
i snagged a ticket to the Irving Plaza show!!

SOLAT8SOLAT8 Posts: 39
edited May 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
oh man.

i waited in line @ the Tower Records in NYC for like almost 2 days fighting the ignorant scalpers, the cold wind, and weird passerby but it was WORTH it!!

plus we got to buy the new album for only $10.83 and some sweet PJ promo posters to boot!

Clive Davis from J Records came out right before midnight to say hello in person and hand everyone free Krispy Kreme doughnuts. yummy.

all in all, it was a tougher experience than waiting in line at the Borgata shows. no Line Nazi. no marking hands with Sharpies. only red wristbands and a honor code between your fellow Pearl Jam fans in line who knew you showed up when you said you did.

so much line cutting and scalpers getting each other under the police barricades they set up.

it pissed me off that those 40+ scalpers got tickets and some close friends in line missed the cutoff point by only 5-10 people!!

fucking scumbags. get a real job!

anyways, i am so glad i had my fellow diehard PJ fans in line with me. much credit goes to Deshaun for guiding me out of the New York City subways to Broadway & Lafeyette.

the real surprise besides a lovely ticket to Irving Plaza was the HUGE immigrant rights parade that happened there that Monday. Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton were marching with them right in the front.

some of the PJ fans expressed solidarity with the immigrant workers, but some were confused about recent events in Congress. the parade lasted a LONG time with colorful flags of the U.S. and other countries proudly displayed.

As a fellow Latino i got out of the Tower Records line for a little while and marched with the immigrants to show my support for them. good thing my friend held my place in line or i wouldn't have been able to get my Pearl Jam ticket.

i wonder how Eddie & the boys feel about immigrant reform in America?
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