Want to see the FB Journal pics again???

whispering handswhispering hands Posts: 13,527
edited March 2013 in The Porch
Then please remove any of the photos you posted from on here,
And allow the photographer to watermark them for
copyright purposes! We all just basically stole his stuff!
And to be quite honest he's being very kind about it. Respect
his wishes and he will reopen access to the site! Thank you!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • P.s. quit sending him emails requesting the password!!! Just remove
    the pics and we will be able to see them again! You guys flooded
    thus poor guy's inbox! AND, sorry Jim, but I giggled when
    I read that 80% of them were all subjected " ACK or EEK or NOOO!! I need
    A password!" He says he will not respond to any more emails,
    Just remove the pics please! Thanks!
  • STAYSEASTAYSEA Posts: 3,814
    Is this what you mean?


    I thought you meant facebook at first. :lol:
  • STAYSEA wrote:
    Is this what you mean?


    I thought you meant facebook at first. :lol:
    Lol yep!
  • dwhite76dwhite76 Posts: 2,801
    Once the pics are out in the virtual world isnt it impossible for them all to be removed. Im pretty lost at this point but Id love to see the pictures :D
    Some words when spoken...Can't be taken back...
  • RockMamaRockMama Deep Creek Lake, MD Posts: 478
    I bought the magazine when it came out.
    107 total First-Summerfest, Milwaukee '95
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