

fear4freedomfear4freedom Posts: 920
edited December 2012 in A Moving Train
If there were a magical force to sweep away ALL the guns of the world at one time.....I would be FOR it!

If there were a magical force to confine all evil within its own borders.....I would be FOR it!

If there were a magical force to change the hearts of bad guys.....I would be FOR it!

If there were a magical force to take away all STD"s......I would be FOR it!

If there were a magical force to eliminate our national debt.....I would be FOR it!

HOWEVER, we do not live in a theoretical world! We actually live in the world in which we live! SO
I have to take a common sense approach to everything from FISCAL to TACTICAL to MORAL issues.

SORRY! I wish it would be different, but its not.
Theres no time like the present

A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!

All people need to do more on every level!
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