you can bet your ass I will be at every show I can possibly attend from here on in!
p.s. Sorry this is so long. It was an epiphany that had to be written down and this is/was the only place I felt safe to post in public...amongst the greatest fans in the world.... ✌
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago