Regarding the Contest in the post below, it doesn't like anyone got the reference though there were some excellent guesses. The actual reference is from Steven King's iconic, "The Stand". The drawing was inspired by a scene in the book where Mother Abigal has a dream/memory of her performance to a local grange in her teen years. In the dream, Randall Flagg is standing in the back of the hall, staring her down. He raises his fists and squeezes so hard that blood streams down from them. A freaky, powerful image for sure.
The kill count is dropping a bit, but the numbers are still high. I almost lost another dear friend and major film director to the Plague, so stay smart and safe, all.
Joe Pearson
Joe Pearson
Happy Friday all.
Love it! Need more Stone solo songs.
Joe Pearson
Joe Pearson
-EV 8/14/93
Sayonara pal!
Joe Pearson
Joe Pearson